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Everything posted by jetjr

  1. It is relevant if the excuse is for late payment that you cant renew online after due date. It would add to cost uneccesarily
  2. Do you know this is the case or is it just something you heard? Just pay on time, also not that hard.
  3. Excellent suggestion, let make their job harder and cost even more Next youll be complaining of admin costs and time it takes to get things done. To create and administer an invoice costs around $15 in most large companies, id have thought sending reminders etc would add to this, let alone 30 days free insurance. The issue of cancelling portal access seems not right and should be fixed
  4. Not sure theres many places you dont pay a late payment fee anymore. Remember theres a significant insurance policy tied up on membership There would need to be tight reporting on who is covered and who not. Id be surprised if your login stopped working once you lapse for a short time If there is a cost involved reinstating membership, are members who pay on time happy to cover this? Id prefer the peraon who was late paid it not me.
  5. Log in to RAA website, documents and forms, and download PDF Pretty simple.
  6. And of the $200 K, $150K is the cost of printed magazine Members demanded it stay, there were and still are howls of why it should still be provided free as part of an reduced membership fee
  7. Not only the size of the warehouses but you then have potential for large numbers of public to be inside too Despite very few aircraft accidents, somehow the prospect of an aircraft coming from above seems more dangerous than other forms of accident from cars or trucks
  8. thats it, Theres a few versions Ive seen, designed to have air enter carb straight without the bend influencing things. It wont fit on 3300 as I recall, not enough room. I have sourced but not yet fitted a smooth silicon bend, 45 deg to replace both scat and frp adapter. As with all these fixes it works for some and not others
  9. At some stage Jabiru worked on a flat cobra head fibreglass connector to carb, was designed to steady airflow into carb Only fitted on 2200 installations i think, sont recal being a great fix for every case. Good quality silicon should be ok for air intake connector, widely used in automotive installs and racing.
  10. Have to agree Issuu isnt the best format and seems to give too much trouble on poor connections
  11. So.... subs went up, get over it. Still one of the cheapest "clubs" to be a member of and aircraft owners get a lot of benefits and privaledges. Nothing stoppong older rag n tube doing what they always did YET less and less doing it. RAA are catering to the bulk of the members even if some dont like that. Without the other end of the market Id suggest RAA would be long gone. They in fact sponsor the running of the organisation and efforts made to keep legacy types flying with equal rights as a new aircraft. Regulations dont stop evoling and getting harder, even standing still takes effort and growth. Have to get over the drempt up internal competition learn to pull together or CASA will succeed in seeing all other than RPT grounded.
  12. Paper copy is a godd thing but is it worth the money, like hundred K or more, on top of the subs imcome At some point a value has to be placed on advertising value it brings for RAA That money is one of the biggest costs RAA -us- has
  13. The concept that the magazine was ever free is laughable. Who do people think was paying for it. The idea of splitting the price .......with who. If you want more about older types, submit something. The old magazine was in a downward spin. Shedding from the office a costly time consuming job is sensible You do realise the classifieds are back? Its still costing RAA -you- heaps for the paper copy even though few get it Logic says it should be stopped altogether and the RAA would actually no longer be running deficit. Wont be long and you will pay for all paper transactions and publications even from banks or suppliers. Id recommend finding a solution to downloading and reading stuff from the web.
  14. Dont confuse ADSB with normal transponder
  15. Apparantly RAA only delay the process a day or two, rest is up to provider None will provide new card without the old one i dont think The whole thing is a rort, why would they make it efficient?
  16. Watch the weight. of your final combination choice
  17. Much of the comments around regarding Jabiru are now negated. The engine this refers to is largely gone, even Camit versions are now unavailable They have just begun building the first of a newer design with significant changes which may or may not prove successful. Very rocky road with new suppliers and in house engineering being done. Essentially ignore much of the whole Jabiru saga as this is a major redesign and will require a while before any claims can be made on reliability. On paper it looks good. however delivery of significant engine upgrades hasnt gone too well in Jabiru's history. Rotax,912 is an exceptional engine and if it suits the aircraft and you can handle the eye watering cost of purchase and repairs is a great choice.
  18. I "heard" there may be extension in time as some who had problems with online need written method. .........Complete rumour, highly likely not true....... As discussed questions with ambiguous shouldn't be in exams. However if it what industry recommends there's not much choice than to follow
  19. Yes the solder vs crimp thing is debatable Teh thought currently is that well skilled people can solder its great Something like 75% of solder done by others was faulty so crimping is better Think this was from RAAF investigation??
  20. A lot of 12 v USB adapters generate bad rf interfereance. That's why there are $300-$600 isolated ones for aircraft iPad runs way cooler when taking power from external battery for some reason
  21. There are big differences in quality of these.Let alone capacity claims. If you can find one go for LiFe type LiThium Polymer -most of them, can catch fire. Can be caused by faulty or damaged separators inside. A good drop pre take off could easily do it to a cheapy.
  22. Scoop doesn't help much. A well designed NACA design is good but very small problems mean they don't bring much to benefit. In some instances air can push forward out of scoops even at high speed Unless there's negative area inside cowl the air inside blocks any new entry, Can literally block an aggressive scoop by stopping air leaving elsewhere by sucking it out, like your cowl mods, you allow more in. As far as the Jabiru 230 cowl goes the cooler doesn't have much clearance and the intake design Id say is simply to get around it. Not very streamlined.
  23. Oscar, I notice you have a scoop on the inlet to your airbox? Is that correct? Latest ideas says this works best as a flat hole pretty much where you have it - pictures here somewhere Found it - Ausfly 2016 - apparently fair bit of testing went into this - front NACA is blocked off, this is std intake location, new one is plain hole. This improves mixture distribution and is a pressure neutral location
  24. Seb, the cooler inlet you have pictured is Its a Naca design used in older J200 and 4cyl models. In 6 cyl the movement to larger Aero Classics boxier cooler needed more room so a deeper cowl and opening required. You can buy this larger cowl floor from Jabiru for retrofitting Air is sucked through a cowl by outlet not forced in by scoop
  25. draft manual on the web Lots of changes there both parts and methods http://jabiru.net.au/Manuals/Engine/JEM0004-1_2210-3310%20manual%20DRAFT%20VERSION%20FOR%20WEB%20(24.01.17).pdf
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