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Tell us about your last flight


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Got bored today while the lovely went to work so I guess I went flying as the RAAF at East Sale are on holidays and I can actually fly during the day


12:30 lift off on a warm day and it was up to the stratosphere I headed settling for 7500ft for a jolly from West Sale down to Marlo taking in the beautiful Gippsland Lakes on the way down and back


Didn't bother landing as I knew the thermals would be popping down there so just turned around overhead the Marlo (Orbost) field and climber another thousand for my hemispherical back to West Sale while monitoring Mel Ctr on 124.000 and listening in the whole trip other than outside the 10nm CTAF's


View was sensational I must say as the visibility was perfect


20 out from East Sale at the boundary which is 30 from West Sale coming from the east I started leaving the stratosphere with a slow descent, tuned in to East Sale AWIS for a brief on conditions then back to the CTAF


Power back to 4400rpm saw about a 500ft descent until passing East Sale but still at 4500 with 10 to go


Power back to 3000 and carby heat applied we descended and ascended with the thermals and finally got back down to circuit height 1/2 a nm north of the field on the dead side of the main 1540m runway


Decided on runway 32 (grass) as the wind sock wasn't telling me anything but the dust from the farmers plowing their paddock told me a northerly was on the ground


Turning final to 32 I didn't feel right so poured on the coals and joined a low level downwind for runway 09 (AWIS said East Sale 090 at 9


But the sea breeze hadn't reached West Sale at that stage)


09 was a better choice in the end but that hot bitumen loves to test you as your holding a foot high round out


In the end all was as the landing was good and smooth but the bonus was only about 4 bugs on each wing compared to 40,000 when I fly in the evening


An enjoyable 1.8 on the Hobbs and 2 on the VDO saw my day come to an end on my 180nm jollie


Lived that damn dream once again


After today's flight I have topped 103.5 hours for the year with a few more to come before the end of the year



















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Our daughter had not yet been flying with me this year. So we made a little trip to Maastricht, where I hadn't been for ages. Also our youngest son, who is a glider pilot, joined. It was a bit cold and windy, but further the weather was perfect. With the days very short at this time of the year, we just had a coffee at the destination airport before we returned to be back again before the end of the daylight period (no Night-VFR in the Netherlands). It was still a nice trip, though.



A trip report with pictures can be found here





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We finished our last flight of 2016 on Thursday. Although we made no far away trips in 2016, we made quite a number of small trips. Among these are trips to Vienna, to Munich to visit the Deutsches Museum, to the Czech Republic and Slovakia, to France to the Lorraine and Champagne regions, to the Rhône Alps, and to Heidelberg. There is still a lot to explore in the new year.



Happy new year, all!





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Compilation of the last few flights, please ignore the sloppy flying, busy playing with the camera! Didn't go anywhere, didn't go near spectacular mountains, no super short field landings,,,,,,,,,,BUT it is possible to have a lot of fun in a kit built plane with a kit built engine,


Cheers Peter




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Took little miss chatterbox (aka miss five going on thirteen) for circuits on a fairly bumpy afternoon. This was her first GA flight. She had a shiny new set of babiators and her own ANC headphones. For safety I made this an instructor led flight. Didn't he regret showing her how the boom microphone worked.


Ahahahahaha! 052_no_way.gif.ab8ffebe253e71283aa356aade003836.gif 085_blah_blah.gif.5dd1f55e9e017c1ed039995789e61c55.gif


Anyways it was RPT central with visits from the usual suspects plus the SIAL SQ291 Boeing 777. Lots to see and very busy on COM1. Everyone had a good time until miss chatterbox suddenly fell silent. Instructor took this as a sign she was about to re-visit lunch. I'm a big fan of cheezels, fresh cherries and jelly snakes but unlike miss chatterbox, not at the same time. If it was coming it was going to be violent and colourful.


Turns out she had just run out of things to say. The flight concluded without incident. An encore has already been requested.



