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What will this sort of stuff lead to?...Terminator????

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  • 4 weeks later...
The speed with what electronics and software programming is scary sometimes. This is just a few guys at a uni playing around......what is the military up to?http://www.wimp.com/powerquadcopters/

This one's a little like the guys who demonstrate perpetual motion with an energy source involved, or anti-gravity machines which push off a metal plate.


It's guidance system doesn't come from the drone, but all the cameras around the room, so wherever you go you need to be in the room with all the cameras.


Great skills at mathematics though.



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Guest Maj Millard

I'd imagine someone out there would be developing an anti-sharlene portable missile as we speak. They had great tank capabilities also until they developed really great anti- tank missiles....................Maj...



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Guest Maj Millard

Fairly bit target even for a pistol, and I would imagine one hit to a rotor would do it, and then a second shot for that idiot controller when he comes looking for it !........................Maj....014_spot_on.gif.1f3bdf64e5eb969e67a583c9d350cd1f.gif



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If you didn't want the precision that the camera array provides I'd imagine GPS would suffice.(I wonder if there is a cert 2 in automated death machines and how you'd write the safe work statement?!)


With GPS you only get the satellites that can transmit in you're area. I didn't count the positioning cameras but they were around the base, around the top, and may also have been over the top.

Doing mineral exploration field work (and this is more than 15yr old technology) we used to fly a tiny drill rig out to remote locations in a Jetranger and then drill a pattern of holes on a grid over an area of a few square miles. In those days GPS would only give us an accuracy of about 30ft on a good day so we used a Trimble unit which was effectively another 'satellite' that we carried in the helicopter. Once we had triangulated it and so could enter its known position into the rest of the matrix formed by the real satellites we had an accuracy of within a millimetre in 3D positioning. That trimble unit was about the size of a grapefruit and weighed a couple of kg, these days I expect they could fit one in a smartphone if the need arose.


On the subject of the OP and the constructive use of quadcopters, here is another Ted talk/demonstration about them that could change the way we do some things -




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The YouTube channel of the guy is pretty amazing... He is a specialist at displaying fire weaponry to great effect...check out his enormous catalogue of weaponry you won't be disappointed! "Word" is that Russians alter ego is a US online gamer of some repute.


Of course this clip is a fake... But it is certainly ENTERTAINING I am sure you would agree.



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