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Everything posted by nomadpete

  1. It's raining too much to do any domestic infrastructure building. Glad to see you're off to a good aircraft start for the new year.
  2. Welcome to the snake pit. It's a great place to learn about flying, aircraft, politics, and all kinds of stuff.
  3. Best wishes to you and especially to Ma Emu. I think people heal more quickly at home than in hospitals. All the best for speedy recovery.
  4. Robinsm's. Shame on you! I suspect you just aren't taking this discussion seriously.
  5. Just creating a demand for new aircraft. Gotta keep the industry wheels a'turnin.
  6. Sorry Nobody. I drifted off topic again. Just didn't want to blame Greens and Lefties for all our world's problems. Was related to Robinsm's rant
  7. Another case illustrating the value of all recreational flying groups sticking together in an effort to get a collectively fair operational environment. We would do well to join forces with the likes of GFA
  8. Step one to the solution. Cancel baby bonus. Introduce no child bonus. Reduce population growth. Overpopulation is a root cause of the other problems. The illusion of eternal growth is just a form of pyramid selling economy. Improve world education levels instead of bombing the baddies. Encourage birth control world wide.
  9. That won't cover the fuel cost. I'd still worry.
  10. Well you can't expect virgins to be experts.......
  11. I'd be a bit cautious, Bex. Some of Their flights have been known to take a loooong time.
  12. I haven't been around Camden for many years so I can't offer any observations on it. However I am very interested in any anecdotal contributions. Like you, I suspect that the human plague must be affecting local weather. Loss of trees combined with hard surfaces has already been shown in other places to aggravate flooding due to instant runoff of rain.
  13. Sadly missed by all of us, especially by Lightwing pilots.
  14. Sorry, Frank. I didn't mean to be a wet blanket. Drifters are great! Love your regular contributions.
  15. I think Reschs DA stood officially for "dinner ale"? Can't imagine anybody willingly spoiling a meal with the stuff. It turned me off beer so much that I started drinking wine. Even considering the average 'quality' of Aussie wine in those days. And back then any bloke caught drinkin plonk was automatically branded 'poof' and risked a beating for it. Thankfully our 'culture' and tolerance has improve a lot. So has our brewing.
  16. Probably Resches DA (we called it deadly awful).
  17. All the fun of intoxication without having to suffer putting another four ex in my mouth ever again. Or I could just switch to a nice glass of red.
  18. It'd be the only way to take some beers. Keep it as far away from my taste buds as possible.
  19. Aaah, I'm familiar with the old territorial grab. In my case, the light of my life suddenly took an interest in my shed building - suggested it would be really nice to insulate one end, and line with stained Tassie Oak t&g. And a skylight. I got suspicious when she marked out where to put the lighting, sink, and wood heater...... Now it seems there will be a dividing wall and door to keep my noise and paint fumes out of the 'she shed'. And I've lost half of my workspace. Anyway, Marty, you can give her the bit of shed with the leaky roof....... I note that your wood heater is moving to your work area
  20. Yeah, please stay away from the crocs. We want to see lots more drifter pics from you.
  21. Probably not any faster, maybe sooner!
  22. Dope? Nah, we don't use that stuff these days. It's all high tech volatile chemistry now. I've got a growing pile of empty tins outside the shed. And I gotta tell ya the stuff hasn't affairkted me at all at all. Mind you the up side of that is I haven't had to buy grog since I opened the first tin....... Must stock up on thinners for the Xmas party. Oh, I wonder why they label it "Retarder"?
  23. Too late ! I already got one of those (cringe) At least with fabric covering, I don't go to sleep counting rivets. - "Ten thousand and one, ten thousand and two.....zzzzz"
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