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Doesn't look like they've started putting up the barriers around the Grand Prix track yet. Pit building and pit straight lower left, picture 1.

I couldn't see any barriers from above, and I haven't driven down that way recently. I'd say it is a bit early yet, and with all the major roadworks going on elsewhere, they probably left well enough alone for now...



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Canberra city flight alpha two. Little Miss chatterbox was glued to the back window ... And enthralled into silence by the view. Moderate turbulence started on the base turn to runway 30. Very very grateful to get up and back down before any rock'n'roll happened.


In another post I alluded to a squall line that passed through as the air temperature gave 39C a nudge around 4pm local. 'burbs are messed up a bit same as Melbourne got last week



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002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gif Hi All


Well my Flight Training for 2017 has started off somewhat different, had my first flight for thisyear on the 03rd of January, I had now moved onto of the next step required to complete before I can go Solo, Emergencies and Precautions in the Circuit! Weather was very overcast, but after I had completed pre-flight we went to jump into the Tecnam, bugger me, my camera had fallen out of the plane, not in the air but on the taxi pad, into many, many pieces "great no pictures"


So feeling a little deflated we headed out, today was about managing to land back at the RWY after a engine failure, the goal was to pull the power on the downwind leg of the circuit, opposite the piano keys at RWY 07, turn and glide direct to rwy with no power & flaps, maintaining a glide descent of 65-70knots, and the kicker was I had to get my back wheels on the keys, 7 attempts, 4 Go-Arounds, 2 on the numbers, lesson ended, mentally and physically drained but!


I did get a "well done, you did good today" and told me my next lesson would be more of the same, I just needed more practice, so here I am back at Redcliffe on Friday, the 13th of January no less, rocked up outside the hanger and my Tecnam, 7440 was not there ready for pre-flight, went in to the hanger, there she was parked nose down on a pallet, about 3-4 days ago a private hire pilot was landing and bounced 7440, instead of initiating a go-around, he attempted to land it, she looks a little worse for wear


Today was a stinking hot day, it was about 35c on the tarmac, due to the circuit being busy we decided on doing circuits and revisit some of the basics and I had a new camera to record the day, Debbie gave me a early birthday present, a brand spankin new Garmin VIRB X, mounted it in 7600 and after pre-flight and being well cooked on the ground, Peter and I headed out, it was a good lesson, slightly cooler at 1000ft, managed to pull off some good circuits





Brent 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


RAAus Accident and Defect Summaries,




Redcliffe Aerodrome QLD


Tecnam Eaglet Rotax 912 ULS


When landing, as the aircraft nose wheel was lowered it collapsed causing the propellor to strike the ground and the aircraft to veer off the RWY, coming to rest with nose on the grass verge.







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002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gif Hi All


Well my Flight Training for 2017 has started off somewhat different, had my first flight for thisyear on the 03rd of January, I had now moved onto of the next step required to complete before I can go Solo, Emergencies and Precautions in the Circuit! Weather was very overcast, but after I had completed pre-flight we went to jump into the Tecnam, bugger me, my camera had fallen out of the plane, not in the air but on the taxi pad, into many, many pieces "great no pictures"


So feeling a little deflated we headed out, today was about managing to land back at the RWY after a engine failure, the goal was to pull the power on the downwind leg of the circuit, opposite the piano keys at RWY 07, turn and glide direct to rwy with no power & flaps, maintaining a glide descent of 65-70knots, and the kicker was I had to get my back wheels on the keys, 7 attempts, 4 Go-Arounds, 2 on the numbers, lesson ended, mentally and physically drained but!


