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The Never Ending Story


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...cheek. high_5.gif.cc7125176baf9f1b72beeb0e52a68cb7.gif


"Oh look! a village people!" :ecstatic:exclaimed the lady from next door. "Where's your indian friend and the policeman and construction worker??


BigLes was hardly impressed. :patch: His grand return to the NES had been upstaged by his wardrobe, :Disappointed: and a cold and frost encrusted melaleuka sapling that had whipped him on the butt as he charged past.....




Surely all the new smilies will draw MissingPete back to the NES....



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Surely all the new smilies will draw MissingPete back to the NES....


Maybe Missing Pete is not missing after all and is one of those people who like to watch:peepwall:



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"VKG for a car to circulate area around Casa le Rat. Receiving calls about a someone in Cammo uniform stalking a noisey dude wearing leather chaps and singing old seventies disco songs" :scratch head:.


Overhearing the police truck radio, NowYouSeeMeNowYouDon'tPete drew on his Tunnelmouse training and stealthily blended in with the red gums and bracken along the river.........and waited..... 039_private_eyes.gif.707d2b71af6ed28aa3f848545036e2e0.gif





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"VKG for a car to circulate area around Casa le Rat. Receiving calls about a someone in Cammo uniform stalking a noisey dude wearing leather chaps and singing old seventies disco songs" :scratch head:.

Overhearing the police truck radio, NowYouSeeMeNowYouDon'tPete drew on his Tunnelmouse training and stealthily blended in with the red gums and bracken along the river.........and waited..... 039_private_eyes.gif.707d2b71af6ed28aa3f848545036e2e0.gif



"SSSShhhhhhhh" whispered TunnellmousePete (:man flying:) "Be vewwy vewwy kwiet ....... listen ...... and you can hear the faint sound of a hammer striking a cold chisel ..... so The Planner must have made it home to work on his Evan Rude (or he is practicing on one in the boatshop in Albury)."


"And now" added PolicemanPete "We need to find out who has knocked off "The Rock", as reported by El Gwapo (075_amazon.gif.cc281e7fdd81ad4a6f72dd47b08e516f.gif) when he rode north to freedom earlier this week"


"Maybe it has just been misplaced" responded Goldie-Locks (064_contract.gif.3261f552b39a970d49a85d67cbf634f0.gif) (who always sees the good side of everyone & everything (:pc strikes back:)) "And it will .........


Kind regards from The Rat (:csm:)



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Turbo had been quietly tooling through countryside NSW and north east Victoria noting how much of his taxes had been used to develop the vibrant industries and latte houses where the nouveau riche talked the day away.


The frenzy of NES activity had quite overcome him and he didn't quite know who to quote first.


He'd become lost for several minutes trying to get out of Compoundo del Ratt and finished up at a sign saying Wagga Beach (He wondered if there would be lifesavers), but managed to find his way back to Bayliss St, and was having a bit of fun jumping the speed humps in the 4WD when he saw it......


The paddy wagon was parked, lights flashing with one wheel up on the kerb.


Yesterday's weight lifting femalecop and a skinny male colleague had some mother's son bailed up.


The male cop was down on his hands and knees on the pavement, and Turbo couldn't quite work out what was happening, but enough was enough - he was going to set the youth free by taking over the role of decoy as he did many times in his youth with the big V8 and skinny tyres that had cops racing for their car, radio and guns.


He floored the Nissan, but he hadn't counted on big fat tyres, small diesel engine and worst of all, limited slip diff.


There was a kind of squawk, but nothing else and the cops didn't even lift their heads, so Turbo slunk off along the Olympic Highway, built at the time of the Melbourne Olympics and showing it.


There's been some interesting speculation over BigPete's whereabouts and through sheer coincidence Turbo can clear this up, confirming that Pete has reverted to his Tunnelrat days, and he's the one who has been selling The Rock to the Chinese, bit by bit.


You can quite easily see in this photo of The Rock where he has been gouging the mountain away.


Lovak: "It's I's began to budge"


That's nothing, you should have seen it when it crossed its T's.


How embarrassing, we've all heard of a horses hoof, but how are the Jab owners going to cope with the new revelation that they are flying an aircraft made of cows' hooves?...........





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Turbo had been quietly tooling through countryside NSW and north east Victoria noting how much of his taxes had been used to develop the vibrant industries and latte houses where the nouveau riche talked the day away.

The frenzy of NES activity had quite overcome him and he didn't quite know who to quote first.


