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The Never Ending Story


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"This DickaPython bloke is a bit of a goer" said one of the RPT hosties who knew him from the Ansett days "All he talks about are tripple Deckers, 3 bungers, Pythons, after flight debauchery and now he is leading my Grandma astray" she added 'I have never been so insulted and abused, unless it was that time at ..............


...the Ballarat Wool Classing Festival.


"How was I to know a group of Classers would show up at the AAA Bin, just as Sally and I had settled in for a picnic and were making pig noises.....



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...the Ballarat Wool Classing Festival.

"How was I to know a group of Classers would show up at the AAA Bin, just as Sally and I had settled in for a picnic and were making pig noises.....

..... as we got ready to do a bit of waxing".


"Well" she added "Where else were they going to get AAA superfine quality from? Unless it came off the TurboBanger's ...........?



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"Well" she added "Where else were they going to get AAA superfine quality from? Unless it came off the TurboBanger's ...........?

Editor's Comment (Not Slarti - he's become too busy showing off his paint job)


Here we have to stop the story for a moment.


It was a good try by Captain but what he is not be aware of is that all sheep are not the same and Turbo's have self shedding fleeces.


To encourage another visit from Planey the story has been changed to read:


"Where else were they going to get AAA superfine quality from other than the Jabiru factory"



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Editor's Comment (Not Slarti - he's become too busy showing off his paint job)Here we have to stop the story for a moment.


It was a good try by Captain but what he is not be aware of is that all sheep are not the same and Turbo's have self shedding fleeces.


To encourage another visit from Planey the story has been changed to read:


"Where else were they going to get AAA superfine quality from other than the Jabiru factory"

"I can provide a few kgs" answered Nanna "Is grey OK?"


"Ssssshhhhhh" whispered Decca "I prefer you like you are"


"No" said Nanna (for the 1st time since WW2) "It's AAA Superfine they want and it's AAA Alpaca like faded ash-blonde (grey to you whipper snippers) Superfine they shall have, not like that Planey character, who used blunt shears the last time he tried, and a ...........



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"I can provide a few kgs" answered Nanna "Is grey OK?"

"Ssssshhhhhh" whispered Decca "I prefer you like you are"


"No" said Nanna (for the 1st time since WW2) "It's AAA Superfine they want and it's AAA Alpaca like faded ash-blonde (grey to you whipper snippers) Superfine they shall have, not like that Planey character, who used blunt shears the last time he tried, and a ...........


.....star picket puller.....



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Turbo had slipped back into Wagga Wagga, avoided being slung into the wagon, and was busy distributing goats head thorns around Rat's Jab, parked outside the hangar for an early getaway.......

Goats Head Thorns


Here up in North Queensland we suffer punctures from goats head thorns - these are small little thorns that work their way through 6 ply!

Up here thy are "Cat-Heads" (Caltrop) ............. full name "Caltropous Fellineous Stickous inous any tyreous that is less than 8 plyous" .......... and this behaviour is typical of Bangeholmeites.


Nice one about the star-picket puller, too.



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....poor wheelbarrows can't land there...

It wouldn't be necessary; the Ratmobile was on its way with a load of Wagga Wagga Cat Heads for aerial seeding up Snake Valley.....


Shouldn't the roadhouse have been in Gumly Gumly?



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Guest Decca

....where the Owfark Thorns are so big when they go SSSSSSSSSSSSSS they are firing needles that can penetrate a crankcase at 5,000'.........



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....poor wheelbarrows can't land there...

Meanwhile Planedrivel who's been somewhat bed-ridden of late with, or caused by occasional visits from the Nanna, has been busy working on his new design job.


Not wanting to give too much away at this stage, all I can say is that the landing gear incorporates some bits from the old Victa mowers that were lying around in the shed, and a few old props from Tubs blown-up outboards, and will protrude in front of the tyres.


The commercial side attached to the idea is that when operating from grass strips, the Victa bit bits will chop up and bag the "Cat-Heads" and OwFark Thorns which can be sold as stock-feed to goat farmers, therby offsetting the flying cost's:loopy:.



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In Bangholme they're called Owfark Thorns...

Isn't that interesting ..... as that is exactly what Ian described them as when he experienced them in the CT at Narrowmind a couple of years ago.


"And yes it is Gumly Gumly, however we who are duo-nomenclated just use the singular so that those of you who are uni-nome'd will not feel out of place any more than you should." replied the Gleaming Rodent "It is also so that ..........



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Meanwhile Planedrivel who's been somewhat bed-ridden of late with, or caused by occasional visits from the Nanna, has been busy working on his new design job.Not wanting to give too much away at this stage, all I can say is that the landing gear incorporates some bits from the old Victa mowers that were lying around in the shed, and a few old props from Tubs blown-up outboards, and will protrude in front of the tyres.


The commercial side attached to the idea is that when operating from grass strips, the Victa bit bits will chop up and bag the "Cat-Heads" and OwFark Thorns which can be sold as stock-feed to goat farmers, therby offsetting the flying cost's:loopy:.

