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Everything posted by rgmwa

  1. I use 95 from a high turnover BP in preference to the 95 available from the recently installed 5,000l fuel facility at our field. I used to use BP98 but got concerned that not flying as regularly as I should meant it stayed longer in the tank than was good for the engine, so I changed to 95. I'd prefer to use 98 on a long trip if it was available.
  2. In the same vein, this is a fascinating documentary I stumbled across a few days ago. It's a lecture about the theory and development of `Colossus', the computer they built to break the Enigma Code. Some of these guys involved in codebreaking were simply geniuses. Well worth a look.
  3. Well, in that case it's a pity he didn't go down with the ship like a proper captain.
  4. I'm still not convinced the writeup is a true story. Surely nobody could be such an irresponsible fool and then brag about it. Because it was in Kathryn's Report, I assumed it was real, but then there is this disclaimer.... Disclaimer All the news articles and pictures on this blog to which we link are the property of the respective owners. We have and claim no copyrights or other interests in these articles and pictures, which are collected from various internet sources and are in the public domain.
  5. Only an idiot would have kept going after it was obvious he'd bought a lemon. It's astonishing that he survived, and even more that he's been willing to write about the whole sorry saga. Luckily the plane sank, or he'd probably still be crashing it.
  6. Plane looks like it was a bit of a wreck to start with judging by the state of the wing attachment points, but still painful to watch even if it was for show.
  7. This link lists OzRunways capabilities for both Apple and Android: https://www.ozrunways.com/store/features.jsp?region=AU
  8. Sad news and condolences to family and friends. WBL had its first flight at Serpentine in 1977.
  9. I've got the Precision compass in my panel. It's very nice and wasn't expensive for a TSO'd instrument, but readings are biased and I can't seem to get enough adjustment to correct them I'm sure the compass is fine and the bias is due to proximity to other stuff in the panel, so I suggest you play around with locations and check for bias before cutting holes.
  10. Looks to me that he did what most pilots would have done apart from perhaps the early left turn although maybe that was due to his engine problem. No steep turns, didn’t stall in the turn, although perhaps tried to stretch the glide and stalled wings level just before he went in. Would probably have come out alright if the gear had been up.
  11. Recovering from an inverted spin as a warm-up for recovering from a stall seems a bit extreme, but whatever works for you, I guess.
  12. That’s a lot of money! Hope it’s insured. Can you even get insurance on these models? A far cry from the CL models we used to fly at the local school oval.
  13. I had ten litres of water removed from my tank a few years ago after filling up at my regular servo. Luckily it was the car's tank and not the plane's. The servo paid for getting the car fixed, and told me I was the 5th customer who didn't drive too far that day, so they were expecting a phone call. Never been back since. I used to run the plane on BP Ultimate 98, but have since switched to 95 as I once found some gummy residue on the gascolator screen during an annual after not flying for a two-three months.
  14. BP Premium 95 isn't recommended for aviation either, according to the data sheet.
  15. Looking good, DJ. I see North Dakota has moved to Afghanistan?
  16. I’ve got a pair of Lightspeed Sierras that are less expensive than the Bose or top shelf Lightspeeds. Still not cheap but I think they’re very good. Ive also had a couple of cheap passive headsets and an ANR conversion in the past. All did the job but you generally get what you pay for. I don’t think you need to spend a fortune to get a decent pair, but ANR are quieter. If you’re used to A20’s you’ve probably set yourself a high bar.
  17. Just to balance the books, I've always thought this scene was pretty good. Jimmy Stewart was an experienced WW2 bomber pilot and colonel in the US air force, so he would have known how to start an engine.
  18. Needs more signwriting practice then, or maybe a better dictionary.
  19. I believe they're not going for the mainstream routes, and you can get a Dragon Rapide down just about anywhere.
  20. Could mean Borrowed Off New Zealand Airways for all I know. Most of these cheap fare startups have had a short life in Australia, but maybe they’ll find a niche market and survive. Time will tell.
  21. Bonza Airlines? Not a name to inspire much confidence. Cheap fares, cheap planes, cheap maintenance?
  22. Only time I ever needed an ASIC was after landing at Tindal in the NT. The exit gates were remotely controlled and security wouldn't open them without an ASIC.
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