He'd become lost for several minutes trying to get out of Compoundo del Ratt and finished up at a sign saying Wagga Beach (He wondered if there would be lifesavers), but managed to find his way back to Bayliss St, and was having a bit of fun jumping the speed humps in the 4WD when he saw it......


The paddy wagon was parked, lights flashing with one wheel up on the curb.


Yesterday's weight lifting femalecop and a skinny male colleague had some mother's son bailed up.


The male cop was down on his hands and knees on the pavement, and Turbo couldn't quite work out what was happening, but enough was enough - he was going to set the youth free by taking over the role of decoy as he did many times in his youth with the big V8 and skinny tyres that had cops racing for their car, radio and guns.


He floored the Nissan, but he hadn's counted on big fat tyres, small diesel engine and worst of all limited slip diff.


There was a kind of squawk, but nothing else and the cops didn't even lift their heads, so Turbo slunk off along the Olympic Highway, built at the time of the Melbourne Olympics and showing it.


There's been some interesting speculation over BigPete's whereabouts and through sheer coincidence Turbo can clear this up, confirming that Pete has reverted to his Tunnelrat days, and he's the one who has been selling The Rock to the Chinese, bit by bit.


You can quite easily see in this photo of The Rock where he has been gouging the mountain away.


Lovak: "It's I's began to budge"


That's nothing, you should have seen it when it crossed its T's.


How embarrassing, we've all heard of a horses hoof, but how are the Jab owners going to cope with the new revelation that they are flying an aircraft made of cows' hooves?...........


There has been a lot of guffawing going on at the Wagga Copshop lately.


"We saw an old victorian bloke trying to do a burnout in a diesel Patrol" said a well known female constable.


"Tee Hee and guffaw" said the rest of them at a station briefing.


And it is now obvious from Tink's photo that MinerPete is extracting ore from his tunnels below "The Rock" as "The Lion of the Plains" is obviously sinking, because previoiusly it would always stick out thru the top of that cloud in the tinkograph attached to his last post.


"We'll have to .................


El Ratto :csm:



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"......have another party at Casa Le Rat" said Turbo to Lovaks


"It's a pity he was away and couldn't see what we really got up to" said Lovaks


Midway through the evening, with entertainment short on the ground in Wagga Wagga after dark, Turbo had rounded up a group which was staying at the Casa and invited them in to the conference centre, raiding every bar fridge in the place for alcohol.


Here's a video of the performance Lovaks and Turbo put on for ratto's paying guests.... hope they come back again......


Ah... seems we have a technical problem... will get back to you....


......sorry Ratto, it appears this video can't be shown for technical reasons, but I guess wqe've got your imagination going if nothing else....



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Lovaks, have a vague memory of climbing up a downpipe out the back about 3 am to put up the Czech flag you brought over - did you take it down? If not can you get in unobserved and push the downpipe back into place - I don't think the brackets were designed to take my weight.



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Scurrying quickly to the pool area, and with the sound of recently destroyed furniture crunching underfoot (underfeet?), el Ratto inspected his establishment's roof plumbing.


"If that pair of idiots have buggered my drainpipe, :dog:I'll be fair up 'em!" he cursed....




Having noticed that a little green croupier shaking dice (:csm:) is el Rat's new mascot...Does this mean that planning is underway for Casino de Rat? :ilmostro: smoking.gif.70714ab58d76458bd80855b8554c2975.gif



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Ditdot had so much to do today, but still got so involved in watching Mclocks video that the whole morning go swallowed up, and I still ain't got nothing done!


Actually I did achieve one thing! that video (I would encourage everyone to watch it) has 1 hundred & 7 enty 8 thousand and 4 ty 8 characters in it! Quite a work of art really...:thumb_up:





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Having noticed that a little green croupier shaking dice (:csm:) is el Rat's new mascot...Does this mean that planning is underway for Casino de Rat? :ilmostro: smoking.gif.70714ab58d76458bd80855b8554c2975.gif

No, I heard Ratsy was so excited about building the new brasserie, that he's decided to start early promotion for a new w*nkery.....



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"If that pair of idiots have buggered my drainpipe, :dog:I'll be fair up 'em!" he cursed....===============


Having noticed that a little green croupier shaking dice (:csm:) is el Rat's new mascot...Does this mean that planning is underway for Casino de Rat? :ilmostro: smoking.gif.70714ab58d76458bd80855b8554c2975.gif

"Now here is a lesson in life's rich tappestry for any of you young forum members" squeaked the Rat. "What may be just a lump of downpipe to some, and a means of gaining access to a maiden's boudoire (perhaps also with a lump?) for others, is a home to El Ratto, (who is like a rodent up one)".


