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Cessna missing around Byron Bay Lismore area

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That mother who took her own and her childs life, was mourned by relatives and friends on the cliff top. I wonder what sort of a lifestyle she had. That question is brought on by the mourners on TV all with what looked like a beer reaised in salute.

We all mourn in our own way. Far be it for us to Judge how others remember their loved ones. just because it is not the way we may do it, does not make it wrong.



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Pilot 'could not have survived in water beyond midday'The air search operations continued this morning, involving five helicopters and AMSA's Cairns-based Dornier search and rescue aircraft.

AMSA also tasked a NSW Police vessel from Coffs Harbour and a Volunteer Marine Rescue boat from Ballina, to conduct a search of waters near Byron Bay.



So the event happend at Byron Bay, and craft from Coffs Harbour and CAIRNS! were used. Ok, Coffs I can get, but CARINS??!!


Wouldn't Melbourne be closer?


Sure, if it was me, I would want people looking for me (kinda) but it seems problematic that the need to bring equipment from CARINS to something that happened at Byron Bay.



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seems problematic that the need to bring equipment from CARINS to something that happened at Byron Bay.

Would you mind so much if you were floating around with the sharks and Melbourne was already tasked?



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Guest SrPilot
Death by plane in the ocean would have less impact on others, except for the planes owner.

Well, yes, perhaps in some ways, but departing without a clue sometimes leaves a family without closure. They hope for years that somehow, just somehow, some way, perhaps by miracle, the individual will turn up. Closure, as traumatic as it might be, is final. Missing isn't.


Personally, I hope they find the pilot 12 kilometers inland, tired and hungry, but safe.



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Suicide is one way out of an unbearable situation. Death by plane in the ocean would have less impact on others, except for the planes owner.

I clipped your post Yenn to leave the two areas I would like to comment on.


Firstly Suicide is not one way out of an unbearable situation. It is one way to hand "your" unbearable situation over to those who love you.


Secondly Suicide is suicide. There is no less impact on others depending on the method of death. Survivors do not care if you stick a pipe into the car and gas yourself, they do not care if you swallow a bullet they do not care that you stepped in front of a train. They care only that you killed yourself and they did nothing to help you or worse still didn't even realise that you were so far down. There is no good way for those left behind, there may be ways that are easier for those doing the deed but do not think for a minute that because someone killed themselves in a way that didn't leave blood and brains splattered all over the family home, it will have any less impact on those left. It won't. It will be devastating for them and they will ask themselves every day What did I miss, what could they have done differently.


Suicide is a terrible thing, but what is being missed here imho is that it is actually worse for those left behind.


Trust me how is not the first question you ask yourself when you find out that a loved one has committed suicide.


There are two question. Why? and What did I do wrong?



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Suicide was never a crime in Scotland. It is in England as you can't get out of the debt paying requirement THAT easily. The idea you can't take your own life is immoral and a denial of the ultimate right of an individual to have a say in when and what circumstances one may choose to die. You can't police it or stop it. Why must people have to continue living in some cases where you wouldn't do it to an animal. Having to live in circumstances some do and not be allowed to peacefully die because you will go to hell is another example of god fearing lunacy and outrageous control. Nev



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I am sure that you replace a plane. but not a dead pilot who was a father husband son brother.

Agree totally.

The first and only thing that went through my mind when a friend lost power in one of my planes and went down over the hill was planes are things and can be replaced people are irreplaceable.


Fortunately he stepped out of the mess unhurt, the fact my plane was written off was and remains a non-issue for me.



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I don't hear anyone say "what about the person who owned the aeroplane". The owner lost his plane and his future trip around Australia. Now he has to look for another plane, and with all this Cessna SIDS nonsense, it is not easy to find one. Pity the poor plane owner.SIGMET.Sid

You have to be Joking????


I am sure that you replace a plane. but not a dead pilot who was a father husband son brother.

Agree totally. Machines are just that. They are lumps of metal wood etc and are replaceable.



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You have to be Joking????


Agree totally. Machines are just that. They are lumps of metal wood etc and are replaceable.

Think about it a little deeper.. If you've ever had an aircraft trying to earn its keep and someone writes it off and you get jerked around by your insurance company, it can mean extreme financial hardship, which drives some people to do what the pilot in question did. Not suggesting that is the case in this instance, but I've been there, and almost lost my house over it. The person that owns the "lump of metal", may have a lot of difficulty finding a way to replace it.



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