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RAAus new website/members portal

Head in the clouds

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New little bug that is a bit annoying - in the Manage my Membership screen you have the option to maintain and save changes to many of your contact fields. For a very weird and unexplained reason the field 'Telephone Number" which is user editable refuses to save any changes and will on save change simply revert to the previous incorrect number. RAA office advised but IF you think you have updated your contact details through the portal I suggest you go back and see if the changes actually still exist on the system.And I know this is weird because the contact number and email for my emergency contact was updated through the portal and did save as changes to the back end - simply weird that one works and the other does not.

that's why they have testing, a lot of ppl would have updated their phone number and not have noticed that the number wasn't updated and continued on.



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this issue here Yenn is the system should do it automatically and without fault. $250K the RAA paid for the new system is the equivalent of 5 guys working full time for 6-8 months. With that much labour you would expect a lot of code and it too be fully tested.



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1. Last night I sent an email to RA Aus pointing out that I am yet to receive a password & logon to the new RA Aus site.


2. Today I received an email saying my membership is due for renewal on the 15th January 2016.


3. Today I also received a text message stating that my membership renewal is due on the 16th January 2016.


4. My membership renewal is actually due on the 17th December 2015.


5. Is RA Aus an organisation or an institution?



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1. Last night I sent an email to RA Aus pointing out that I am yet to receive a password & logon to the new RA Aus site.2. Today I received an email saying my membership is due for renewal on the 15th January 2016.

3. Today I also received a text message stating that my membership renewal is due on the 16th January 2016.


4. My membership renewal is actually due on the 17th December 2015.


5. Is RA Aus an organisation or an institution?

That is eerily similar to me today. Mine expires on the 03 Dec 15. Unfortunately I cant access the portal to renew my membership.


Luckily I finalising my transition to RPL. I would think RAAus was comical if it was not related to aviation....



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Guest Maj Millard

I recieved my password the other day......site working fine and a pleasure to use. For those still having dramas a call to the office should get things moving for you.


If you've got a rego pending ...let them know I'm sure they'll get that sorted also.



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I rang RA Aus this morning and raised the issues previously listed. My email/username was checked and I was advised that an email was currently being sent to me with the logon included and I could then check to see about my membership renewal date. Yes I got the email and after 4 attempts I have been told 4 times "the email or password you entered is incorrect. Please try again". Why does this have to be such a f.....g marathon? Yes I will call RA Aus again tomorrow and hopefully I will not be as livid by then as I am now!!!!!



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I rang RA Aus this morning and raised the issues previously listed. My email/username was checked and I was advised that an email was currently being sent to me with the logon included and I could then check to see about my membership renewal date. Yes I got the email and after 4 attempts I have been told 4 times "the email or password you entered is incorrect. Please try again". Why does this have to be such a f.....g marathon? Yes I will call RA Aus again tomorrow and hopefully I will not be as livid by then as I am now!!!!!

I finally got around to emailing support to get my login details which were promptly emailed out to me but like you 47 when I enter in my username and password it comes up with that incorrect message. I will send them another email, but I would guess it is a simple problem. I even double checked I was getting the capitals and numbers right 020_yes.gif.58d361886eb042a872e78a875908e414.gif



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Actually 47 I just read a few help pages.


Have you tried the 'forgotten my password' link? On the help pages they say if we get our password and it doesn't work to try that link and it may email us a new one which may work. I'm going to give it a go and will let you know if it works.



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Seems that is the solution Planet47. Just follow the forgot my password prompts and bobs your uncle:thumb up:


Although you would think the original should have worked 033_scratching_head.gif.b541836ec2811b6655a8e435f4c1b53a.gif But alls well that ends well



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I rang RA Aus this morning and raised the issues previously listed. My email/username was checked and I was advised that an email was currently being sent to me with the logon included and I could then check to see about my membership renewal date. Yes I got the email and after 4 attempts I have been told 4 times "the email or password you entered is incorrect. Please try again". Why does this have to be such a f.....g marathon? Yes I will call RA Aus again tomorrow and hopefully I will not be as livid by then as I am now!!!!!

It has to be a marathon because the 'organisation' is poorly managed....



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Guest Andys@coffs

I had the same issue today, however I noted that in using Outlook (or whatever email client you might be using) when I tried to select the password from the email for copy and paste it added a space to the end of the provided password text. As soon as I hit Ctrl V and then backspace return I was fine.......In this case the issue was Microsoft not RAAus (for my circumstances)....but really proper testing should have identified this as an issue, win 7, office 2010, is hardly an unlikely set of circumstances..... The problem was the special characters (#,-,@ etc) in the provided password...had it just been letters and numbers, even case sensitive, it probably would have worked fine.





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Guest Maj Millard
It has to be a marathon because the 'organisation' is poorly managed....

We have only so many staff assisting with the logging on (first time on totally new site) of over 10,000 members. All those members by the way using a multitude of different IT devices....I wouldn't call that 'poorly managed' at all....most members are already logged on and very happy with results.



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I noted that in using Outlook (or whatever email client you might be using) when I tried to select the password from the email for copy and paste it added a space to the end of the provided password text.

that space is actually a line feed character, they need to rewrite the email with proper coding as Outlook and Thunderbird will both add that character after the password.


