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Everything posted by rgmwa

  1. Just guessing, but I think they will design it to be as versatile as possible, so at one end it may be a Cessna with 180 hp fixed pitch for those who just want a reasonably fast high wing tourer that's easy to get in and out of, with good carrying capacity and maybe 2+2 seating, while others will want a 250hp bush plane with a constant speed prop, tundra tyres or floats, perspex doors and able to fit a moose or grizzly in the back. They may even come out with a tri-gear version -15A. Whatever they do, it's likely to be a couple of years before the first builder gets one flying. They can't even keep up with the orders they already have due mainly to supply chain issues.
  2. Nobody would argue that the first casualty of war is truth and that there are two sides to every story, but are you saying that the west is ultimately responsible for the current special military operation because it left Putin with no other choice but to invade a neighbouring country?
  3. Vans use 2024-T3 Alclad aluminium alloy for wing and fuselage skins. This has a pure aluminium coating on both sides which oxidises and provides corrosion protection. It needs to be scuffed and cleaned before priming and painting. Some builders like to polish it (hard work) but most paint their aircraft. As a prototype there isn’t much point painting this particular RV.
  4. Also has a stabilator and articulated main gear. Not many details released yet, but will be interesting to see how it compares with similar aircraft. Should do well, but won't be cheap - especially with our current exchange rate.
  5. Just a prototype at this stage.
  6. Makes me think back to a takeoff I once did in a C152 as a solo student doing circuits. I had just started my takeoff run when a yellow rescue helicopter on an emergency call lifted off and crossed the runway climbing left to right about two thirds of the way down the strip, cutting across other aircraft in the circuit as it left the area. I continued my takeoff not even thinking about wake turbulence and fortunately without incident, other than being surprised by the sudden appearance of the helicopter crossing my path. Must have been lucky enough to have either passed under or climbed over the wake by the time I reached the spot. We have Ericson Aircranes and other fire fighting helicopters based at out airfield every summer, and we're repeatedly warned about wake turbulence when they are operating.
  7. Maybe the owner was a seat of the pants flyer.
  8. OME, the wings don’t know which way the wind is blowing when the plane is in the air. It does when the plane is stationary on the ground. Thats why you take off into the wind - to take advantage of the air flowing over the wings in order to reduce the length of your ground run. Same with landing. But once you’re off the ground the airspeed is the the speed of the plane through the air, or the speed of the air over the wings if you prefer. Your example of a glider being stationary while flying into the wind just illustrates the difference between ground speed and airspeed. As far as the glider is concerned it is flying at a speed that happens to match the wind speed over the ground.
  9. Except that you will lose height making the turn so you need to factor that in.
  10. It depends. You should know if there are suitable places to put down in the country you’ve just flown over. If so and they are within gliding distance that may be the better option especially if yo can turn back into wind on final. On the other hand if you’re over tiger country your best bet may be to continue and find the most survivable spot you can.
  11. Mine cost $6500 by an auto shop with previous aircraft painting experience in 2014. Three colours, no heavy coats. That included all prep including finishing all the fibreglass. I thought it was good value. Another builder just had his RV12 painted by a well known local aircraft painter - also three colours and I think he paid $16,000.
  12. If you landed with propellant on board there was a good chance of a fire or explosion.
  13. It's based at Serpentine, and the guys who own it know their stuff when it comes to building and flying. They've got the jet powered Cri Cri among other things, and Dawie Botes is the author of Kwik EFIS, the Android app. Apart from seeing it flying, I don't know much about the plane.
  14. In summary, the air moving over the wing mostly holds it up, but sometimes it doesn't.
  15. Wonder if he ever made it. He didn't seem very confident and certainly wasn't well prepared
  16. They must have developed a very good feel for handling the plane in unusual attitudes and flying on the edge of a stall in tight turns. Being young, fit and a risk taker probably helped. Flying a fighter in combat must have been a very uncomfortable ride, and the stress of constant flying must have been debilitating, although the time they actually spent in dogfights probably only accounted for small portion of the time they spent in the air. The ones I really admire were the PR pilots who had to be both pilots and navigators flying unarmed on long missions with no guns and no support. That would have been a tough job.
  17. I have an ACR ResQlink, available from BCF for about $350. Similar to the GME.
  18. In another video he obviously knew where to look for his descent rate and talked about the nav screen, so he had either spent some time around aircraft, or was good at flight sim. He didn't panic, which was impressive in itself, and saved both of them.
  19. FWIW, the RV-12 has a ground adjustable prop and Vans suggest a WOT of around 5650 is a good number.
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