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Believe whether it is true or not

Guest john

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Some fellow pilots were trying to solve the worlds problems recently at the local aeroclub over a few beers, & a comment was stated by one of the male sober pilots around the bar that he has learnt from experience never to try to reason or argue with a women because they are wrong most of the time:black eye:



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You can stake a claim and be tough and strong with great resolve, But never really win , OR be realistic and give in and to avoid conflict and have your life controlled by someone who makes you look weak in front of your mates, and in relation to your self respect, leaves you suffering...


I doubt I will solve this dilemma in my lifetime. Some supposedly wise person said long ago "Women , you can't live with them and you can't live without them". If they are that wise why not let us into how one actually copes with this, rather than just state to obvious. Nev



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The worlds first example of phone sex,,,,,,,,,,


In days of old


when Knights were bold


And women weren't invented


Men drilled holes in telephone poles


And walked away contented





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"But you've already said that Honey 5 times. I know, but I'm just simply saying ------once again"


What bit of "I agree with you , didn't you understand?"


The story of my life:yikes:, Sh*t, lets go flying to escape. Builders planks, Kmart flashing light -dollar-in-the-slot aircraft, ceiling fans, anything:plane:!



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Last night my bro,a psych nurse, threw two blokes out of the hospital for been agressive pricks.


They threatened to come back and do him in. Police were called to remove them and the cops asked was he worried about the threats-


He replied- "Mate what can they do- I have a ex wife"



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Think it's a manifestation of the carer gene and....... Money is a factor, going back to having a safe and secure place to bring up the family having bred with an example of success, (having money). Consider the contrary situation. No money, no muscles. no hope. Can't provide the necessaries. Safety and sustenance. Not good breeding material.. I've simplified this somewhat folks, trying to illustrate a principle. Maybe the best marriages are arranged. At least the in laws might get on. (Just chucked that in for fun. You need a sense of humor in these matters). Nev



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