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sorry ian I have to write this


I have known ian personally since july 2005 before that had met him through my occupation


the amount off crap and abuse that ian and his family has copped since he started this site would turn some off you fairies to jelly no water


As a board member it was all about what the members thought and wanted not what would be easy go with the old guard wanted (some are still their ) two off the old board that spoke to me personally wanted this site shut down and accused ian off brining the raa into disrepute because he would not comply with them


ian through this site has done more for raa safety than any off your so called experts could ever have as their are some on this site that do read and advise wisely off how to get advice


personal attacks on ians integrity through this site he like me and you are allowed to put his opinion up this site is not going to be run like raa were say something and you are given the be quite or we will bring charges off brining it in to disrepute


To me personally ians passion for your safe flying is beyond reproach allowing you to have your say to a degree were you want go with a forum


two names that have cropped up from a couple off years ago when ian was on the board had that been implemented then on what was being talked about may be CASA no CASA would not have had reason to audit raa


the insurance crap from years ago how was that found through this site how was currant insurance crap got out through questions being asked on this site


A deed of agreement has to be followed to the wording no ifs or butts or maybe


The constitution has to be followed to the wording no ifs or butts or maybe


integrity and an open mind I feel ian has in allowing all and sundry to use this site at a great cost to him mentally oh and money but when his opinion is question in the way in witch it was leaves me to wonder why ian even bothers neil


p/s rant over



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100% Neil, This site is about all flyers, not just the few precious ones who think they have the only opinion worth following. Dont let the negative, self seeking, comments of the .0002% of proclaimed self important members (hopefully ex members) of this site detract from this wonderful resource. supported by the other 99.0098%. May you go from strength to strength. This site is a valuable resource that enhances the safety and knowledge of all of us, more so than the "big brother site" that seems to stagger from poor to abysmal.Where else can many of the basic recreational flyers go for advice and a chat if not to this site. Nil carborundum Ian, (dont let the Bas..ds grind you down).



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Chill out a bit folks. There's supposed to be a parallel path concept out there somewhere. I'd like a bit of choice at the end of the day. I've been generally supportive of the RAAus, but can I honestly say I'm SURE it's all going to be satisfactory and that the "government " will allow diverse opinion and be responsive to the needs of Pilots. or will it just fit in with the all controlling, chaotic CASA, that can't even run itself?. Run By Lawyers...


WE ARE PILOTS for better or worse, and My experience over the years is that ONLY pilots really know what flying is about. They are not easy to manage or even put up with sometimes, but that's the way it is.


Those who build planes or run Aero Clubs, make all the rules, aren't necessarily PILOTS, so I want to think that their wishes will be listened to in OUR organisation, not just take what is dished out and be thankful for whatever it is. There is no need for some split over this. We are open to VH, HGFA, SAAA. Other world organisations and some extra "input" is not illegal or necessarily bad. It's not "Our way or the Highway". It can EARN it's acclaim not demand it. Nev



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I didn`t know there was such a group as the, ELAAA, until I read it in the posts,on here! Now I understand a bit more about the motive behind all the bitching that`s been going on, by some of the posters here.


Franco (Frank) AUF/ RA-Aus. Member 993



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SDQDI... Perhaps you might elaborate on your caution, and provide some more input. Nev

I guess you were referring to this thread Nev and this post?


? I can't seem to quote myself, it seems my post is waiting mod approval so maybe that is why?


I prefer not to take sides Nev and was only trying to keep it a civil conversation, I guess I came across a bit abrupt. I can understand Ian getting upset (and I don't know the whole picture) but the site owner telling people to f off is a bad look even though it is his site. I won't be entering into any RAA vs Elaaa arguments as I have only been RAA for 5 or so years so I don't know all the ins and outs and am happy to keep a watch out for both of their performance going forward and judge them accordingly.



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No, there must be some confusion. My reference was to Landing flare. Don't worry. You have other concerns more pressing.


I'm not involved with any new body but I think people shouldn't get too worked up and have older and sometimes very long, relationships jeopardised by rapid judgements. We are ALL aviation people sharing the same sky and other facilities. Nev



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Any new entitry or product, hoping to suceed, needs to prove itself and deserves latitude to do so.


However very few long term sucesses are made purely by undermining existing structures.


