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Everything posted by FlyingVizsla

  1. Three decades ago, young pilots would cry on my shoulder about how either they couldn't find a girlfriend who liked their flying or their present squeeze was demanding they give it up. Amused me that they never saw me as an option, maybe they saw me as 'one of the lads'. The only "offer" I got was from the LAME who saw the advantage in a partner who flew and owned a plane (ie could position aircraft for free and he could pinch the occasional instrument). This probably explains why I never married until my mid 50's - to a widowed aircraft builder & pilot who had a lot less hours than I had. Trouble is, he insists on doing all the flying and his hours are steadily creeping up..... Sue
  2. Mr FV swears by oil sampling, but the way we do it is a waste of time. He was used to heavy machinery testing where the oil sample was analysed, compared with baselines, alerts were issued and advice on engine was routine. He didn't have to understand any of the chemical elements. We buy oil sampling kits through Caltex - about $43.50 which includes a replay paid satchel - and have about 4 floating around unused. He has done tests through Komatsu and Caltex. They all give readings for particles etc, but none give him any analysis. They are littered with "Unknown" "Diagnosis Not Applicable" "Interpretation not available" "refer results to an aircraft engineer" "results may not .. be acceptable" with blank graphs. He works on "tell 'em nothing, take 'en nowhere" and as a consequence they can't tell him anything. He relies on someone ringing him to alert him to a problem (as they did with heavy plant) but they won't, so he assumes everything is OK. Here's an example of an oil test. On the back are 6 blank graphs. 01081402.PDF
  3. The ABC report https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-05-17/man-dies-light-plane-crash-near-nsw-aero-club/12257052 A man has died in a light plane crash near an aero club near Maitland in the NSW Hunter Region. Police were called to a property in Windella, about 50 kilometres from Newcastle, after 10:15am following reports a plane had crashed in a backyard. The man, who is yet to be identified, was the single occupant of the aircraft. Officers have established a crime scene. It's unclear whether the plane crashed taking off or landing but the wreckage is believed to be close to the Royal Newcastle Aero Club.
  4. Opps! It is "AirNews" Forgot CASA's Flight Safety. The Winter edition is due out any day. They do love black ink and dark backgrounds.
  5. AOPA went digital and is no longer a magazine format. You have to be a member and log in to the website, then trawl through a few unconnected articles. Ben Morgan does AOPA Sport monthly (last one was Feb 2020) and quarterly Student Pilot (last one was July-Sept 2019) & AOPA Pilot (last one Feb 2020). The monthly is a bit hit or miss and arrives when it does .... Nothing like the old print magazine. Kitplanes is good. I get the print magazine delivered, but also have access to the digital, and they send me Kitplanes Weekly (usually a collection of new and old articles). EAA from the USA is good. I get the print magazine, and for $10 extra I signed up Mr FV to a digital edition (we swapped) I read it on-line, then the magazine turns up. I get the Australian Women Pilots Association "Airwaves" quarterly - a members' magazine. These are the best of the print magazines.
  6. Older people staying at home would have a good idea of who (if any) visited them. The app is more use with mobile younger people who may be quite vague about who and where they have been over the past week.