So, dear reader, after the Rat had provided the Turbo-Plunger with one of his best rooms at a loss making concessional price (which is sure to allow the Plunger to claim a normal room rate back from his Japanese masters), the Plungerer morphed into a Plunderer, had his way with several local ladies and their Truckie husbands, and spent the night talking RAA & rivets with the war criminal Lockie and his band of Serbian body guards 039_private_eyes.gif.707d2b71af6ed28aa3f848545036e2e0.gif ............. and to make matters worse, the Turbothingy then took his TurboNissan cruising up the main street and attempted to jump the pedestrian crossings and to chuck a few doughnuts.


The fine people of Wagga have never been so insulted.


"Some planner" said the local LAC commander "Even little kids around here know what a TurboPatrol will do, and speed + wheelspin ain't 2 of 'em. It'd be laughed out of court if we had arrested him, so we just let him drift back across the border and pick on the fine people of Wangaratta. But we did check him out and he has several intel reports for CCF (Cold Chisel Fetish)" :finger:


So all was well and ..................


Kind regards from El Ratto :csm:



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So all was well and ..........

......Mouseland returned to normal, much the poorer after the whirlwind which was Turbo had departed the scene giving one last radar unit the bird on the way home thanks to a timely warning from a kindly truckie.


He'll return though, the curiosity is just too much to see another nearby location - Wog Wog, which came up in his GPS ahead of Wagga Wagga every time.


He wondered who might live in this little town, and whether it was founded before Wagga Wagga, Grong Grong, Mitta Mitta and Woy Woy.


Someone certainly had a speech impediment in NSW.


He got to the bottom of the disastrous situation in Wangaratta, where Joe Drage's lifetime collection of historic aircraft had been sold by the Wangaratta Council, which had also managed to get rid of it's harness racing facility and a number of other unwanted things


He was rather depressed until he saw a notice about an air show at Dalby.


At first he thought it was just ditDot announcing he was going up for another attempt at flying a Jabiru, but then he realised it was something bigger........



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......He'll return though, the curiosity is just too much to see another nearby location - Wog Wog, which came up in his GPS ahead of Wagga Wagga every time.

He wondered who might live in this little town, and whether it was founded before Wagga Wagga, Grong Grong, Mitta Mitta and Woy Woy.......

Perhaps that is where the Ahlovakian's hit squad and body guards live?


And by the way-ski said on of them "Some body?. Fancy coming all this way just to guard THAT ..... " he sneered.


Then it dawnwd on Turbs. The Dalby Fly-In is in late 2010 and he wondered whether he and the Rat would make it that long.


"Maybe we'll ..........................



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Then it dawnwd on Turbs. The Dalby Fly-In is in late 2010 and he wondered whether he and the Rat would make it that long.

"Maybe we'll ..........................

"....just get you to come down and do a few circuits in a Jab" said Turbo to Tomo, "you can use the Rat's Jab", but Ratto shot him a rodentious glance that was so withering, he began to shake at the realisation that Ratto would probably find out he'd pinched all the complimentary sweets from Ratto's little Cherub statue in the foyer of Rodent Hall.


All in all he thought he might give Wagga a miss until things quietened down.


A friend had phoned from Wagga after reading his post and said for the first few weeks when he moved up there he thought the town had some type of Town Hall bell, but the chimes went off at all times and he now realised it was the sound of local tourists hitting the front wall of the paddy wagon as Wagga's own Mrs Doubtfire flung them in.....



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......Mouseland returned to normal, much the poorer after the whirlwind which was Turbo had departed the scene giving one last radar unit the bird on the way home thanks to a timely warning from a kindly truckie.

He'll return though, the curiosity is just too much to see another nearby location - Wog Wog, which came up in his GPS ahead of Wagga Wagga every time.


He wondered who might live in this little town, and whether it was founded before Wagga Wagga, Grong Grong, Mitta Mitta and Woy Woy.


Someone certainly had a speech impediment in NSW.


He got to the bottom of the disastrous situation in Wangaratta, where Joe Drage's lifetime collection of historic aircraft had been sold by the Wangaratta Council, which had also managed to get rid of it's harness racing facility and a number of other unwanted things


He was rather depressed until he saw a notice about an air show at Dalby.


