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Everything posted by Deskpilot

  1. This should work http://www.homebuiltairplanes.com/forums/aircraft-design-aerodynamics-new-technology/5683-development-dream.html Every builder is searching for that most elusive animal..............the most suitable power plant. Lots of good ones available but we can all find problems with them, usually, cost, or in the case of 2 strokes, noise. Not into UAV myself but yes, I guess that is 'out of the box'.
  2. Still can't understand why Australia is spending soooo much on a pathetic attempt by the Yanks to do something that Britain did so long successfully, soo long ago. Yes I know it supersonic bla, bla bla, but what a waste of our money. I wonder when it will be finally 'finished' and to what the price has blown out to.
  3. What a beautiful (and expensive) model. Glad it didn't crash and burn.
  4. http://www.chonday.com/Videos/aibushrivw3
  5. Well this is a bolt from the blue. Hi wecycle, welcome to the forum. Did you notice that this thread sort of faded away back in 2010 or before. I'm still interested in the design but have moved on to more ambitious things........mostly just dreams. You refer to twin boom designs and that is not what was my intention. Note my signature: Dare to be different, think outside the square. So many aircraft are just modified clones of what has gone before and that's just not my choice. Note also my avatar, a design I'm currently working on. Not mine initially but I'm modifying it to my needs. Google Sgian Dubh by Hugh Lorimer. I did take the prop round the boom to a much more sophisticated design but the must be on another forum, HBA I think. I believe I over came most problems associated with the design with the exception of it being cheap. Search for Development of a Dream.
  6. Only when the wind blows Guernsey, only when the wind blows.
  7. I think it's time Australia rethought it's policy on boat people. Well, at least let this one in.
  8. OOPS, that used to say Deskpilot Coffee.
  9. http://www.chonday.com/Videos/bleanumbrel3
  10. I'm confused guys (easily done) Are you discussing the generator motor shown in the video or another. If another, where's the link?
  11. Do you have to stop to change from low to high beam :-)
  12. Thanks for the link Bex. Will give it a go.
  13. Now wouldn't this make the perfect trainer, particularly with true weather (wind gusts/air pockets etc) fed in. http://www.wimp.com/racing-simulator/
  14. At the risk of being banned by the moderators, has anyone been having trouble accessing that overseas forum known as HBA. I can get in but can't post since I changed my email address. Emails to their moderators go unanswered so must be still circulating in cyber-space. Thanks in advance for the correct answer.
  15. Congratulation guys, now to wait for the jet version.
  16. I take it that you could answer the original question then Gandalph.
  17. Let me see. Pump water from the well, cook on a coal fire range or a paraffin stove, lighting via kero lamps, toilet was an large bucket that had to have it's contents buried approx every month. Where was it and in what year............Essex Plotlands, UK, in the 1950's
  18. Those aircraft were there on the 02-o1-2014. Doubt that they're still there.
  19. Whatever it is it's bloody neat. Any more info on it..........did it fly for instance?
  20. Done it loads of times......................in my flight sim. Now let's see them do it through your average barn.
  21. F/T, stop showing off.........................please. I am not getting the image either.
  22. Half their luck...... http://www.chonday.com/Videos/seaplmaldives3
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