  7. Here's the announcement from EAA We Don’t Gamble, We Need A Sure Thing AirVenture 2020 is officially canceled My fellow EAA’rs. It is May here in Wisconsin, and unfortunately like many of you across the country, we are still under a stay at home order through May 26. Normally, this is the month when we start our preflight planning for EAA AirVenture Oshkosh. By this time, we should have begun ramping up our entire site in preparation for our July convention. Volunteers from across the country and world would have descended on Oshkosh. Together they would have formed work parties, our suppliers would begin start setting up tents and infrastructure. Our EAA staff would be printing wrist bands, campers guides, programs and an assortment of EAA collateral as full-on AirVenture execution begins. But because of circumstances beyond our control, none of this can happen now. We cannot even get to the hangar so our preflight is left to watching the prog charts. While this certainly makes the ability to prepare for the event a scheduling problem, it does not preclude the bigger issue of predicting what will be the health guidelines in July. Right now, there are three phases that have been defined in Wisconsin as the recommended procedures. As I write this, we are not in Phase 1 yet. Phase 2 restricts gatherings to 50 people. Phase 3 allows for mass gathering with restrictions. Our convention attracts EAA members not only from the U.S. but around the world. Today we cannot predict when we will be at a point that our event meets the all clear Phase 3 milestone for mass gathering with restrictions. As your leader, I see no clear path to meet our own requirements to insure the health and safety expectations our organization demands for our employees, members, volunteers, exhibitors and attendees. That includes sanitization, separation and personal protection requirements. My conclusion is, like in any good flight planning, don’t take the risk. Therefore, I have no choice but to cancel AirVenture 2020. Together, we can come back stronger, safer and ready for AirVenture 2021 and create a memorable world class aviation event. Because of our dedicated and enthusiastic EAA members, our Association is strong. We know that at some point this storm will pass. And over the next 12 months we will continue to support all of you as we again, together, grow EAA in the Spirit of Aviation. Respectfully, alt=Jack J. Peltonhttp://pages.eaa.org/rs/910-SEU-073/images/signature-jack.jpg[/img] Jack J. Pelton Experimental Aircraft Association CEO and Chairman of the Board
  8. Look under "Experimental" for the NON-certified version. Under $3k AUD including optional battery. My next adventure is to convince him to finally sign up for OzRunways. He is getting better at driving his iPad and 10 years ago would have flatly refused to have anything to do with tech that wasn't steam powered. He spent the weekend reading the User & installation Manuals and watching everything on YouTube, and decided today, that it was all he wanted and more. It arrives Friday.
  9. The D1 was $1,475 AUD, which was $200 more than advertised; another thing that left a sour taste. The Supplier's advert on the RAA magazine didn't change for months after we rang and were told the price had gone up / advert was a misprint etc. Later found out this was an oft used ploy by this mob. So a charge of $450 USD (presently $750 AUD) plus freight and no assurances, even though they had seen this problem before. We were throwing good money away on outdated tech. The price of the G5, with optional battery back-up is on the Garmin, Pacific Aviation site. They have stock in Australia.
  10. Well, it's been nearly 2 years since the Dynon D1 died. I had some correspondence with Dynon USA. It was "out of warranty" from the day we bought it as it had been superseded by the D2, but Mr FV wanted a D1. Initially they said they couldn't help, but later for $450 USD + freight they would "see what we can do". That went down to $300 USD, but no guarantee they would waste any effort on it. There was no indication of the outcome of the 2013 case with a similar problem. He's taken the D1 around to various "IT experts" who either wouldn't touch it or gave it back with a "sorry, can't help" Today he gave up and we have bought a Garmin G5 from Pacific Aviation - apart from reading the User Manual and watching lots of YouTube, a big selling point was Australian support. Hoping we don't need it. In a few months, we'll post more, that depends on when we can go flying again..... Meanwhile, anyone who thinks they can resurrect the D1 - happy to post it to you to keep. Many have tried ..... Sue
  11. As someone in a position (and willing) to donate more than $50pa, I would not like to have my $$s listed. First it gives others the impression that things are fine, these guys are paying my fare. Secondly I prefer to support a site to the level that I appreciate it and can afford. I don't want people on limited means to think they are excluded. So my thoughts are to keep the First Class Member banner, have a Donate button, let us give what we want. Don't ever go to FarceBook. We won't go there.
  12. My opinion - don't go to a subscription only model, as "guests" won't be here long enough to realise how valuable the site is. Keep the First Class Member as this gives users a cause to ask what it is and how can they donate. Let us then donate whatever we desire, whenever. I don't want to know where it went or tell others what I donated. If there is a deficiency then let us know. Another forum I patronise, has a closed forum for "trusted" members where we discuss the issues affecting the running of the forum. Some things are done by the Moderators here, which we do there - removing trolls, suspending users. Mostly discussing the stance we will take on posts like politics, global warming, software enhancements, competitions (you get a badge), moving posts to appropriate forums or amalgamating topics (so all about an incident is on the one thread), changing titles to more accurately reflect content, splitting out thread drift, allocating unanswered threads to one of our "experts". Maybe our First Class Members could form a similar group - not all would participate, and I only participate in the "Defenders" to the level of my expertise.
  13. Perhaps we could sponsor a month on the calendar (to pay the server fees) - imagine the calendar with Mr FV as April? Events - May - bought to you by .... OK, Facty, et al. Avatars please, as I think the real thing (all over 70) might be a bit frightening. ? Several magazines we used to pay subscription to have ceased, so might as well support this site with the $$$s saved. Can't imagine life without Wreck Flying, build blogs, forum and the NES.
