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Everything posted by Cosmick

  1. Nowra angler worried Shoalhaven River seaplane proposal will threaten local fishing http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-10-30/nowra-angler-worried-shoalhaven-river-seaplane-proposal-will-th/6900540
  2. Hi Seb, thinking about the GT500. Doing some sums but looks possible maybe within a few weeks. Will know in a few days and if still available will arrange trip out to inspect etc. Mike 0414517856
  3. Bit of an old thread but the info still looks correct http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/vfr-lanes-gold-coast-bribie.2014/
  4. Might take a trip to Apple
  5. John, your not suggesting that some Pilots include their life story when making radio calls. :)
  6. FYI CTAF for YCAB and YCDR will change 11th November 2015 from 118.8 to 125.85
  7. I've tried in settings on iphone 6 (was same on 4s) used to be fine but has required sign in each visit last few months. Went to settings passwords, put in website, username and password but still doesn't work. Doesnt ask to save password. ??????
  8. why don't I have to sign in on iPhone all the time but iPad ok. Both running latest ios
  9. Some of the old NSW Rugby League Stalwarts would be turning in their Graves.
  10. Ian, I and all I converse with and I am sure 99.99% of the Forum Members wholly appreciate Yours and Corrines precious Time and Effort you give to provide this Forum for us and the marketing of Pilots needs through Clear Prop. I have Donated to the forum in the Past and I will do so again now.
  11. FYI mine has a fixed Bolly, revs on the ground change with temp and humidity. Usually around 6400 (powerband on 503 6100 to 6400) up a Thousand feet and lucky to get 6300. Not to resolve your issue but for some comparrison.
  12. If the traffic is that bad, stack the AGM and get a taxi way built
  13. And in some Bureaucratic departments
  14. Great Video https://www.facebook.com/returnofthecatalina?fref=nf&ft[tn]=kC&ft[qid]=6191187957742523754&ft[mf_story_key]=531144513170635193&ft[ei]=AI%40b6fc3ced399e2ff38be2dd3073ed8168&ft[eligibleForSeeFirstBumping]=&ft[fbfeed_location]=1&ft[insertion_position]=1&__md__=1
  15. Looks good https://www.facebook.com/returnofthecatalina?fref=nf&ft[tn]=kC&ft[qid]=6191187957742523754&ft[mf_story_key]=531144513170635193&ft[ei]=AI%40b6fc3ced399e2ff38be2dd3073ed8168&ft[eligibleForSeeFirstBumping]=&ft[fbfeed_location]=1&ft[insertion_position]=1&__md__=1
  16. All things aviation certainly attract added media attention. At least it wasn't called a Cessna.
  17. Bolly now are different from Bolly then. My dealings and everyone else i'm aware of are extremely happy with after sales service, very approachable. One thing that came to light some years back was that torque settings for some props were given in inch pounds i.e. an ivo was 96 inch lbs (8 ft lbs) but in some cases were tightened to 96 ft lbs which eventually lead to a departing blade.
  18. Gees thats big of em considering the airfield is not in a built up area so down to 500ft is permitted anyway. A complaint from 2.5km away, shiit, Fly neighborly would be the proactive way. Go to MBRC with a Noise abatement chart as there are corridors available. I see the Poultry business to you south has doubled, hows the odour.
  19. Sounds like there has been a noise complaint. But knowing Doc to your west and north I would doubt there would be any concern there.
  20. Maj, I like the Contour camera's low profile. the Contour +2 has bluetooth to smartphone for control and has external mic which I have conected to headphones for comms, Now used by US Military http://contour.com/cameras/contour2
  21. Geoff, I was sitting at Redcliffe having fish and chips thinking it was a lovely day to do just that.
  22. A verticle mount can be upside down. Mount the aerial under the aircraft. The times you transmit to someone well above and in front will be limited.
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