I went through all this about 8 years ago, pays to test your code before you commit, if you get it wrong, it costs someone somewhere a lot of money.



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My lividness has passed. Much later I tried the forgot my password link (like you SDQDI) and got a new one and it actually worked and I am happier. I looked at my membership renewal date which is the 17th December with a due by date of the 16th January 2016 - I don't quite follow the logic in it but it will be paid by the 17th December anyway. I was fishing around in the tech manual which mentions an AUF builders log book - does anyone know where to get this?


By the way maj I don't believe RA Aus is poorly managed - I was getting frustrated because I knew my renewal was due.



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Guest Maj Millard
I would dispute that, MARAP was only announced and hurriedly written only a few months ago. Its 80% the same board members who signed off on that.

I don't see what your bitching about here FT......MARAP did originally include 19 regos but the was quickly sorted and eliminated from the requirement. Currently MARAP is working well and making quite a few members quite happy .We recently had our first proposal fully approved by CASA, which will give us freedoms by way of the current board that no previous boards ever even imagined.



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So share the board meeting discussion where you guys all agree that you can make MARAP work on #19 aircraft, I think that's the least you can do. You obviously thought it was a good idea and supported it.

Correct me if I have it wrong, but I thought #19 registered aircraft did not need MARAP as they are amateur built equivalent to experimental. I may be totally wrong.




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Guest Maj Millard
So share the board meeting discussion where you guys all agree that you can make MARAP work on #19 aircraft, I think that's the least you can do. You obviously thought it was a good idea and supported it.

Don't go off on some incorrect tangent now FT ...it's so unlike you. The whole MARAP process has been handled and set up by our very capable tech manager. Of course the board approved that process to go ahead, but we don't get into the finer details when something is being worked on at office level. That is not our job.Darren is the one who has the CASA approvals to approve the processes and changes.

As I have said the 19 rego, thing only presented itself after the initial MARAP proposal saw the light of day. Any problems that that caused were considered and the appropriate changes were made. This highlights the flexibility built into these processes, and nothing really is set in stone if something can be shown to be detrimental to the members interests. Any other minor dramas I can help you with ?.......



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Correct me if I have it wrong, but I thought #19 registered aircraft did not need MARAP as they are amateur built equivalent to experimental. I may be totally wrong.Mike

Around the houses we go again.

MARAP as announced DID state it applied to to 19- reg amateur built aircraft. This was plainly illogical and the announcement from the Tech Manager that this applied was in fact written by CASA and not the Tech Manager (even though he put it out under his name) and was in fact wrong.


After much fussing and venting of steam by lots of people and a few pointing out that the actual changes to the law were not as announced the whole process got 'clarified' and the fact that it DOES NOT apply to 19- reg amateur built aircraft settled into both the legal framework and the communications from the RAA Tech Manager


Now we have FT dragging up all the old - and very settled as dead - bits of the original incorrect communication from RAA on MARAP application to 19- reg


So factually the history is:


MARAP designed to support older and out of support type accepted aircraft (it can apply to currently supported aircraft where the manufacturer does not want to support them)


MARAP was announced by a joint effort of CASA and the RAA Tech Manager in a very cack handed and incorrectly described way bascially announcing a coverage that was very , very wrong.


RAA Tech Manager gets an earful, correct the announcement, MARAP as designed starts to get used


and the outcome for 19- reg aircraft is that MARAP does not and has never applied to your aircraft.



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Don't go off on some incorrect tangent now FT ...it's so unlike you. The whole MARAP process has been handled and set up by our very capable tech manager. Of course the board approved that process to go ahead, but we don't get into the finer details when something is being worked on at office level. That is not our job.Darren is the one who has the CASA approvals to approve the processes and changes.As I have said the 19 rego, thing only presented itself after the initial MARAP proposal saw the light of day. Any problems that that caused were considered and the appropriate changes were made. This highlights the flexibility built into these processes, and nothing really is set in stone if something can be shown to be detrimental to the members interests. Any other minor dramas I can help you with ?.......

I think I will take great exception to the statement of the Tech Manger being very capable ... unless it is in relation to being very capable of completely miscommunication to the great frustration of the membership. Technical skill he may have but actual ability to read and understand his job and communicate change to those of lower technical skills he patently and with multiple examples proven himself to be completely not 'very capable'

examples - all documented and where he has had to backtrack over the past year:


1. MARAP application to 19 reg - got it very wrong on communications and embedded that error in all the process documentation


2. Tech Manual on 95.10 aircraft markings - wrote a reg display section that meant that any weightshift aircraft had no requirements to display markings at all


3. 95.10 weightshift - what is the aircraft - maybe not incorrect but the Australian definition is at odds with the UK and all of Europe


4. Homebuilt 95.32 weightshift aircraft - wrote a very nice how to piece in the magazine that quoted CAO requirements that were 3 years out of date and had not applied to homebuilt weightshift since before he ever had the Tech Manager job



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The issue is the running of the board, not thinking through the issues and then having to back peddle to cover bad decisions and then insisting on moving on without any explanation why they made the decision they did. I think its important that the board operates in the public, after all they represent the members not themselves.


Who advised the board that including #19 aircraft in MARAP was viable to implement? Why was that decision not properly discussed?



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