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What did you learn to fly on?

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Oh yes I think most pilots (especially Airline drivers) know that all too well....lolol

Beware Capt Wally...they are probably looking for somewhere to park it!





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I guess I'm a little different...


I have a heavy artic licence.


I used to modify and race cars back before there were computers in them (or anything else)


I used to bowl wild bulls from horseback for a living


I have a commercial Marine Board ticket to drive big boats out where you can't see land.


And I've managed to knock up a few hours in the air without killing myself or anyone else


But I can't pee standing up!


So tell me how you came to have this disability...





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Some of the best truckies that I have met are women including my daughter.


Some of the best tradesmen that I have ever worked with are also women.


I have found women to be at least equally capable in all fields that I have worked in



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Sorry...must be the people I mix with in my day job as they all have these funny psychoses and obsessions, too.


Nice people, but you wouldn't take them to your home...if you get my drift. 028_whisper.gif.c42ab2fd36dd10ba7a7ea829182acdc1.gif


Kaz 019_victory.gif.9945f53ce9c13eedd961005fe1daf6d2.gif



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Disability? Getting personal now are we?060_popcorn.gif.cda9a479d23ee038be1a27e83eb99342.gif

Lol well it was you who told our most esteemed female pilot that ladies and machines don't mix, we could hardly expect her to take that without a bit of a dig.003_cheezy_grin.gif.c5a94fc2937f61b556d8146a1bc97ef8.gif




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But I can't pee standing up!

Ladies who have had the same bladder cancer operation as I did pee standing up. On a forum I belong to, they say it causes a lot of concern to women checking under the cubicle door when they see the feet pointing the wrong way. They get quite a giggle out of it.



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I for one, welcome women in aviation. If I remember correctly, the greatest WW2 USSR fighter ace was a woman. Women have contributed heaps to aviation over the years and continue to do so.


Women and machines don't mix?!! Really???



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I started with paragliders, Then RC models, Then GA ( c150s & 172s ) then Gazell, drifter, Skydart, Thruster and finally the best form of flying, The powered parachute, low and slow around the tree tops.



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You sound like one of those pilots who are bound for disaster! One of the first things I was taught was to stay on top of the aircraft, my instructor always said if I wasn't on top of it it would bite me.

I was taught to always be in front of the aircraft, even more likely to bite you. I don't get the connection with your first comment.



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I was taught to always be in front of the aircraft, even more likely to bite you. I don't get the connection with your first comment.

It was just a poor attempt at humour Deskpilot, my instructor used to say in front of as well but I was just stirring you for saying we couldn't be 'on' our aircraft.



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You don't fly in or on a Drifter, you ride it hoping you don't meet yr maker earlier than planed:-)004_oh_yeah.gif.82b3078adb230b2d9519fd79c5873d7f.gif

013_thumb_down.gif.ec9b015e1f55d2c21de270e93cbe940b.gif013_thumb_down.gif.4863ae72427800e7c2610d25be9b56cd.gif013_thumb_down.gif.ec9b015e1f55d2c21de270e93cbe940b.gif..I honestly don`t know how to reply, politely, to crap like that, but you are entitled to your opinion...I suppose you meant it to be funny!





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013_thumb_down.gif.ec9b015e1f55d2c21de270e93cbe940b.gif013_thumb_down.gif.4863ae72427800e7c2610d25be9b56cd.gif013_thumb_down.gif.ec9b015e1f55d2c21de270e93cbe940b.gif..I honestly don`t know how to reply, politely, to crap like that, but you are entitled to your opinion...I suppose you meant it to be funny!Frank.

Frank, I get this sort of prejudice - often pretending to be 'humorous' - very frequently from those who fly larger planes. I can be having an interesting conversation with visiting pilots, until a 'senior' club member drops in that I only fly a microlight. At which point there are patronising smiles and the big boys talk amongst themselves.


But I wonder how many of these self regarding masters of aviation have flown anything lighter than a Jabiru (with a training wheel). How they'd get on in a lightly wingloaded taildragger landing in gusty crosswinds. Or whether they'd have the bottle to fly a single seater they'd built themselves.


Still, their loss, in my opinion.





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You guys are amusing at the very least, sadly you have zero SOH though, must be a sad world to live in where you are that angry!:oh yeah:Ignore list for you two!:-)

Maybe with the number of people you have said have zero SOH and put on your ignore list a little self reflection would not go astray.


But at the rate your ignore list appears to be growing at it shouldn't be long before you have no-one left to reply to.



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You guys are amusing at the very least, sadly you have zero SOH though, must be a sad world to live in where you are that angry!:oh yeah:Ignore list for you two!:-)

Instead of putting people on your ignore list, why don't you ask your self why people find you so offensive.



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$66 per year at the gympie aero club captain wally


We have a real good x section of members - all seem to fit in like the rest of the human race


Without sounding pious - I can remember FHunter saying clubs are to be enjoyed - and enjoy (try) the differences of each person - we should all try this best we can (including this forum and this thread)


Its a good thread - lets not the mods close it



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1967 did a few hours on a C150 Canberra $20/hr I was a first year apprentice electrician on $20 /week, money for the dream soon evaporated so built and flew R/C aircraft until the end of 1980 when I purchased a second hand MK 1 Scout and joined my mates who were flying a Pterradactyl and Winton Grasshopper around Lake George, basically taught myself with crow hops and ground loops ( 2 axis), then wisely did a 5 day gliding course on a Blanik on the winch at Euroa and aerotow at Tumut. Joined HULC mid 80,s and flew Gemini Thruster with Mick Parer for AUF certificate so that I could legally fly my Veenstra Thermite and Winton Jackaroo have had a lot of fun and met lots of very interesting pilots over the years now happy to fly around the farm on a nice Sunday in the 582 Austflight Drifter cheers Al



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