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Everything posted by Captain

  1. ..... , there, for all to see, was .....
  2. ..... then realised that he had forgotten to do up his fly (avref) when he heard the commentator say that Turbo's little bird had fallen out of its nest. Turbo quickly tucked .....
  3. ..... as is typical of GM clutch centers and Vette axles .....
  4. .... said "Bend over bull, as I need to check whether those opium poppies were registered with the Govt prior to insertion or whether they are black (now brown) market poppies. If kosher, they will have a 15 digit number stamped on each, which .....
  5. .... that tiger knew a thing or two about vehicle immobilization and had stuck 15 opium poppies up bulls exhaust, so that ......
  6. ..... started to think about all of the tail he would get after winning another Targa, although with the finish this year being in Lower Snug the choices would be small, so he worked up his victory speech + rehearsed his best chat up lines, as he took corner after corner with the grace and precision that befits his Bentley,, and .......
  7. ..... this immediately caused bull to decide to obey all the rules and to "fly right" (avref and goody2shoesref). I don't need to cheat and take short cuts to beat Turdy said bull, so he reread his rule book (he even looked at a map) and prepared the Bentley for departure to chase down the Vette. Bull looked around and yelled "Clear Electronic Cooling Fans" then he .......
  8. .... down. In the true spirit of Aussie motorsports (and aviation [avref]) bull said 'f@$& me, what are these &$%@s doing way out here? This really gives me the $%^&# and this @!#$%^&* can go and get *@&%$# using a $@!!&*$%#@ up ......
  9. .... bull was old-school and was a buttons guy, being staunchly anti zipper since that time as a little kiddie when he zipped up aggressively out of sequence with tucking it away, and the zipper did massive damage to his .....
  10. .... the driver himself, because after his last Op, bull did look a bit like a torn pocket, with a .....
  11. ..... anything "physical" ..... and that was a problem for bull, because even at his advanced age (and even during his recent time in Intensive Care, while plugged in to 34 monitors) bull has been used to a "physical" session .... which is the reason for that glint in the coffee lady's eye. So with Turbs on the way out of town, bull took it in hand and ......
  12. ..... trees away from the ...... PS .. Turdboy had been taunted by several young Tasmanian Bodgies who said cruel things like "Hey Turdy, somebody put your rear suspension in 90 degrees out of phase." and "I remember seeing you driving Speedway and you were a star .... so what happened?" "Bentleys kick arse" and other even more cruel taunts. Turdy thinks that these were written by bull in order to psych him out.
  13. ..... was inspired by the glorious Winged B ornament on his hood, and he took the momentus step of adopting a capital B in his most recent NES (nes) post. This threw Turdy into a spin, which he was also famous for during his Speedway days, and the Vette .... WHO WOULDN'T GET A LUMP IN THEIR SUMP LOOKING AT THIS EVERY DAY
  14. ..... , which was a very tacky thing to do, and bull .....
  15. . ..... well i never said bull, and he hadnt. ive been in lots of cat houses in my time bull added but this is the first time in a chook house. i may as well take advantage of the opportoonity (loonytoonref), so he perfected his foghorn leghorn strut and sideled up to a particularly comely young chicken "Ah say, gal, whats about you and me bash the dawg, then we can ...... bULL, ALL READY FOR A PIECE OF CHOOK As you can see, his sizeable package has been photoshopped out.
  16. ...... give them some of their own back. So he spun around in circles, put his teeth in and made those Tazzy Devil noises so excellently copied by Mel Blanc. He was intending to chew through them like a Stihl chainsaw on heat, however high centrigal force (avref) and false teeth do not mix too well, particularly next to a bent bentley on a challenging regular section of the Targa, with Turdboy nowhere to be seen, in the Tasmanian wilds, the result being that ......
  17. ..... bull realised that he was still in 1st gear with the traction control limiting the throttle opening. bull eased the Bentley into the D setting on the gear thingy, cinched down his 5 point harness, pulled down the straps on his HANS device and watched as the Bentley (which bull calls a bentley) came into its element and .....
  18. ..... was a right hander. "What is this right handed corner that I see ahead?" Turdy asked himself. "I have my wider & differently cut outside tyres on the wrong side of the Vette for such a corner, so I will need to swap them over each time I come to one." So, and not for the first time, Turbo got the jack ......
  19. .... an effigy of Turbo in cut out corflute with a hand drawn face, with a sign beside it that said very cruel and disturbing things about Speedway. Then he also noticed that whoever had made it had added a very flattering drawn C&Bs down south, but had then set fire to them using a ......
  20. .....r Vette get you more tail than my Bentley got me last night. If it did, you must be exhausted today, because I .....
  21. ..... laid rubber, all the way up to 41, when the overspeed warning kicked in and ......
  22. ..... a fair bit of public comment because Turbo uses the same tanning lotion and sunbed as Donald Trump and Tubb's Moorabbin mansion is named Mar el Even Larger Largo, but bull stood firm and declined all attempts ......
  23. .... bull could then run his Bentley in the Liquimoly 12 Hour, with Turbo, Crappy and Onesie as his codrivers, (with sponsorship from Turbine Media, Turbine Petroleum and from Turbinia herself, personally) However an issue arose when it was found that as soon as he put his helmet on, Turbs could only turn left and insisted on kicking the Bentley's arse out about 4 ft while planting his foot to produce a gracious power slide, that has always been known in top class Speedway circles (speedwayref & avref) as the "Turbo Shuffle" (even Al Unser & AJ Foyt called it that), so bull put his foot down (racingref) and relegated Turbo to be the team's .......
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