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frank marriott

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Everything posted by frank marriott

  1. Bruce , After you rip a $1000 of him I'm up for it as well, but I will keep the $1000 for future fuel purchases.
  2. Only people needing to hide their aircraft call sign is people performing illegal operations. The rest of us use our call sign
  3. RPL taking over RPC? Discussion in 'Student Pilot and Further Learning' started by johncarlo, Sunday at 10:34 AM. As per thread title: RPL does not "replace" the RPC. You still need (currently anyway) a RPC to operate RAA registered aircraft. RPL for VH or for gaining CTA access.
  4. RPL taking over RPC? Discussion in 'Student Pilot and Further Learning' started by johncarlo, Sunday at 10:34 AM. As per thread title: RPL does not "replace" the RPC. You still need (currently anyway) a RPC to operate RAA registered aircraft. RPL for VH or for gaining CTA access.
  5. That's strange Keith, as I have a Dual GPS with wifi only iPad and 8.4 fixed my problem after the couple of months wait for it to come out.
  6. That's strange Keith, as I have a Dual GPS with wifi only iPad and 8.4 fixed my problem after the couple of months wait for it to come out.
  7. Doug, correct me if I am wrong, but the last time I saw you using your iPad you were not using wifi. The GPS problem was for wifi ONLY units. The wifi only units do not have an inbuilt GPS but the others do. I made the mistake of buying a wifi only unit, not knowing what I was doing, which resulted in a couple of months without GPS data with the 8.3 update.
  8. Doug, correct me if I am wrong, but the last time I saw you using your iPad you were not using wifi. The GPS problem was for wifi ONLY units. The wifi only units do not have an inbuilt GPS but the others do. I made the mistake of buying a wifi only unit, not knowing what I was doing, which resulted in a couple of months without GPS data with the 8.3 update.
  9. Has anyone tested the 8.4.1 update on wifi only iPads. After the 2 or 3 months of not being able to access an external GPS with the previous update I am waiting to see if there is any problems with this one.
  10. Has anyone tested the 8.4.1 update on wifi only iPads. After the 2 or 3 months of not being able to access an external GPS with the previous update I am waiting to see if there is any problems with this one.
  11. A little aside from this (since militairy flying was brought up) is it alowed to do a 'initial and pitch' arrival in Australia? You know, for when I get myself that cheapo MIG. No problem just advise the tower of your intentions. We used to do it often with 3 ship formation arrivals in GA aircraft for effect (and fun) - although I should include that it was at Townsville which is RAAF controlled so nothing new to them (also we were instructed by an exmilitary instructor on correct procedure) OCTA I guess you would need a private strip with no other traffic?
  12. A little aside from this (since militairy flying was brought up) is it alowed to do a 'initial and pitch' arrival in Australia? You know, for when I get myself that cheapo MIG. No problem just advise the tower of your intentions. We used to do it often with 3 ship formation arrivals in GA aircraft for effect (and fun) - although I should include that it was at Townsville which is RAAF controlled so nothing new to them (also we were instructed by an exmilitary instructor on correct procedure) OCTA I guess you would need a private strip with no other traffic?
  13. If a person is unable to fly neatly the 4 legs of a prescribed circuit pattern then it is too early in their training to be granted a certificate or licence.
  14. If a person is unable to fly neatly the 4 legs of a prescribed circuit pattern then it is too early in their training to be granted a certificate or licence.
  15. Might be worth a read of AIP ENR 1.1 - 77 48.5.6
  16. Interesting comments Ross, what would say about someone doing joy flights at 300ft, flying along the beach at zero ft for 10 mls, returning over a built up area at 600ft, downwind at 400 ft and turning final at 200ft. Would you call that responsible (forget about the CAR breaches)?
  17. An occasional mag check at high power in worthwhile. A few weeks ago I discovered one mag breaking down above 2500rpm. Standard pre takeoff check at 2000rpm checked good. Eventually discovered the wires broken inside the insulation where they connect to the coil, sealed and not normally accessible. Rough running only occurring when high current drain occurring.
  18. Maybe there is a private agenda by a an unqualified person now working for CASA????
  19. Although you may not agree with it, and I don't for that matter, 166 is clear it what it says. My point was understanding what is written - not whether it is desirable/correct, that is a totally different matter.
  20. Legislation is easier to follow if you look at it with a view of understanding the "intent" of the legislation as opposed to finding a loop-hole in order go against the intent. There is always plenty of "opinion" about but in the end it is "your" money/licence involved. Tread carefully.
  21. I would be very careful about that one Geoff. There is a big difference between 'cost sharing' and what is often referred to as a "rattle snake" CHTR. Just something you might like to consider for future reference, it can get very untidy.
  22. What is interesting for the first time, in a lit city area, is the different site picture you get when you arrive above 2 or 3 octas particularly if you know what the area 'should' look like.
  23. Without reference to this particular incident (I don't know enough about it to make an informed comment), there is sufficient or more then sufficient regulations to achieve safe flying operations. Compliance is another matter. The attitude to rules by too many is staggering combined with, in many cases, simply not knowing or understanding. It might be time to rethink the standard required to be issued with a PC. Given that anyone can jump in a 100+kt aircraft, fly up to 10,000 ft with an endurance of around 5hrs, it could be argued that a PPL standard is required. Some believe the PC standard is up to PPL status - well I wouldn't even enter a debate on that, just look at the different attitudes of various schools to upgrading to an RPL. Maybe the LP & HP restrictions might need to be revisited, even though they have just been removed. Certainly the average "standard" and "attitude" to flying needs a close look. Without presuming to have the answers it is easy to see some glaring deficiencies.
  24. I don't consider flying at around 150/200kts, following GPS/Nav aids, auto pilot, computer weather updates, comfortable cockpit, major airports etc. compares in any way with the feats of the early aviators. Safer, cheaper and more comfortable option of RPT would be a better way to spend your money, at least to my way of thinking. More then one engine for those long over water legs also. Plenty of options to improve a new pilot's skill levels than long distance legs. I just don't get it.
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