At first he thought it was just ditDot announcing he was going up for another attempt at flying a Jabiru, but then he realised it was something bigger........

I don't think they have a speech impediment Tubz, just a very limited vocabulary, that's why they have to just use the same word again again!:confused:


You've inspired me to right another trip report Tublet... keep an eye out for it:big_grin:


Yeah get ready for the BIGGEST Wing's and (those round thingy's!) Spectacular in the SE corner of the Land of the Queen.... Bring it on....!:drums:



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ditDot decided to give Wide Bay a Wide Berth, and started preparing for the Dalby Air Show 2010, apparently leaving himslef plenty of time for phone calls etc.


They wanted the big jets here and a survey showed two small hills off the end of the strip, which was 600 feet long.


Now ditDoty wasn't really up on his hometown history, but Dalby was once famous for a ram whose prized possessions were tywo of the biggest in the world.


In fact the Queenslanders had said, in the 1800's when there weren't too many cameras around to confuse things, that when they buried the ram it took ten thousand men to carry one of them.


Southerners always discounted the story as typical Queenslander exaggeration which they apparehntly got up to all the time because there was nothing else to do.


There was a poem about the Dalby ram taught in southern country schools, but the teacher always say that it was just pure Queenslander fancy.


However, Turbo found out the truth in a rather roundabout way on a trip through Arizona once when he called into a Roswell Gas Station to fill up, and was greeted by a small man with big almond shape eyes, no nose and his ears burnt off.


"Ever seen a Martian?" he asked, and Turbo, wise from many cryptic questions from the Captain, where a wrong answer spelt certain embarrassment quickly responded with: "Am I looking at one?" to which the other replied "Yes"


Turbo bought him a beer and they had a long talk with Turbo eventually telling the Martian that he came from Australia.


"Remember the Martian face? " said the Martian and Turbvo admitted that he'd studied the matter.


"Well we had a similar situation we called the Earth's balls", said the Martian, and Turbo explained the old poem, leaving out a lot of the Queensland exaggerations about being able to buy X Ray sunglasses for fiftenn bucks and so on.


"How did you get here? " asked Turbo.


"Well" said the Martian "It all started when we thought the people who were warning us about global warming were just nuts, but soon it got hotter and hotter.


"I had several skin cancer operations which eventually took my nose, ears and eyelids, and life was really difficult until we all ran out of petrol and couldn't drive to the supermarket any more.


"People were dying of starvation, but I had a mate called Morse who said he'd found a way of communicating with earth, using a system of dots, which went quite well but he couldn't understand the replies becaise just when the dots got going, the guy left hi finger on the key and the sentences became unintelligible". (There's no proof readers, but the likely culprit lives a bit further out than Toowoomba).


"Anyway, we couldn't understand a thing he said", continued the Martian, "but we figured they were friendly and Morse had built this Recreational rocket.


"I'd wanted to sent a monkey up first but we didn't have any on Mars, so off we went taking two of the neighbours with us.


"We ran out of gas just over Flagstaff and coasted in to this desert area near Roswell, and would have been OK except Morse held off too long and we stalled in, waking up a local farmer, who coujldn't dob us in to the Air Force quickly enough...... and the rest is history."


Anyway ditDot dodn't know any of this, and a couple of centuries had decayed the giant organs to the point where test drilling indicated they could just be graded away.


Now in the old days they would have just coupled two Versatile Tractors together to pull the discs over the mounds to drag out the dirt, but instead they used 16 Feng Sheis, resplendent in their colours of bright green and orange........



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ditDot decided to give Wide Bay a Wide Berth, and started preparing for the Dalby Air Show 2010, apparently leaving himslef plenty of time for phone calls etc.

They wanted the big jets here and a survey showed two small hills off the end of the strip, which was 600 feet long.


Now ditDoty wasn't really up on his hometown history, but Dalby was once famous for a ram whose prized possessions were tywo of the biggest in the world.


In fact the Queenslanders had said, in the 1800's when there weren't too many cameras around to confuse things, that when they buried the ram it took ten thousand men to carry one of them.


Southerners always discounted the story as typical Queenslander exaggeration which they apparehntly got up to all the time because there was nothing else to do.


There was a poem about the Dalby ram taught in southern country schools, but the teacher always say that it was just pure Queenslander fancy.


