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Everything posted by Bosi72

  1. Just to add, if you fly faster, the distance decreases. If you fly slower, the distance also decreases..
  2. Ersa is the place to look (and decode textual information into maps ). IFR waypoints won't work in Naips if you are submitting VFR flight plan.
  3. I aborted once a takeoff as the engine developed less than 2000rpm in the t/o roll. Then the 2nd mags check on the ground confirmed fouling which was cleared with high rpm's and leaned rich of peak for a short period of time. Since then, I agressively lean the engine from the moment the engine is started until takeoff, then lean again in the cruise, and before landing. New sparkplugs helped a lot!
  4. 1. Don't give up! 2. Do your best, prepare, study and pass the theory first. Question everything. Instructors are humans too! Nothing wrong to learn from others! 3. Most importantly, e n j o y!
  5. Well done! Any hints from the instructor how far from the end of syllabus (or a ticket) ? any further plans? Did you buy a bird? I've got the feeling of being a "real pilot" after my 2nd solo Nav, ~260nm+3 landings in 2.6hrs incl. refuelling. Great boost of self-confidence. A feeling that I can do anything.. Great feeling! Cheers
  6. For spin recovery use acronym PARE P power idle A ailerons neutral R rudder opposite E elevators forward Do it with spin rated instructor in spin rated aircraft. Have fun 🙂
  7. Choosing an emergency landing spot is always a challenge and whilst survival chances may be greater when landing on some flat farmland, there were a number of occasions when I have been surprised with powerlines, large rocks or other obstacles suddenly appearing in front of me during simulated engine failure into an otherwise "perfect" landing spot. Regarding tiger country, there are plenty 4wd tracks are on the ground. Choosing between treetops (or fallen snow gums) and a 4wd track, I would choose a 4wd track. The chances of avoiding direct hit into a tree are higher, ie. wings would absorb most of impact energy, as opposed to a direct nose hit. This also makes rescue ops much easier. If you are licenced/recent/IMSAFE, your aircraft cleared/checked/MR, all you can do is do your best with planning, preparations and flight will be enjoyable.
  8. For some reason photos didn't came through... Need to figure out how to upload photos. Is there an administrator on this page who can delete my previous post so that I can post new one with the photos? Thanks
  9. earlier this week... Overflying Victorian High Country In my previous life before PPL, nearly every weekend was spent in Victoria's High country in the triangle between Melbourne, Wangaratta and Bairnsdale, either bush camping with family and friends or Amateur radio expeditions or deer hunting or any of my 100 other hobbies 🙂 The time has come to see the beautiful country from the above. Last Monday the weather forecast was looking very promising with a large high pressure system over Victoria, so why not go bush flying ? I already have more than 50 flight plans in my EFB created during Covid times, so I quickly pulled out the "Bush" plan and started "fine tuning" the plan. Pre-planning included obtaining NAIPS weather forecasts GAF, GWPT, status of restricted area R359E, frequencies along the route, surveying landing areas, re-checking W&B, Take-off /Landing charts and Fuel calculations. Finally submitting a plan via NAIPS portal. Preparation also included testing PLB, Sat Phone, UHF CB radio, Topographic maps, First aid kit, food rations and water. Two Milo bars are only for desert 😊 The plan was to climb to 3500ft to Cardinia reservoir (CARE), then climb 5500ft to Jessop (Y0BU), climb to 7500ft to Snowy Range (Y0M6). Then "oblique U-turn" towards Mansfield (YMFD) descending to 6500ft, Alexandra (YAXA), Glenburn (GBR) at 4500ft, Lilydale (YLIL) at 2500ft, Narre Warren (NRW) and back to Tyabb. As usual, detailed pre-flight inspection, full oil 8qts and full fuel 140lit, runup checks passed, time to fly 🙂 Not long after Cardinia I realised 5500ft might be low, I requested MLCEN for Flight plan amendment, to climb at 7500ft over the mountains and also confirmed the status of Restricted Area R359E. Flight was amazing, great views whilst listening comms on MLCEN and performing regular CLEAROF checklist. I spotted a big bird around Matlock at 8000ft. I also recognised Warburton, Upper Yarra reservoir, Woods Point, Licola, Arbuckle, Howitt plains, Mt Buller, Mansfield, Lake Eildon (lots of campers around lake), all those places where I bushwalked. Finally I recognised Melbourne features such as Bay, Mt Dandenong in the distance all way from Glenburn. I had mobile reception all the time, my Mrs called me when my portable ADSB-out disappeared from Flight Aware 🙂 This time the flight was only overflying all aerodromes, but the next one will be landing as soon as we return back to Covid-normal stage. Thank you for reading. Some technical data: Aircraft 1960 Cessna 172A 145hp 6cyl Continental o300c Oil 8qty Fuel 2x70lit, endurance 3hr 58min Trip Distance 224nm Time 2.6hrs Planned TAS 85kt (not rushing) Fuel consumed for the trip 55 lit, averaging 21 lit/hr vs. 34 lit/hr as per POH, Oil consumed 0.5qt I keep RPM's around the beginning of green 2200rpm, then lean CHT until Rich of Peak. If needed, more power is always available.