  14. I would like to donate more. I support sites that I appreciate. I am not looking for "extra benefits" as I am happy with what I have (eg longer editing window). Perhaps a Gold Member (donates more than $50 pa.) and allow us to nominate a figure each year. Or just leave it as First Class and let us give more than $50.
  15. I bought Mike Busch's books - Manifesto and Mike Busch on Engines. Expensive, but Mr FV agrees with most of what he says (or rather Mike agrees with Mr FV's view of the world). He liked his column in the EAA magazines. We have our differences of opinion on aircraft maintenance. Another EAA purchase was GA Airfoils - Harry Riblett 1987 (with update to 1996) - Harry would be 90 now. Apart from a lot of aerofoil data, Mr FV likes his anti-authority stance. In his mind NASA wasted their time testing a range of wing shapes, but, as I tried to explain, the Govt were the only ones with sufficient resources (funds, wind tunnels, scientists etc) to test to find the best for each application, so that industry didn't have to make expensive mistakes. A good book, if you are designing from scratch.
  16. Long time since RAA sent me an invoice by snail mail. I get an SMS and email about a month out with invoice, then again closer to the date. I pay on-line through the members' portal and the receipt is emailed. The only time I get snail mail is when they have to post out a card. We have two memberships and three aircraft. Works well.
  17. G'Day Squid - drop in to Childers airstrip and say hello to the crew down there. Wed mornings usually a good few planes and people for morning smoko, usually someone around any other time. Meetings first Sat of every month 10am. Sue
  18. Hi Ian - and thanks for the site! Did all that but it made no difference. HOWEVER it now all WORKS! No idea what you did to get us back on the air ... I have been struggling with another site due to latency issues; it is overcast with light rain and the satellite system does not like it, slowing or going off altogether. Was off again this morning and too slow to use the other site. Been very busy too, which has reduced my time to indulge in RecFly. Sue
  19. Should add - we are on satellite NBN which has been going off momentarily today (overcast) with latency issues - 60,000km to satellite & back. Another OOPS! 5. edit
  20. Still having problems at 11:42am (Qld time) with: Clicking on avatar Conversations Notifications Likes Tablet, Win 10, Firefox
  21. Notifications: This page uses the non standard property “zoom”. Consider using calc() in the relevant property values, or using “transform” along with “transform-origin: 0 0”. page-12 <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, viewport-fit=cover"> <title>Recreational Flying</title> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Recreational Flying" /> <meta property="og:type" content="website" /> <meta property="og:title" content="Recreational Flying" /> <meta property="twitter:title" content="Recreational Flying" /> <meta property="og:url" content="http://www.recreationalflying.com/account/alerts-popup?_xfRequestUri=/threads/any-site-problems-site-support.11944/page-12&_xfWithData=1&_xfToken=<removed> Likes: The requested page could not be found. - PHP: <!DOCTYPE html> <html id="XF" lang="en-US" dir="LTR" data-app="public" data-template="account_alerts_popup" data-container-key="" data-content-key="" data-logged-in="true" data-cookie-prefix="xf_" data-csrf="1581716984,0097a00c7a01c606f77a4b09dee79808" class="has-no-js template-account_alerts_popup" > Avatar: <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, viewport-fit=cover"> <title>Recreational Flying</title> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Recreational Flying" /> <meta property="og:type" content="website" /> <meta property="og:title" content="Recreational Flying" /> <meta property="twitter:title" content="Recreational Flying" /> <meta property="og:url" content="http://www.recreationalflying.com/account/visitor-menu?_xfRequestUri=/threads/any-site-problems-site-support.11944/page-12&_xfWithData=1&_xfToken=<removed>
  22. I clicked on it and I get: Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console. Wondering if I should delete all history etc?
  23. Closed the browser (couldn't find where to log out of RF) and did a restart on my Win10 tablet and restart of Firefox (not restore), and opened RF/new. We are on satellite NBN and this has dropped out 3 times in the last hour due to rain and overcast. Same error messages...... Tried to insert an emoji and got this: Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console.
  24. When I clicked on the notification (little bell, LHS between mail & search) - it was a 1 - your reply to my post. I got this: Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console. When I tried to Like your post I got: Oops! We ran into some problems. The requested page could not be found. I will try logging out, doing a restart and trying again.
  25. If I try to edit my forum thread (eg the one above) I get this:- Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console. Sue
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