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Everything posted by rgmwa

  1. A stall is only scary if you’re too low to recover.
  2. Not quite. a Cat 5 gust speed starts at 174 mph and has no upper limit. A 122 mph gust is about the middle of Cat 3, but still strong enough to ruin your day. Also worth keeping in mind that wind pressure varies as the square of the wind speed, so double the speed and the wind pressure, which is what causes the damage, goes up by a factor of four.
  3. Apart from medicals, I've had very little interaction with CASA (fortunately). However, although the organisation's management is roundly maligned and probably deservedly so for its culture, legalistic attitude and heavy handedness, I will say that our local CASA guy who runs the regular safety lectures - my only other direct contact with CASA - is excellent. Very helpful and well informed, and I'm sure there are many others in the organisation like him who have a real interest in aviation and are doing a good job.
  4. The ASI is an important instrument, so you might as well get the right one for the job. If you can't get yours converted professionally, I'd sell it or just ditch it and put it down to experience.
  5. Can't help with your query, but here's a link to an earlier thread that may be of interest: https://www.recreationalflying.com/topic/30362-eastwood-tyro-ii-info/
  6. Took the Thruster out for a run then?
  7. No problems with an iPad Mini, but I have it on a knee mount that allows air that leaks into the cockpit or through the air vent to circulate around it to keep it cool. I suspect it could overheat otherwise if in direct sun lying on the seat, but it's been fine even on a flight up through the red centre and back over the top.
  8. As far as I know, kts is standard terminology in Australia. Having ASI in mph would be annoying, but then in the USA they seem to use both so I suppose it's just what you get used to.
  9. Found a photo: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.airhistory.net%2Fphoto%2F236398%2FVH-KIL&psig=AOvVaw1J9KLIPX9mX9gryF1Sn4tf&ust=1644234014529000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCMC_t5T_6vUCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAP
  10. There’s a Bucker Jungmann at Serpentine in WA that is flown regularly.
  11. FWIW I’d put a blister over the protruding muffler so it was fully enclosed and reduce the gap around the exhaust.
  12. Jeans or sometimes cargo pants (for the extra pockets), T-shirt with or without an old windcheater, casual shoes or sneakers. The jeans and pants are OK being cotton, but the rest are not the best for safety. I've thought about getting Nomex or flying overalls, but Nomex is pricey and uncomfortable, and flying overalls seem a bit over the top in an enclosed cockpit. Maybe if I had a Tiger Moth.
  13. Found it: https://www.goodall.com.au/australian-aviation/mustangs-civil/austcivilmustangs.html Scroll down to AC CA-18 Mustang Mk.21 c/n 1430 A68-105, VH-JUC. Currently based at Tyabb
  14. Based on 1960 values, that's about $12,500 in today's money according to Google. Bargain!!
  15. That's the one. I have a vague recollection of being told that it was owned by the guy who owned the servo, but he'd lost his licence or maybe the plane was grounded but there was some reason he couldn't fly it, so he parked it out the front.
  16. I remember many years ago, around the late 50's or early 60's, there was a Mustang parked in front of a service station on the highway between Geelong and Melbourne. I was pretty young at the time but I think it was somewhere around Avalon on that side of the highway. Anyone know anything about it?
  17. Weird looking contraption. It must be like flying a broomstick. Maybe the nose spat stops the pilot being splattered with mud on soft strips?
  18. And they were able to use it again. Excellent landings.
  19. Interesting that the original Nemesis before the NXT version achieved a top speed of 252 kts using a Continental 100hp O-200 (rated at 135 hp). Pretty impressive for a relatively small engine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharp_Nemesis
  20. Thanks for all your hard work on the Showcase to date, Peter. It's certainly been a big job!
  21. Anyone using UL Power engines? They have a range of 4 and 6 cylinder designs and seem to be pretty well thought out, using modular components across the range and being suitable for different types of fuels. Costs seem to be up there with Rotax and Lycoming as far as I can determine, so they aren't necessarily a cheaper alternative.
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