  10. For any income $ involvement in aviation, you will need a CPL. Regardless of how casual or how small aircraft, when flying people (sightseeing) you will need Medical Class 1. If mustering or cargo (no people), you may need Class2 depending on company policy. However CPL is required in both cases.
  11. Good thing about RVAC (and other schools) is they have 12 instructors available, meaning you don't have to switch to a different school if it doesn't "click". And yes, there will be moments/days when it's not clicking and you are not making any progress. There will be moments when you want to hang headsets, but every time when that happened, I said to myself - I'm not giving up, I am here to learn as no human is meant to fly. Talent in any profession is maybe 5-10%, 90-95% is work, very hard work. I don't think that one instructor should be for life, as we all learn from each other regardless of experience/age/rank... I have flown with 10 of them and learned a lot. They are all great and I strongly recommend all of them. To fly IFR in Australia you have to be either PPL or CPL, plus Instrument rated, which requires IREX theory exam and another 20hrs for Private IFR (GNSS), or 40hrs for Command IR (all 2D and 3D procedures). In addition to a pilot, an aircraft also has to be IFR rated depending on a category PVT/AWK/CHT/RPT. Not sure about RPC, but for RPL and PPL you do receive a basic instrument training with a hood during a course. This is in case you accidentally got into clouds, but still not rated. Wish me luck on Thursday 🙂
  12. Yes and no. Their latest 2 Slings are from 2017, however the rest are quite old, as same as many other GA schools elsewhere. Don't be misled by age of GA aircrafts. All these new generation aircrafts are made with cost savings in mind (same as cars, tv's, etc..), so whilst there are improvements, there are also corner cuts. You can find the latest glass cockpit aircrafts in CAE Oxford, but they only accept full-time students $$$. Pricing at RVAC is what you see on their website. Pick the aircraft for hire, then select Dual vfr. You can deduct $10 if you join the club. Training at every school is based on competency, so it doesn't mean you will get your licence after 25 hours prescribed by Casa as >minimum<. Regarding location, if your goal is aviation career, Moorabbin may be a better option due to exposure to controlled airspace, busy (hectic) environment, but you will be burning money on the ground whilst waiting for clearances. If your goal is recreation/hobby, then Lilydale, Tyabb, Tooradin may be a better option, providing driving to and back from aerodrome is not an issue. When I checked >dual< pricing last year, they were all similar for the same aircraft type, so I picked Moorabbin as closest to my home, and didn't regret at all. Cheers
  13. It is Tony Stark. He posted his home address the other day in Malibu 🙂
  14. You said it was Sunday.. Notam said Avgas not available on the weekends, so you drove to the nearest petrol station with jerry cans and filled with low quality unleaded 🙂 After the takeoff, you forgot to lean the mixture and got bottom spark plugs fouling.. If it's not the weather, then you're lucky to be alive 🙂 Cheers
  15. Pilot error - poor planning The GPWT is measured at the center of the grid and you've flown closer to the edges. To get more accurate winds, you would have to take average between neighboring and flight path grids. My 2c
  16. RVAC in Moorabbin instructors charges are $119 in all their single engine aircrafts, PA28s, Cessnas, Slings, etc...
  17. Look at FB marketplace, gumtree, ebay, people selling for half price.. You will need both vol 1&2 as questions from both volumes appear on the exam. Also you will need ersa, aip, e6b, ruler, protractor, maps/charts, however the key book is vfrg. Big law books such as cao, casr.. are useless unless you speak law language. Books such as aip,ersa,charts have an expiry date (May and November) so I suggest buying them either at beginning of May or November so that you have next 6 months to pass an exam. 1-2 hours every day over 3 months, balancing between family and work did the job for me. Pilotpracticeexams and bobtait exam preparation questions are helpful. Good luck
  18. 👍 another example that everything in Melbourne is expensive than elsewhere.. Cheers
  19. Can you please point me to the website or school which charges $220ph for DUAL lessons with instructor. Thanks
  20. Foxbat dual ~$320ph, C152 dual ~$350ph, Difference ~$30 Minimum 40hrs for PPL, so $30x40=$1200. * prices from learntofly and rvac websites.
  21. The importance of ASI and having a minimum safety speed is paramount. For example, how does it feel when driving a car and slowing down from 110kmh to 50kmh ? It feels like a walking pace, but 50kmh can kill. Similarly with aircraft immediately after the landing and let's say 35kts roll feels like slow and safe, but it is actually ~70kmh which can still kill. All above relates to our feelings based on ground speed. However an aircraft rarely flies ground speed as there's always some wind up, hence the feelings will be distorted even more. Personally, I always trust ASI more than "feelings". My safety speed is Vs0 x 1.4 Taking off with full flaps is a good test whether a wing will drop or stay level. Just make sure start retracting them on time and in stages. Safe landings!
  22. RPL without Nav endorsement alows you to fly 25nm between aerodrome and training area. Not sure if you can get Nav endorsement without radio, English and controlled airpsace endorsements? If I may ask approx. how much $ did it cost from lesson 1 to RPL(RPC) with all endorsements?
  23. I like watching his/their videos, lots of fun. Very sad to see the crash, but aircraft can be repaired/purchased, lives can not. Also kudos to sharing what happened and lessons learned from the accident.
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