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frank marriott

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Everything posted by frank marriott

  1. I am missing the point, if a female is not a Miss, Mrs or if they choose Ms - then what are they, I probably don't need to know.
  2. Maybe try going up (in a suitable aircraft) for some basic aeros - just to experience some attitudes that are more extreme then normal rough turbulence, might help confidence?
  3. Petty crims ? Attempt murder, just wondering what level of crime you would class as serious.
  4. Monitoring the relevant area freq. also helps - not just sitting fat dumb and happy on 126.7.
  5. Yeh the point i was hoping was that Jabiru factory would get behind a Jabirota Maybe not as popular idea as some on this site think.......Many, myself included, are not interested in the Rotax engine in the slightest, and quite happy with our current engines. The CASA BS, and those who pushed for it, well that's another matter but I'll reserve my comments on that matter, at this stage anyway.
  6. But back to Andy's comment "where is the evidence that a problem exists and needs fixing?" People coming up with more ideas in the name of SAFETY because it sounds good is BS. Have a look at the 21 incidents this year alone and look for a commen factor, L1 qualifications doesn't hold water.
  7. Keith The engine course you just did is greater in content than an average L1 needs, but of course not recognised by RAA as a qualification. Well worth the effort just the same.
  8. I am always reminded of the statement of a CP/CFI many years ago: There is two ways to look at the rules and regs. 1. Is how I can legally do something; or 2. Why I can't do something Only those with the first attitude will get a job with me. Pretty much sums up the debate to me.
  9. In law there is a big difference between AND & OR. Nothing to do with maths.
  10. PM I can accept what you say, but for Bass Strait, not for me - yes I have done it in a single, but I am not as adventurous as I age (well maybe in something like a C208) but I can accept the other bits.
  11. Dazza Not that it matters IMO but just for your info I joined in 2008 and my my number is plus 23000, so 25 may even be a bit low ?
  12. And many I know don't do forums, can't put up with the aggressive nature of some posters. So whilst the pole will give some indication of the the forum members, the result may well be different to the actual makeup of RAA.
  13. "My gut feeling which has no basis in fact tells me that is the ability to purchase a factory built aircraft at a price that was up until recently not a possibility and basically fly it anywhere they want with an affordable maintenance program" Geoff, I thing your gut feeling is pretty accurate, at least for a substantial number of "new" members, and you can put me in that category. I don't agree with some of the other assumptions but it is what attracted me to get an RAA certificate.
  14. Personally - only when operating in or through CTA, RAA and GA. (No longer current IFR)
  15. Think about it practically, in our size aircraft you are talking about maybe 40kg difference in weight. Important for MTOW and performance from short strips, but wind variation will have a greater effect on fuel used then weight carried. As HIC suggests, carry max fuel permitted by MTOW,
  16. Geoff My view is that the groups you refer to certainly exist, and some are very vocal. But in my experience, MOST that I have run across just enjoy the sport and go out of their way to support each other no matter where they came from or what they choose to fly. Certainly what you say is correct but take out a couple and apart from them I only see it on the Internet. A prime example is some of the stupid comments you see when the Rotax/Jabiru subject comes up. I find that mutual support is alive and well but some of the comments I see on the Internet makes me wonder some times. Keyboard experts maybe?
  17. Happyflyer and Nev, I can solve the mystery. I went back to see what Nev posted as funny and found that the funny was actually by me, so I removed it. Must have been during scrolling down on my iPad, totally not intended, hope that clears the mystery up. Sorry. I must check that unintended comments are not put in by accident in the future.
  18. Wouldn't argue it was a while ago (might have related to the CIR , there was something I didn't have to complete as it was covered by holding current class4 or NVFR) I thought it was for the CPL syllabus. In any case what is current is what is important now, what may have been is only history.
  19. My take on the 10mins is for local/short flights. Anything longer should allow greater margins or land when in flight calculations indicate the margin no longer exists. Unless it has changed, the CPL (day VFR) licence syllabus required 10hrs night flying to cover this eventuality where the pilot might be required to fly to these limits.
  20. Shags Just ignor them, put a straight line or n/a. That's what I did last time. I "suspect" this is for people who have a valid reason to have one without being a pilot. A pilot is a valid reason on its own.
  21. . The American FAA licence is the same size as an RAAus certificate. The Australian one was also, fitted into the ASIC card holder, until the "improved" paper versions mark 1 and 2.
  22. Send Ian a PM, I sure he'll put your worries at rest. I have had several purchases all to my satisfaction - one took a while but as he explained he was having trouble with the supplier, it was a case of wait for the supplier or buy a different one at a substantially increased price.
  23. CAO 95.55 lists the requirements for RAA aircraft to use CTA. Basically certified engine/airframe and minimum of a RPL. Maintained as per the ops manual - different conditions listed for CTA and OCTA. Sorry Happyflyer, your post occurred whilst I was typing.
  24. 10c/ltr rebate on fuel in Qld removed by the Qld ALP. Not likely to be reinstated by either side of politics.
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