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Everything posted by ave8rr

  1. Jetjr...said.... (Annual L2 inspections is another way to keep track of unregulated Mods but most want (or Jetjr do you mean DON'T) want to go down this track. Maybe it might be good for safety to have owner maintained aircraft looked at once a year?) This happens in NZ for ALL microlight (ultralight) aircraft. The equivalent of our L2 type people do the annual and in most cases for little or no fee. Inspector checks logbooks and a general look at the aircraft and issues an authority to fly for a further 12 months. A bit like our annual registration but the aircraft is actually looked at and not just some fee paid to RAAus for what? Our aircraft (19 category anyway) usually only get an independent look at during and ACR upon sale.
  2. Bob, ATSB usually publish a prelim report with in 30 days of an accident they attend. e.g. the Mudgee RV6 fatal accident on 14 Sep last year. Prelim report published 31 Oct. http://www.atsb.com.au/publications/investigation_reports/2014/aair/ao-2014-149.aspx
  3. The past few pages of this thread have little to do with the thread title. Mods can, you please place the BRS posts in a new thread.
  4. Same problem with my IPad. Magazine will no longer be read like Flight Safety some years back.
  5. ALL FATAL RAAus accidents to be investigated by ATSB. Problem solved!
  6. Welcome back Peter. There are still a lot of the original members on here. Mike
  7. As it has done in NZ and a number of other countries.
  8. Does a bulk strip by a Rotax authorised overhaul facility (replacing ANY necessary parts) then bring the engine back inside calendar time with remaining engine hours to run to TBO? This is what happens in GA.
  9. Unlike MOST Ultralight accidents both minor and fatal!
  10. ATSB prelim. http://www.atsb.com.au/publications/investigation_reports/2015/aair/ao-2015-036.aspx
  11. Phil, good to read your accident posts with follow up comments. This does not happen here unless it is an ATSB investigation. Keep up the good work as we can all learn from this. Mike
  12. https://www.raa.asn.au/marap-faqs/ Mike
  13. That's a reasonable idea FT. Maybe three or four DVD's per year to cover all 11 issues of the mag.
  14. FT, unlike you we DONT have ADSL or the NBN so an extra 15 mins on line a month is not the issue. Think of your fellow country members in this debate. I would say they make up a big proportion of the membership.
  15. If the Internet is good enough for members to read their magazine "online" then it must be good enough to have a digital link up for the board meetings. This would save thousands in travel and accommodation costs. I am a member of a club that holds its monthly board meetings via audio/visual hookup and we STILL receive a hard copy of the club magazine.
  16. I am one of those who used to read the flight safety mag cover to cover when it arrived in the post. Even did the quiz. I have NEVER down loaded or read an electronic issue. This due to Internet speed and don't like reading via a computer screen.
  17. The mag was removed from the news stands some months ago Nev. Mike
  18. FT, as usual, what exactly are you trying to say?????
  19. I AGREE. It might be ok for members with high speed broad band. I am only 20km out of Bundaberg and we have been told we won't get fast broadband until 2018 at the earliest. Used to have a landline but Telstra agreed that paying $24.00 a month for 3 or 4 local calls was not economic so we disconnected. Come on RAAus board, have a rethink on this one. Why should your country members pay more to get the magazine? Mike
  20. I have just received the March RAAus news letter which is advising that the "print" version of the Sport Pilot magazine is going to be an additional cost to members from Jul 15. I will NOT read the mag via a computer screen and or print and read it (magazine). I am sure the board can find other savings (Less board members and the associated costs for one) and keep the magazine delivered via the post to members. I am sure there are a lot of current members who continue to pay their membership fee just to get the mag? Mike
  21. Good to hear both pilots are ok Phil. Will look forward to your prelim report something that is lacking here in Aus I might add. Mike
  22. And this theory from a Kiwi perspective. http://www.findlostaircraft.co.nz/mh370%201.html Mike
  23. And methinks that due lack of that wreckage after 12 months that the aircraft is not where they think it is. Mike
  24. That theory may just be right. How long has it been missing now and no wreckage washed up any where. If the aircraft is in the Indian Ocean then it was under full control when ditched like the Hudson River A320. It would have broken up if out of control to my way of thinking.
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