In his own inimitable way, Planey had announced the impending arrival of the second Lazair in Australia........



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Isn't that interesting ..... as that is exactly what Ian described them as when he experienced them in the CT at Narrowmind a couple of years ago.

"And yes it is Gumly Gumly, however we who are duo-nomenclated just use the singular so that those of you who are uni-nome'd will not feel out of place any more than you should." replied the Gleaming Rodent "It is also so that ..........


"....Ian Ian had to be moderated moderated each time he bent over to tie up a rope rope" said the Rat who was having trouble getting out of duo-nomenclated gear.


"the final straw was when, right in front of the CWA refreshment tent Ian bent down to tie up his shoelaces. It was apparently a mating call for CWA matrons because the was surrounded for the rest of the day..


"The Grizzle climbed out of there at 130 kts kts that day said Rattie, who was affecting a South African image after reading a post where Fanie, Manie and Wanie were exchanging reminisences about finding bullet holes in the wings of their Drifters after flying over communities with bare bums, giving them the Moon.....



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Psst! They're not really bullet holes :cool_shades:....they're holes left from missing rivets, which is just a ruse to explain the sieve like appearance that some aircraft seem to develop. 033_scratching_head.gif.92f700cf00fb9c6c6818598d44101896.gif


"Hang on a minute!" gasped Dika. i_dunno (just why he was gasping only Nanna could explain augie.gif.346f47c3977a17668982a7a2e09685c9.gif) "Drifters aren't metal skins, so they can't be rivet holes. Must be eyelets from the old truck tarps they use for the wings"....075_amazon.gif.cc281e7fdd81ad4a6f72dd47b08e516f.gif



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A convoy of semi trailers, all driven by guys in blue singlets, green shorts and five days stubble set out in the general direction of Dalby......

"We are from 'Toria and we are here to help" they all said in their big tough truckie voices.


"And we have arranged a Village People show for the disadvantaged people of Dalby, called DalbAid ..................... because yez are from Queensland and need assistance" said the biggest Semi-Driver in the cowboy outfit.


"But" he added with a wink and a wiggle, "We have changed the lineup just a little bit as we have me (silly) and I'm a Cowboy, we have a Flight Engineer off a 3 holer, a CASA Inspector, A Truck Designer, A prospective RAA Board Member, An Administrator, A Fireman, a Tunnel Rat and a ........"



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"....female Roadie with long flowing silver hair...."


The Dalby Progress Association, who had been press ganged into holding an Air Show Spectacular by a fast talking ditDash, and weren't too sure what an air show was jumped at the opprotunity and said "We'll take you!"


As they sipped their tea afterwards the president, now visibly relaxed said: "Well that's the hard part over; will someone tell Tomo all we have to arrange now are the mobile toilets and streamers".........



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"....female Roadie with long flowing silver hair...."

The Dalby Progress Association, who had been press ganged into holding an Air Show Spectacular by a fast talking ditDash, and weren't too sure what an air show was jumped at the opprotunity and said "We'll take you!"


As they sipped their tea afterwards the president, now visibly relaxed said: "Well that's the hard part over; will someone tell Tomo all we have to arrange now are the mobile toilets and streamers".........

And the Dalby CWA (bless 'em as there is some hot-stuff there, I can tell ya) sang along to the strains of "It's fun to eat scones at the D-S-C-Q (The Dalby Shearer's & Cook's Quarters) and other well known classics that had Tomo the Homo ......... sapian wearing chaps over his flying suit, exposing his dot and his dash, and ................



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...generally having a gay old time. :raise_eyebrow:i_dunno


Opps, time for a tangent!! Just what did Hanna & Barbara mean when they wrote


A yabba doo time, a dabba doo time, you'll have a gay old time??


Post script:


McLoch now wishes that he hadn't tried to remember where "a gay old time" came from 'cause now the Flintstones theme is firmly embeded. :robin:


"Should of paid more attention to the pre trip briefing instead of running up the Jake brake on the threshold" he muttered.....



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...generally having a gay old time. :raise_eyebrow:i_dunno

Opps, time for a tangent!! Just what did Hanna & Barbara mean when they wrote


A yabba doo time, a dabba doo time, you'll have a gay old time??




"It is well known" responded TurboConstructionWorker "That this theme was written during the time when the Dalby B&B balls were in full swing ......... then they relocated to Bangholme for obvious reasons when I started to spend an unhealthy amount of time with Barney in preference to Wilma. How did you learn about that McJocklocks?"


"I was told by Mc .............



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...who's about as popular as herpes on a honeymoon for spamming poor destituteFlyer's E-mail box. augie.gif.346f47c3977a17668982a7a2e09685c9.gif


"Must of been a BigPong issue." suggested AdminiIan. "The NES clowns are happy enough amusing and abusing themselves :jump:without needing to harrass general population." 067_bash.gif.c8fd5dc3b20d928de6fc07a5d2243ea4.gif


"Oh, dunno about that." :bitehard: replied..........



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