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Everything posted by rankamateur

  1. Try these bad boys when you are ventilating. http://www.ascentonline.com.au/products/ventilation-insulation/hurricane-industrial-turbine-ventilator-100-900mm/
  2. Bex is close to the source...
  3. We lost Wayne Fisher in very similar circumstances to what took Ross. Equally many unanswered questions and I don't remember seeing a report that answered any of them.
  4. No go these blokes. I built mine in Mum's lounge room as I have said before. Mine are the same as yours Mark. The expensive ones I referred to have a square profile head and were $473 each for the 450mm size I used three of. Mine were coming of the roof flanges and bouncing around the paddock. Latest one came apart where the black plastic frame bolts to the swivel base. I don't remember other (300mm) ones I have use in the past having plastic frames. They have panel beaten successfully so far but a couple have needed to be stripped down and straighten the aluminium axle up the middle depending how they landed. Old angle of arrival argument again, they land better when the wind is stronger.
  5. Inflation is a bitch. 72 virgins already down to 20, what is the world coming to.
  6. Factory built planes are often built to a standard, Not to a higher standard!
  7. Lyndon your photos show the overlapping wholes but I can't be sure what you are working on. The firewall/windscreen is quite different on the VG to the XL/S. I drilled a few holes as I went along but really not that many, so if the holes are missing triple check before drilling. The engine frame holes do have to be drilled but not until the cabin frame is in place and the lower holes are bolted up to the two heavy extrusions under the front fuselage to locate it on the firewall.
  8. The photo is too close for me to really see where you are working on.
  9. Yours is a different model Dennis! Tread carefully making new holes.
  10. Along with sleeping bags, that would be the next most likely thing to find in the luggage extension on a Savannah.
  11. Farm sheds just have to be under 200 sq m up here, or you need a development application. Check that with your council because our council has just started an amnesty to sort out a rash of unapproved developments. My hangar was built 16m x 12.5 outside the frame, but the measure is the internal so they apparently measure the inside of the post frames so it comes back to 16m x 12m, 192 sq m.
  12. This week has left me with many more questions than answers. Reading through this thread and the division of opinion expressed I have one more question. Was Ross the often controversial Professor Avius of the Sport Pilot magazine articles?
  13. You don't need 4m to fit a Savannah, but it makes a more useful shed of it. Mine has two tractors, a round hay baler and a spray rig in it as well, so make it a useful height. Mine is 4.5m eave height and 3.9m through the side roller door and about 4.3m at the sliding doors on the gable. One or more whirly birds have blown off it three times now (buy the dear ones!), but the shed hasn't looked like blowing away. It is positioned with a solid sheeted wall towards the prevailing south westerly of the nasty storms, I think that is important.
  14. He did the same to me to but is it uncommon in high time pilots to actually verbalise it before take-off?
  15. Do experienced pilots still tell themselves "Engine failure on take-off, land straight ahead" right before they reach for the throttle? Or is that purely the realm of we rookies and rankamateurs. The last thing you hear before it happens must help keep it in your conscious decision making. Is knowing what to do just not enough? Is it time for us all to revisit this thread again http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/you-have-been-told-by-kevin-walters.40364/ and the wise words of the man himself "Even if you did get it around, you are now coming in downwind with low airspeed, not a good situation to be in. The choice really is , A controlled crash, with airspeed control all the way, and a good flare at the end, ...or an uncontrolled crash , with zero airspeed control after stalling the inboard wing, at low altitude !..........I do like Kevins anaology of "straight ahead to the hospital, or turn back to the morgue !".......................................................Maj..."
  16. And why are there not many ladies in aviation?
  17. Cabin frame tubes go in that gap where your finger is.
  18. Also from Oakey and Dinmore west of Brisbane. Seems like an excellent idea carting freight up the range through Toowoomba to freight it to Hong Kong.
  19. What about a push bar and an old clapped out quadbike?
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