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Everything posted by Deskpilot

  1. Nice but sounds expensive.
  2. WOW, not into r/c myself but the flying Ferrari vid is the absolute best ever. A great joint effort twix yourself and your cameraman. Love the Mobius system.In fact, I want something like that on my plane if and when I build it. A good record of all views/systems in case something goes wrong. Brilliant effort Dom. BTW, welcome to the real world of flying.
  3. No need to be snippy aj, I've not seen it before and was asking a question. All you had to do was refer me to the relevant forum thread.
  4. Just come across this article and wonder what you more knowledgeable folk think. http://nvsr.com.au/articles/article10.html
  5. I'd like to know why we can't have twin engines/props. What was/is CASA's thinking behind their decision. Not withstanding the weight/complexity side of things, coaxial, contra rotating props are less prone to torque problems (lets not get into a discussion about efficiency please). Small motors close to the fuselage would not induce uncontrollable yaw problems so something like the Air-cam could become a reality for Aussie flyers. With Ultralight/LSA designs and building method /materials, I believe it's time this was reviewed.
  6. Seem that the ancillary equipment takes up more room than the engine. Neat set-up all the same.
  7. Single engine maybe, but 2 props puts it out of our reach surely.
  8. Perhaps so but doesn't it also cause slight loss of lift?
  9. Only RR make a Can-ardly. It rolls down one hill and can-ardly get up the next.
  10. The real thing can be experienced on the Queens birthday weekend: http://www.weekendnotes.com/hot-air-balloon-regatta-strathalbyn/
  11. That's what you get when you land with a tail wind.
  12. OK, so I can't spell. At my age d'you think I care
  13. Welcome my dear. Nice to have another female for us old foggies to chat up.;-)
  14. On a trailer perhaps, but let the undercarriage do it's job re bouncing. Don't tie the fuselage down.
  15. H-5..........well I got the H right at least. Just found some other images:
  16. When my wife wrote and published her books, she was contacted by the National Archives in Canberra re copies for their collection. We can't remember how that came about but it might be worth contacting them so that you get your book preserved for prosperity. We understand that they hold copies of every book written in Australia.
  17. You're on form this morning Nev.
  18. Haha, can't remember the name but it's what I used as a basis for my shortened TSR-2 ultralight. Unfortunately, I've cleared my model and only have this graphic left. I think it might have been something like HB-2.
  19. Did you notice that final turn (on the ground). No forward motion and pivoted on one tyre. I hope they have plenty of spares cause that port one has a bloody great flat spot on it now. Probably OK on grass as it was originally operated, but not on concrete.
  20. Enjoy http://www.chonday.com/Videos/blueroots3
  21. Burt Rutan has retired......sort of. Take time to watch this loooong video of Burt talking about his life, his retirement and his 'unofficial' come back. Unfortunately the sound and video are out of sync(well at least on my computer) and images of his latest design are deliberately hidden until flight testing. All the same, a highly informative and amusing video. He says it how it is and doesn't care who he embarrasses. So refreshing to hear. Enjoy
  22. Got caught, oh what a bummer.
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