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Everything posted by AVOCET

  1. That's right . I did my training in bundy and that's all the carby heat was ever used for . Training that is . But when I moved to south australia , Well , I found out how real it can be ! Flying along on a buitiful sunny day , Coff , splutter , at 5.5 tho . Clad the the carby heat actually worked !! May be , just may be that , ( I'm assuming here ) the pilot wrongly assumed , " ruff running JABIRU ,must be stuffed " " ", broken throu bolt ?" I know this happened to me when my 750 hr second hand , flying school jabiru engine started to rattle and had no oil press . Guess what , I thought IDE done a thru bolt , It was a cracked exhaust pipe shorting out the O/P sender wire !! Next thing to happen ? Prang ! Moral of this story , ? Don't assume jab engines are rubbish .
  2. There's got to some sort of conspiracy hear? . Guarding old turf ? Ect. Ect.
  3. Just check it's 12 mm and not 1/2 inch ?????
  4. Yea , that's the one . Have fun !! Cheers mike
  5. I o I used to start my old sp6 in -7 deg back in the old days ( cup of hot water over the carby)
  6. 12 mm spark plug 18 mm plug socket Mike
  7. Didn't the pilot report to ATC that his engine was running rough ? Usually fuel starvation in a jabiru sump tank system is sudden and doesn't run rough , it just stops , After hearing the weather report from Oscar , my first thought was carby ice ! It's that time of year .
  8. Wasn't there a Chinese v Japanese war sometime after ww1 ?
  9. I installed the electric gauges on my 250 wings and set them up on stools and calibrated them to go into the red at 20 lts a side . I've found this is the best you can do with jaby wings . Ov course it pays to keep a proper fuel log : Did I just say Ov. !
  10. I've found that the leak down test is safer performed by two people , one to take charge of the prop , Another trick is to have a pen behind you ear and record press. on pieces of masking tape on each head . Cheers and BE CAREFUL .!! A prop that let's go in a leak down test could do serious injury , or death !!!
  11. I get my glass cloth from Colan in Sydney , rod stiff put me on to them . Jab have there own weave made to order , you can buy it by the 100 mt roll $ 7.50 mtr Colan manufacture their own cloth from imported materials .
  12. This dumb Ozzie didn't understand My mistake , sorry and welcome ! Mike
  13. Seems like all Mogas is some sort of a mixture of something or another Come the day when they sort this mess out . Prolonged avgas use in jab engines seems to need a top end every 200 or so hours to keep them clean , from my personal experience ,.makes it worse if you run LCH .
  14. In my prang , the right wing was torn off , the left wing strut sheared , full fuel and non of the electrics turned off before impact , when I regained consciousness , 40 mins later the fuel pumps were rattling away and my first thought was fire get out , which I did . The two battery's are up the front and all wiring goes up through the centre consul , the tree went through the passenger seat and by the grace of God only took out the censer wires , and left the power cables intact .the impact missed the battery's . Just a thought Don , it seams easier to write about it now , but at the time I kept getting hassled by raa to write an accident report , even when I had my right arm in a sling . I spose I could have got someone to write it for me , but at the time I didn't really feel like talking about it . So I just scribbled out the most basic info to shut them up . Just saying . Mike
  15. I try naips , if I carn't log on ; MARK ONE EYEBALL
  16. Excuse my ignorance , flying tornado ?
  17. Don't you luv the graphics on the side . Each side in the war depicted the the other as the devil ! Nothing's much changed heh ,
  18. You can pick a wireless printer at the post office for $45+ .I've had the same one for years , and it's great for printing off oz/r and stuff from your phone or tablet
  19. Is is 80 psi ok for jab engines ? I've been doing mine at 70 psi . I got told that by jab a long time ago. Mike.
  20. So was mine , ripped off wing , replaced , new fuse , plus bitts they are very rebuildable.
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