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Everything posted by Flightrite

  1. Dopey Dan has gotta justify his actions somehow!? There will always be people who don't accept the tyranny being dished out, human nature!
  2. Agree, beats the old Boeing tractor hands down.I feel for Airbus as they put pen to paper in the 80's! At that tme is looked like a viable concept to compete with Boeings now 20+ year design, the B747 so it was full steam ahead but by the time it hit the airways in early 2000's the business of flying was starting to change, bigger wasn't the "in" word not long after the Dugong really got its foot in the long haul market. Planes come and go all the time, big 4x gas guzzlers will be relegated to the annals of aviation history!
  3. I found the Dugong far more pleasing than the old Beoing tractor from a SLF perspective ?
  4. Well it's mask day today in the leper colony, will be interesting to see how the cops treat people, no doubt won't be fair in many cases as there will be plenty of power trips from this day on!!
  5. Let's just say that this won't happen anytime soon! Man on Mars is next, that's the time scale!?
  6. Byeeeee......Airbus, way of the future???
  7. We loose a 100 or so a week thru Bowel cancer, hardly any one batters an eye lid at that! The grubby media love focussing on the few deaths that they can tie in with CV! The masks just create another Level of fear & hysteria! Until a vaccine is found and proven long term this virus ain't going anywhere, lockdown masks or whatever other fear factor the Govt want to throw at the sheeple better get used to it!
  8. I enjoy the forum police, get a laugh out of their antics, BookFace is crawling with them!?
  9. The whole debacle is draconian! Masks not required last time, this time the boffins say its so! Continious Govt stuff ups we all pay for! Still at least the skies are open?
  10. I've got a headache after watching those vids?
  11. Yes posted elsewhere and on AOPA 'this week' (USA)
  12. I have to agree (if you mean selling the misses), I've discovered over the years women and aviation don't mix, ????
  13. Sometimes pilots like to hear their own voice?Less is often better?
  14. I like my LiPo's......in my toy planes nowhere else thanks??
  15. If you have a choice buy an airframe that's not been used for training or that has a documented accident history, both reduce their value.
  16. Not sure Nev about that, me thinks more like long enough to come back as an Eagle, top of the food chain for birds and we wouldn't have to worry about CAsA!?? Finding this pix I think I'll retract that idea!?
  17. The only way you can fly a drifter in leper colony Melb would be to put a mask on the air intake, ya never know what ya gunna get down here!???
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