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Everything posted by rankamateur

  1. Apparently labels are no longer issued for current PLBs so you have to have an app on your phone now to prove your unit is current if you get a ramp check. My label expired but the unit still had over five years to run, I had to ring to get a current label issued about twelve months ago, so these changes must have been about to come in then.
  2. Did you mean "Same as MH370 expired!!" or "Same as MH370 expired??" Do you know it was expired?
  3. Did type a post this morning about a Rotax imitating a Jab, but self censored before pressing post just for your benefit. Have more faith!
  4. Where your rims black from the factory or did you paint them?
  5. Are the tundra tyres as thick in the bead as the Condor? Condors won't go on if you drill the rim as per the manual, you will only have 2/3 of a hole to pull the stem out.
  6. Do you have trouble with dust in your spray booth?
  7. Buy new tubes with right angle centred brass stems. Redrill nothing, go together like a piece of cake, through the provided half holes. If you do go the redrilling route, fit the provided black plastic plugs in the original holes, be aware that the supplied tyres are very thin in the bead and if you upgrade the tyres later, their bead will be much thicker and once again the stem won't come out the hole. You will then have to weld up the hole and redrill further from the rim flange.
  8. That blue is a nice contrast to the red anyway.
  9. Sitting here listening to my cows chewing outside the garden fence while I have my breakfast. It is really nice to hear, but wouldn't be happening if just two falls of rain had missed us. My daughter and my whole family ate too much chocolate this Christmas. She is a first year primary school teacher and her grade two class loved her. One of the parents, knowing that we are graziers and She grew up farming, made a donation to Aussie Helpers instead of adding even more to the chocolate high.
  10. Just like Paul Newman spaghetti sauce, These blokes don't have to help other people, they choose to because they can afford to and they care. Can't stand listening to FT pouring his negative crap on Dick because he uses his recognised face to further the cause. His face is part of his gift to society. Dick Smith foods will still be doing good long after Dick is done for and good on him for it. See Glen McGrath at it again boosting his ego to promote the breast cancer charity that he put his name to, on the telly every year, without fail. These blokes never fail.
  11. Just like Paul Newman spaghetti sauce, These blokes don't have to help other people, they choose to because they can afford to and they care. Can't stand listening to FT pouring his negative crap on Dick because he uses his recognised face to further the cause. His face is part of his gift to society. Dick Smith foods will still be doing good long after Dick is done for and good on him for it.
  12. http://www.9news.com.au/national/2016/01/04/09/10/nsw-farmer-organises-convoy-of-120-trucks-to-deliver-donated-hay-to-drought-stricken-queensland
  13. Did you used to enjoy travelling freely to and from China Bex? Oh well there must be some weary salt miners needing some fresh help up there somewhere in northern Mongolia.
  14. But you wouldn't tow it around Australia would you Keith?
  15. S.Drifter, Do you need floats on your drifter this morning?
  16. Most of the people who would criticise you for your lack of planning for a four year drought would do exactly that.
  17. Put your black tail skid on or if it tips up when you crawl inside it will bend your rudder. Seen it happen on a maroon one, very nasty on a brand new plane.
  18. RAA is very specific about minimum visibility, we don't fly if it is limited, do we?
  19. But he would have had some fun with it before he became a board member!
  20. Putting the plates on the inside is a bit the same because the skins on the front fuselage then have to stretch over them where they weren't designed for. Next time they design a plane they do it the right way in the first place now that the VNE is 124kts. Good for you!
  21. Because it is really made to fit on the inside and they a bit of a bitch to put on outside where they don't look like they are inside out.
  22. Click on his avatar and it is right there beside the follow button, but don't press the wrong one with your fat fingers!
  23. Thinking again, it might just be a supply and demand problem!
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