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POLL: The RAAus Magazine name


Do you like the name Sport Pilot for the RAAus Magazine  

71 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like the name Sport Pilot for the RAAus Magazine

    • Yes, I do like the name Sport Pilot for the magazine
    • No, I don't like the name Sport Pilot for the magazine...there are other better ones

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There has been a lot of talk about the name "Sport Pilot" of the new RAAus magazine so here's you chance to simply say yes or no what your thoughts are on the name of the magazine



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There has been a lot of talk about the name "Sport Pilot" of the new RAAus magazine so here's you chance to simply say yes or no what your thoughts are on the name of the magazine

Hi All


Thanks Ian for the oportunity for us to voice an opinion on your Forum on such an important issue.


On June 30th i emailed all RA-Aus Board Members on the matter and i consider that i have had a very poor response. To date i have had 2 email replies and have spoken with 3 others (including yourself) in person or by phone. I deliberately did not comment on the Forum previously out of respect for the current Board Members but they have had ample oportunity to respond and most have not. I have also had a good conversation with our new Editor, Brian Bigg who asured me that it was "Quote: Entirely a Board decision to name the Magazine, "Sport Pilot".


Fundementally the name is inappropriate for our organisation. We ARE Members of Recreational Aviation Australia Inc.. We ARE Recreational Pilots. We FLY Recreational Aircraft. So WHY doesnt our Magazine reflect who and what we are given that the magazine is the main conduit of information from our organisation...?


Obviously some Members approve of the name and i respect those opinions, but i consider that the reasoning above to be part of the justification for my opinion on the matter. I am looking forward to the judgement of the Poll.


Best Regards





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or the option of scrapping it all together?

Hi Guys


With respect would you mind just keeping with the intent of the Poll and we can debate the rest later.


Best Regards





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I agree with Don's sentiments. It's designed to increase sales to the public and thereby have the potential to increase membership. Extra sales also increase the advertising value, and reduce the cost to the members.. The Older presentation had no appeal, generally. As a member, the content is what I want, and it lives or dies on that basis..Nev



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I don't have a problem with the name. If it encourages more magazine sales and therefore increases knowledge of recreational aviation that can't be a bad thing. I don't really think it implies "competition" and the rapidly expanding class of Light SPORTS Aircraft in a way is like Sports Cars. Most owners of these don't compete in anything. They just love to drive a sporty looking perhaps open car with good handling and power etc. I consider my Sierra (once built) to be a sports aircraft so I guess I will be a Sport Pilot. Maybe it doesn't suit everyone because of the diverse range of aircraft and reasons for them but hey I started out Hang Gliding in 1976 & always considered that to be a sport.



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Should sell more copies with this new name/cover.I voted OK but could change my mind if it sells less.

As a general rule, magazine sales are in the decline. any way you look at it, sales will continue to fall, the best case scenario is that the magazine can continue selling in enough numbers to maintain its spot on the shelf at your local newsagency.



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If we are going to get pedantic then if we refer to Roget's Thesaurus and look up "sport" and "recreation" they both point to "Amusement", and all the definitions associated with that. IMO the words are frequently used interchangeably, so debating the "correct" name of the magazine based on the meaning of the words does not really serve a useful purpose.


I think the design of the new cover is more eye-catching than the old one, which is the first contact with the mag that would make me look at it in a newsagent. Once the mag is picked up and browsed it is the content that will keep attention, or not. Within the first few pages, opposite the Contents page, there is a load of info about RA-Aus. This and the Contents will allow most people to decide if they are interested or not.


Let's give the new guys a chance on the content of the next few editions - it has been pretty good so far IMO......


My 2 cents





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If the name of our magazine is the biggest thing we had to worry about, then we are in pretty good shape. Storm in a teacup i.m.o you're never going to please all of the people.



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Let's not get hung up on the name. The name on the front cover is not meant to be something that accurately describes us or put a label on what we do. It is designed to sell magazines to the general public on the newstand. It is purely and simply marketing.


I voted I like it mainly because it's so much better than the old name. To me the name "Recreational Aviation Australia" just screams out "I am an Association Journal!". Which is exactly what it is, but you don't want to give people that impression before they buy it. Who's going to buy the journal of an association they don't belong to?


The headline is what sells the newspaper...but it's rarely accurate :big_grin:



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If we are going to get pedantic then if we refer to Roget's Thesaurus and look up "sport" and "recreation" they both point to "Amusement", and all the definitions associated with that. IMO the words are frequently used interchangeably, so debating the "correct" name of the magazine based on the meaning of the words does not really serve a useful purpose.

I quite agree. I would like to point out that when CASR Part 103 finally reaches fruition, the part of the aviation scene, administerd by RA-Aus, HGFA, GFA, ABF and ASRA, will officially be known as 'Sport and recreational aviation'. The title encompasses flying for pleasure, diversion, adventure, technical flying, experimental or personal education/development and competitive sport. You will note that SAAA is not included, SAAA is not an RAAAO.


HGFA, GFA, ABF and (I think) ASRA are very much into competitive sport on a regional, national and international (FAI) basis, but RA-Aus is not.


You may recall that in the earlier years the AUF had an honorary position of National Flying Coach (on the same level as the current operations manager and technical manager positions). Tony Witlox held the position from the early '90s until about 1997, I think Tony took over from Steve Burgess. The NFCs aspirationwas the promotion of competitive sporting activities within the AUF, with the hope of bringing the association up to a status similar to our sister associations. Unfortunately the project was not successful and the NFC job was abandoned in 1997.


Consequently the AUF/RAA has never really had a well developed competitive sporting spirit, more the pity because it does promote better flying abilities.


The CAGIT trophy is an example; 20 years in existence and only about 50 claims and quite a few are multiple claims from one person.


I believe the title 'Sport Pilot' is appropriate even if it just reminds members that there is plenty of room for development of competition within the association.


cheers to all


John Brandon



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If my memory serves me... the US origins of the term "Sport Pilot" denote the light sport pilot/homebuilder... just the niche the current crop of Ra-Aus factory trainers are... and after Its the Stolp Sa-500's and the Cubs... the Savanah's and the Jabiru's.. The SD-1's and the others...the 95.10 Ultralights and the flying Parachutes... and all its conterparts... but flying as a self competitive sport. It doesn't have to be about competition but if that is what people want.



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