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737 Max 9 loses door in flight

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But with so much international attention,

all seems to have been forgiven!




Edited by Garfly
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It goes back even further than 20 years. Our own SBS dateline created a documentary in 2011  entitled "Problems with Boeing 737 Next Generation with structural dangers". This was way before the Max version. The whistleblowers were all sacked by Boeing. It starkly exposes Boeings "profit culture". It is well worth watching if you have a spare 33 minutes. Incidentally the doco is banned in the USA.


Check it out.



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23 hours ago, kgwilson said:

It goes back even further than 20 years. Our own SBS dateline created a documentary in 2011  entitled "Problems with Boeing 737 Next Generation with structural dangers". This was way before the Max version. The whistleblowers were all sacked by Boeing. It starkly exposes Boeings "profit culture". It is well worth watching if you have a spare 33 minutes. Incidentally the doco is banned in the USA.


Check it out.



What an enlightening documentary, I'm gobsmacked.

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The fact that the doco was banned in the US says a lot about the parochial nature of the US, money and the ties between huge corporations and government.

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At the end of the day. Money is GOD. It's just a bit more obvious in the USA.. "Baby" Bush called it "the American way of life". Iraq is not about OIL. Murdoch said it will be "almost FREE" when this(war) is over and such terms as "THEY are sitting on OUR Oil.".   Nev 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well that is one terrible quality management system that does not require the bolts to be inspected when the door is opened and then closed again. It can't be opened without removing the bolts so it is obviously easy to not put them back in place.


Since the incident Alaska has found many loose bolts & so far has only inspected 40 aircraft out of 171 & are waiting for FAA to release the others. For what reason they have not said & no-one seems to know when this will happen. In the meantime Boeing are having a quality management day with all staff. What that will achieve when their quality management systems are clearly poor in this instance is virtually nothing except put some publicity out that they are doing something. The buck still stops with Calhoun, one of the main architects of the cost based philosophy over quality and engineering.



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It has now been confirmed that Boeing staff in Renton Washington improperly re-installed the door plug that blew out which at least exonerates the actual manufacturers of the fuselage Spirit AeroSystems of Wichita Kansas. Calhoun will have his henchmen looking hard for the Boeing Whistle blower who has leaked this to the press but I think this time they will be hard pressed to smooth it over and not fire the person or at lease pay him/her out a healthy severance package. Even then they have a lot of fixing to do.



Edited by kgwilson
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