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Everything posted by Deskpilot

  1. Thanks for that info Kasper. Nice to know more details. I have photos of Hugh display with his borrowed engine. Hugh aside, are you saying that with the right engine, borrowed or not, his plane could now fly in the UK? What info do you have on the 'wood work'? His plans are far from detailed, hence my contacting him for advice. At times, he seems reluctant to answer my emails, perhaps because I'm altering his design, though he says not. Luggage paniers fitted (just a dream, probably be too heavy) and fixed gear option. PS, I don't think Hugh has a PPL so some-one else would have to fly his planes.
  2. All I know is that he said he doesn't like to be told what to do or what he could do. Really, I'm as much in the dark as you. His first plane flew plane flew OK, not sure about his last. Looking for a link to Hugh for you and came across this: http://forums.bmaa.org/default.aspx?f=15&m=118639 Hope it answers some questions.
  3. I am working on a variant of Hugh Lorimer's Sgian Dubh. Mine will, if built, have a slightly wider and taller cockpit, retractable gear and a larger engine. Hugh has been very helpful and is eager to see it fly as his own plane will be fore-ever grounded. Apparently there's some dispute between him and the authorities in Scotland, plus he now has Parkinson's Disease.
  4. After leaving school many years ago, I went to Morse House Radio Telecommunications College in London with a view to becoming a Radio Officer in the Merchant Marine. Morse code broke me. Walking down a street I would read out shop names in code, dreamt code and finally had a minor break-down. My brain just couldn't deal with it. In a way it was a good thing as radio officers are now a thing of the past on most ships, but more importantly, it made me join the airforce and look to the skies. Strangely enough, I was also one of those who was afraid to use the radio when I first started flying. Always wondered who was listening in. One day, it just clicked and I thought, what the hell, if I make a mistake, I make a mistake and some-one will surely ask for clarification.
  5. News to me, just hope it's not in reference to my EagleRay dream that was based on the JD2.
  6. Enjoy http://www.chonday.com/Videos/costalalps3
  7. Been thinking about thisd myself and wonder if a car rally type would suffice. Built in mic and phones.
  8. Enjoy this great display of airmanship. http://www.chonday.com/Videos/rcpapfpov3
  9. It's ok for you Tim but way too far out of town for most of us.
  10. Yes guys, retracts pose problem and possible dangers, and that's the challenge. Why retract, cause I like the look of a clean airframe. Excessive CG travel, I'm well aware of that and am working on it. I started with a Grumman design but it got way too complex and heavy, even though it didn't move the CG at all. As for inline engines, mostly water cooled and heavier than a Jabbie. Oh and FWIW, Hugh's plane will never fly, well, not in the UK at least due to some problem with the ruling authorities over there. Hugh prefers not to explain why. He flew a large scale r/c model to develop his design.
  11. Hi guys, I'm on a new journey. I've taken a shine to Hugh Lorimer's Sgian Dubh (Skian Doo) and have been adapting his plans into a larger, faster plane to suit my 6ft, 105kg frame. With his permission and help, I've increased the width by 2" and the headroom by 8 or there abouts. Some points are now a bit hazy. I've added a Jabiru engine despite all the negative stuff that's floating around at present, and added a manual retract system where the mains retract in a Cessna Cardinal fashion. Still working on the SketchyPhysics but hope to have a working model soon. Hugh aircraft was/is powered by a small Rotax 2 stroke, but has yet to leave the ground due to health problems, Hugh, not the plane. I might have to add a bit of wing area after I do all the maths (putting it off as long as I can) but that should be easy enough. The construction is F/glass over foam with wooden spars and floor. The outer wing panels are removable by simply pulling one pin per wing. Hugh's plans are available on the web but are, unfortunately, far from complete. So, What do you think?
  12. Well I enjoyed it for what is was. Of coarse it couldn't be a proper investigation as the aircraft isn't still around., and why didn't the presenter talk to relatives of the only survivor. They would certainly know his take on the matter. As hurtful as it seems, I think they got it right with pilot error. Yes, I know the aircraft was probably over weight, in poor condition and with suspect engine/s, but the pilots would also know that and should have flown to the conditions, not the proposed plan. Had they continued straight out and gained a lot more height prior to their first turn, they might have made it all the way to their planned destination. Better to take a bo***cking from the CO than have a cross over your head.
  13. I was aiming my comment more towards the fact that the guys holding up the wire were on very unstable platforms and if they moved, the pilot could be held responsible. Still, he chose to do it and I think that's damned irresponsible.
  14. This guy needs his license pulled. Utter stupid stunt no matter what 'skill' is involved. http://www.chonday.com/Videos/leajetlim3
  15. These days, I'm not so sure that's true.
  16. The E.E.Lightning also leaked like a sieve.
  17. Many years ago, a friend in London was looking for a cheap car. He answered and advert in the local paper "Car for sale, 10 pounds." He went to the house and a lady answered his knock. "If you're after the car, it's in the garage. Go and have a look" He went to the garage, opened the door and there was a sparkling, almost new, Jaguar . He went back to the lady and said "there's obviously a printing error in the paper" "No" she said, "Me husband has deserted me for a younger woman and I've been told to sell all his stuff and send him the money"
  18. I have a 30" flat screen waiting to be fixed. It will replace my 18" monitor.
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