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Everything posted by AVOCET

  1. A lot of places where people fly don't have mobile access or wifi , specially sa
  2. This was not a case of turning the fuel tap off after shut down ! brf , say no more .
  3. $199.00. Not bad value For wing tanks you'd need 2 senders Maybe hard to fit to jab wing tanks ?
  4. Unless you've got inside info , Nobody knows until it's released , they speculated wrongly on the 4s
  5. I've my suspicions also , there's more that one on this forum ?
  6. I don't think it does ? But I'm no x/spert
  7. I know of at least one instance where the fuel tap was turned off before lift off and at 500 ft the engine stopped , The resultant hot engine wasn't able to be restated and the plane impacted the ground , the flaps were still retracted , so I assume all effort was focused on trying a restart .
  8. I It's all in good fun OME , no offence intended , the good old ozzy dig is just another way getting brumby to respond with great posts . Better than a hand full of posts saying good luck . After all there's a light side to this forum , bit of relief really , instead of all the death , prangs , and the ongoing war of personal engine preferences and the like . Any way Brumby , God speed , and all the best . Mike .
  9. Who says you carn't make a buck in aviation ? As long as they keep the brumby name and don't start calling it a YAC
  10. I thought that to , conclusion , it ain't an aircraft carrier ,or it's been tied up in dock for a while !
  11. I think it's done in a cold climate .
  12. Old man emu 's got his cv ready . Looks like emu chow min !
  13. That would make a good Australian feature film ! Your on a roll Oscar .
  14. Remember the old Chinese curse : "May you live in interesting times ."
  15. "They don't call it Chinese torture for nuthen"!
  16. I've done that , Lucky it was a lsa 55 jab and a long taxi .
  17. In smooth air the engine ,it just stops ( from my experience ) and first reaction is to raise the nose ,which makes sure no residual fuel from the header tank. On the other hand , if the fuel filter gets blocked (?) again from ex. engine looses power and if the throttle is not retarded ,the engine stops ( in my case , the retarded throttle kept the engine running just above idle .
  18. The things people do ! Imagine the flack doing that in Australia .
  19. I've been a bit reluctant to mention this before ; having been a reader of this forum for a while now , I carn't help thinking that there is a correlation between what is read on this forum ( talking jab engines ) and what happens when a pilot has an inflight problem ( jab engine ) and immediately assumes , albeit wrongly , "Gees " must be that bloody jab engine . I guess what I'm saying is that it's almost an automated response due to the neg feedback we are all exposed to . I know this was the case with me .
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