The point being in this case that ELAAA? Should concentrate on getting going and performing well NOT by running down RAA.


Be careful as you are building a new glass house and there will be issues for sure.


Members who jump accross, are going to be just as quick to leave.


There has been good apparant bridge building between RAA, SAAA and Others which has to be good for recreational aviation. A new one determined to act antagonistically towards others is unlikely to help in the pushback on regulators. Divisions make it so much easier for casa to stand back and do nothing tangible and claim they consulted everyone



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If this goes much further then I am off this site forever. I have been grateful to Ian for the work he has done but sabotaging RA AUS (and that's what it seems has been happening) is the end for me.

Do you carry on like this when ford or holden release a new model? Time for a little adult behaviour people.



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Do you carry on like this when ford or holden release a new model? Time for a little adult behaviour people.

I do believe that a poster on a car forum who favoured Ford over Holden or via versa, would not be told to F off



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But when you accuse the site owner and provider of this resource of sabotaging the RAAus in favor of something else, even though the opposite was explicitly stated then YES, why should someone work hard and spend all his money to give you something to help you and then you turn around and accuse him, that is the lowest you can get, and you said you would go so as I said Bye bye, I shouldn't have to take those kind of accusations



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I do believe that a poster on a car forum who favoured Ford over Holden or via versa, would not be told to F off

Maybe if the criticism is aimed in the correct manner and an appreciation taken of the hard work, sweat and tears given by the owner of the site is taken into account then the result may have been better, but what is seen as a a dismissive attack on him then the reply you got, I feel, is appropriate in the circumstances. If you dont like it, pack up your bat and ball and depart. Your choice.



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But when you accuse the site owner and provider of this resource of sabotaging the RAAus in favor of something else, even though the opposite was explicitly stated then YES, why should someone work hard and spend all his money to give you something to help you and then you turn around and accuse him, that is the lowest you can get, and you said you would go so as I said Bye bye, I shouldn't have to take those kind of accusations

ummm I did not make those accusations! Please provide a quote. I said "me too" as you know from the private message I sent you (maybe you have not read it yet, as you haven't responded). My "me too", was referring to IF this site only represented one side then there was little point in people who share my opinion continuing the conversation. that is all!!!!



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Maybe if the criticism is aimed in the correct manner and an appreciation taken of the hard work, sweat and tears given by the owner of the site is taken into account then the result may have been better, but what is seen as a a dismissive attack on him then the reply you got, I feel, is appropriate in the circumstances. If you dont like it, pack up your bat and ball and depart. Your choice.

Please show me where I have accused the owner of this site of ANYTHING



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Please show me where I have accused the owner of this site of ANYTHING

Stop playing semantics, you said to include you in the previous post from PMcCarthy, so by inferrence you agreed and endorsed his comment.



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Stop playing semantics, you said to include you in the previous post from PMcCarthy, so by inferrence you agreed and endorsed his comment.

If I inferred that then I stand corrected BUT I meant that as I said before IF IF IF this site becomes aligned to one side then it is not worth the other side being involved. If I gave any other impression then I humbly apologize. But again I ask if can you find a quote where I have attacked a person rather than an idea. I usually take great care to avoid personal attacks. Do you really think my "me too" deserves a "F off"?.



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Please show me where I have accused the owner of this site of ANYTHING

thoseAnd I would ask the above author to show me where in these forums anyone claiming fame to the ELAAA has been attempting to undermine RAA. Individuals are entitled to voice their opinions but it should be remembered that the opinion of the non associated individual is not necessarily the opinion of an organization.



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thoseAnd I would ask the above author to show me where in these forums anyone claiming fame to the ELAAA has been attempting to undermine RAA. Individuals are entitled to voice their opinions but it should be remembered that the opinion of the non associated individual is not necessarily the opinion of an organization.

have I ever suggested that! I could be wrong but I don't think I have. I do not believe I have ever used the word undermined or sabotaged. Again my "me too' referred to it not being worth sticking around if this site became one sided. If I gave anything other than that impression then I AGAIN apologize. Can I draw your attention to a previous post of mine message#113


"Although I am coming from a sceptical and perhaps negative perspective I am open to any sales pitch as long as it provides accurate information about how it will operate and what the benefits would be".


If think you may be misjudging me



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