I did get a "well done, you did good today" and told me my next lesson would be more of the same, I just needed more practice, so here I am back at Redcliffe on Friday, the 13th of January no less, rocked up outside the hanger and my Tecnam, 7440 was not there ready for pre-flight, went in to the hanger, there she was parked nose down on a pallet, about 3-4 days ago a private hire pilot was landing and bounced 7440, instead of initiating a go-around, he attempted to land it, she looks a little worse for wear


Today was a stinking hot day, it was about 35c on the tarmac, due to the circuit being busy we decided on doing circuits and revisit some of the basics and I had a new camera to record the day, Debbie gave me a early birthday present, a brand spankin new Garmin VIRB X, mounted it in 7600 and after pre-flight and being well cooked on the ground, Peter and I headed out, it was a good lesson, slightly cooler at 1000ft, managed to pull off some good circuits


Great video! I love that song!



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First crack at a C172 this morning. Very different to an LSA.


Have to relearn a few things I think. Less sense of airspeed and stick position. Much more focus on horizon attitude.


Miss a grass strip too. Tested the strength of the airframe unintentionally but was told worse landings have been conducted...


Circuits start next lesson in a fortnight!



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I was going to attend the Stradbroke Island Fly-in Breakfast today, but it was cancelled yesterday due to the weather forecast. I thought I'd go to the airfield (YBCM) and maybe go for a solo local flight anyway. I'm glad I did, the conditions were next to perfect.





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Completed my first two flights for the new year. Preped the Nynja during the week and put some fuel in this morning completed the DI and off for two local flights. The air and vis were great and looking forward to the next trip. It was enjoyable just flying local and swatting up on my skills as I last flew end of November due to recent heavy rain events and being away on holidays.



















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002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gif Hi All


Well my Flight Training for 2017 has started off somewhat different, had my first flight for thisyear on the 03rd of January, I had now moved onto of the next step required to complete before I can go Solo, Emergencies and Precautions in the Circuit! Weather was very overcast, but after I had completed pre-flight we went to jump into the Tecnam, bugger me, my camera had fallen out of the plane, not in the air but on the taxi pad, into many, many pieces "great no pictures"


So feeling a little deflated we headed out, today was about managing to land back at the RWY after a engine failure, the goal was to pull the power on the downwind leg of the circuit, opposite the piano keys at RWY 07, turn and glide direct to rwy with no power & flaps, maintaining a glide descent of 65-70knots, and the kicker was I had to get my back wheels on the keys, 7 attempts, 4 Go-Arounds, 2 on the numbers, lesson ended, mentally and physically drained but!


I did get a "well done, you did good today" and told me my next lesson would be more of the same, I just needed more practice, so here I am back at Redcliffe on Friday, the 13th of January no less, rocked up outside the hanger and my Tecnam, 7440 was not there ready for pre-flight, went in to the hanger, there she was parked nose down on a pallet, about 3-4 days ago a private hire pilot was landing and bounced 7440, instead of initiating a go-around, he attempted to land it, she looks a little worse for wear


Today was a stinking hot day, it was about 35c on the tarmac, due to the circuit being busy we decided on doing circuits and revisit some of the basics and I had a new camera to record the day, Debbie gave me a early birthday present, a brand spankin new Garmin VIRB X, mounted it in 7600 and after pre-flight and being well cooked on the ground, Peter and I headed out, it was a good lesson, slightly cooler at 1000ft, managed to pull off some good circuits


Sad to hear about the Tecnam coming to grief like that, is everyone ok?Hey I saw 7600 on Oz Runways today looking what looked like a nav to Casino, Stanthorpe and back, anyone you know?





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Sad to hear about the Tecnam coming to grief like that, is everyone ok?Hey I saw 7600 on Oz Runways today looking what looked like a nav to Casino, Stanthorpe and back, anyone you know?



Thankfully Pilot Ok, 7600 was one of our pilots completing there 03rd Nav, Kathleene I think





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Returning to Bairnsdale following trip to Yarram, 56 nm to the SW. last Sunday




Small coastal settlement of Seaspray




Dry Lake Reeve with Lake Victoria behind. Start of the Great Dividing range distant.




Crossing Lake Victoria leaving Loch Sport, Lake Reeve and Bass Strait to starboard.







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