However, Turbo found out the truth in a rather roundabout way on a trip through Arizona once when he called into a Roswell Gas Station to fill up, and was greeted by a small man with big almond shape eyes, no nose and his ears burnt off.


"Ever seen a Martian?" he asked, and Turbo, wise from many cryptic questions from the Captain, where a wrong answer spelt certain embarrassment quickly responded with: "Am I looking at one?" to which the other replied "Yes"


Turbo bought him a beer and they had a long talk with Turbo eventually telling the Martian that he came from Australia.


"Remember the Martian face? " said the Martian and Turbvo admitted that he'd studied the matter.


"Well we had a similar situation we called the Earth's balls", said the Martian, and Turbo explained the old poem, leaving out a lot of the Queensland exaggerations about being able to buy X Ray sunglasses for fiftenn bucks and so on.


"How did you get here? " asked Turbo.


"Well" said the Martian "It all started when we thought the people who were warning us about global warming were just nuts, but soon it got hotter and hotter.


"I had several skin cancer operations which eventually took my nose, ears and eyelids, and life was really difficult until we all ran out of petrol and couldn't drive to the supermarket any more.


"People were dying of starvation, but I had a mate called Morse who said he'd found a way of communicating with earth, using a system of dots, which went quite well but he couldn't understand the replies becaise just when the dots got going, the guy left hi finger on the key and the sentences became unintelligible". (There's no proof readers, but the likely culprit lives a bit further out than Toowoomba).


"Anyway, we couldn't understand a thing he said", continued the Martian, "but we figured they were friendly and Morse had built this Recreational rocket.


"I'd wanted to sent a monkey up first but we didn't have any on Mars, so off we went taking two of the neighbours with us.


"We ran out of gas just over Flagstaff and coasted in to this desert area near Roswell, and would have been OK except Morse held off too long and we stalled in, waking up a local farmer, who coujldn't dob us in to the Air Force quickly enough...... and the rest is history."


Anyway ditDot dodn't know any of this, and a couple of centuries had decayed the giant organs to the point where test drilling indicated they could just be graded away.


Now in the old days they would have just coupled two Versatile Tractors together to pull the discs over the mounds to drag out the dirt, but instead they used 16 Feng Sheis, resplendent in their colours of bright green and orange........



Ohhh nuts ..... unlike many/most/all [strike out those that do not apply] of my previous posts, I thought up lots of humorous anecdates up near para 4 or 5, to respond to this post by the Turbowriter, which would have resulted in side splitting laughter and several coronaries by our older readers, but by the time I got down to para 20 I had forgotten 'em .............


....... "so I'll see your 16 Feng Sheis and raise you 4 Dali Sheis, a couple of loose rivets and a disused Holden Commode barrel" said Radavan as he .......



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....... "so I'll see your 16 Feng Sheis and raise you 4 Dali Sheis, a couple of loose rivets and a disused Holden Commode barrel" said Radavan as he .......

......skipped down Bayliss St looking for Ms Doubtfire, so he could yell a couple of taunts and run for the Sportstar.


Meanwhile, (and yes Decca, I'll get off this nonsense and work out the Performance and Operations questions) ditDot had been given his yellow jacket and badge saying "Marshell" and was supervising the grading of Ram Hills.


Work stopped when it was realised that even after being buried since 1873, the ram was intact, so to speak(and provide an opportunity for L'Rat).


So off he went to the Knackery, but thinking it might be possible to clone another ram, took off for the Quackery, then after being told there was no chance, figured he had the BBQ supplies in hand, so went down the street to the Butchery and made arrangements to cut up the members for what would certainly be a memorable luncheon.


He then walked across to the Haberdashery, where there was a young girl who was more haber than dashery.


He'd been trying to get her to measure his inside leg for some time, and after he told her about the morning's activities, finally succeeded in getting her into the fitting room (country girls are like that - you should try it sometime).


They'd been there for some time when in walked old Mrs McDonald, to pick up a hat she was having repaired.


Hearing scuffling from out the back, and suspecting a rat, she hefted her gidgee walking stick, flung back the curtains, and reeled in horror at what she first thought to be an eight legged monster insect writhing on the carpet.......



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......So with 2000 horses strapped to the back, and only one Turbo at the wheel... he was having trouble keeping them all in line............




Ps. wouldn't that drive ya banana's starting all them things!031_loopy.gif.791dd61f4721144544bc840fb53eec3f.gif



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