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Everything posted by FlyingVizsla

  1. Hughes are still in business; we recently got parts for our Lightwing GA. They are more a general engineering works. Not making aircraft anymore AFAIK. AUF was short sighted and thought 999 planes would be the maximum. There were mistakes made early on. AUF issued the same number for 10- and 19- etc. Our Karasport was one that had to change the 10-number because there was a 19-same number (or whatever). Our Lightwing has 55-646, it should have a zero there now.
  2. That's fine at the Flying Club where at least a third of members attend in person and nearly all live within an hour's drive. If there is something brewing they can turn up, listen to the motion from the floor and vote. Even then, our Constitution allows members to appoint a proxy to vote for them, no specific instruction needed. Usually a mate "you know how I feel on things." RAAus is a national organisation. I would be very cheesed off if I lived in WA and a handful of blokes in Canberra, who could get to the meeting, made decisions that impacted me. Less than 10% bother to vote in elections. Far fewer attend meetings. Even with video links, the date/time may be inconvenient. I missed the AGM because we were away. I registered for the resumed AGM but was admitted only to hear the last 30 seconds - which I consider poor form. The registrations closed the day before, I logged on 10+ minutes before and they were still unable to process the number of registered members in time. Something I will be taking up with them.
  3. Queensland hit with severe thunderstorm as SES, energy provider and Brisbane council offer help with clean-up - ABC News WWW.ABC.NET.AU South-east Queensland was rocked by a severe storm last night, with winds felt in Brisbane's south akin to that of a category three cyclone.
  4. It appears this is the case here - the motion of No Confidence was raised from the floor after the formal business of the AGM, which had to be adjourned while it was considered. It was found to be invalid. The RAAus Communique notes: The disruptive behaviour by a minority of members has resulted in unnecessary and significant costs to members and is disappointing. The Communique says - Today sees the conclusion of the 2023 Annual General Meeting. In summary, a Board resolution (Resolution 4) that sought to make some updates to the constitution was withdrawn by the Board due to concerns about administrative procedures that may have affected our ability to conduct a fair and reasonable process. Member Rodney Birrell had also put forward a resolution (Resolution 5) to make changes to the constitution and was offered the opportunity to withdraw the resolution for the same reasons. He chose not to do this and after being put to members the resolution did not reach the required majority of 75% and therefore was not passed. I would like to know what the "administrative procedures" were that failed the membership. I guess it was with Proxy Votes, or maybe the communication of the Resolutions? Both the No Confidence and the Administrative Procedures have unnecessarily cost RAAus and therefore members.
  5. Transport safety bureau releases initial findings about plane crash that killed pilot and his three grandchildren at Gundaroo - ABC News WWW.ABC.NET.AU Investigators suggest a devastating light plane crash occurred after the aircraft went into a spin and lost engine power. Four members of the...
  6. So I guess Rod's group were hoping to raise the No Confidence from the floor, and didn't get the opportunity.
  7. The AGM was reconvened for 15 minutes today 15/12/23, I signed up for the MS Teams meeting. I clicked the link about 10 mins before the meeting, but just got the screen telling me to Wait, someone will allow you to join. By the time I was admitted they were saying there were no further business, goodbye. All over in about 4 mins? Our Club got an Urgent notice from Rod Birrell et al, saying there was a No Confidence vote against Michael Monk. What happened with that? What did I miss?
  8. FlyingVizsla


    He has given us some photos, but they are from 2011 and too small to be any use - about 18kb. This is from the RAAus register. He let it lapse by non payment, after the wing was repaired and it was flyable. No idea why, although he was getting ill at the time. I am still trying to find the date of the prang. That may be the last time it flew. I may have some historical photos, but it pre-dated the RAAus accident database on-line.
  9. FlyingVizsla


    This photo was taken for the fuses, but the plate is partly shown.
  10. FlyingVizsla


    Located at Childers airstrip Qld. Owner can no longer fly. Originally built by Terry Kronk as a VH-registered taildragger. It has a box of correspondence with CASA detailing the build and tailwheel modification. The present owner bought it and moved it to 19-RAAus to allow owner maintenance. It had an accident over 10 years ago, when he landed too fast and hit a fence with the wing. It was professionally repaired. He hasn't flown it for years, but it has sat in our hangar for that time, where work has continued on it. He let the rego lapse, but we are helping him get it back on the register. Hoping to have an Aircraft Condition Report soon. Back on the register with L2 ACR means you can fly it home. Alternatively, the wings can be removed for transport. 912 80HP is calendar time expired. Being a 19 you only need to determine your own schedule of inspection to maintain it "on condition". It is not for a novice, as it goes like the clappers, but has a small rudder. He says it does 150kts indicated. It has a sliding canopy. It looks sleek, he had it repainted in purple and white (as photographed). He is open to offers. Contact me for inspections, etc.
  11. I will have to do another Classie - the original Classifieds disappeared with all the discussion on this one. The guy who owns it has been too ill to fly for years. It has sat in our hangar for all that time. Good looking plane, but he made a half hearted attempt at selling then repelled all boarders. I suppose he realises this time, it has to go, he will never fly it. Good looking plane, originally built VH, comes with a box full of correspondence with CASA regarding the build and conversion to tailwheel. The current owner changed it to RAAus 19- so he could work on it himself. I'll get something together soon.
  12. Yes, gone to a bloke who has built one before. Hopefully it too will fly. We are still looking to sell the 55-GA Lightwing and the mate's tailwheel 19-Pulsar. Both low priced. The Pulsar is not for a novice, but goes like the clappers.
  13. I had been digitising the old AUF magazines which sometimes have listings of rego, make, model etc. There's photos and articles. I am still missing some early editions. Early single seat planes may never have been issued a number. I found one which seems to fall into this category, the guy who now has it is trying to fix her up and fly it again. All my searching came to nothing. When we get flying cars, regos on drones etc, there really will be an alphabet soup in the sky.
  14. AUF initially messed up on rego numbers, not forward thinking enough to imagine more than 999 planes, computers, databases and further categories. They had to rescind some numbers (one of our planes was a victim) to sort it out. In an ideal world a unique number would follow the plane from cradle to grave and not be reallocated. Remeber the scandal of 001 that was taken by a former President of the AUF for his plane, when the original 001 plane was being rebuilt? I think the numbers are starting to run out. Ultralights, particularly the early home built were retired due to technological obsolescence, unobtainable parts, engines, structural integrity, aging owners and an inability to find any buyers. That happened to our Wheeler Scout. Numbers were allocated to builders, who then never got the plane registered. So it does make sense to re-allocate numbers for planes that will never fly again. However, there are people who rebuild and want to keep the rego, even only to save the history and the work required to change placards and decals. I agree, it is nothing new, my C152 used to be a DC-3. An issue I see, is that the last owner on the RAAus books may not be aware of who owns it now. As it costs money to keep a plane on the RAAus register, owners are more likely to let it lapse until they can get it airworthy again. They can sell and not inform RAAus. On the other hand, VH regos are free and perpetual, provided you don't inform them that it has been scrapped. Because I have so much history of AUF aircraft, I get enquiries from people who have found a plane and want to do it up. While that may sound like the future is bright; most of these will never fly again. My first port of call is the RAAus register, which gives me basic detail and when it was last registered. I can then have a look at the accident database (prior to that date). Then I look at the history I have. At present we are looking at 3 planes returning to the register once the ACR is done, and others in the process. AUF solved their 999 plane problem by putting a 0 in front making the range to 9,999. Perhaps RAAus could put another 0 in front? I just want them to keep the history visable.
  15. RAAus are looking at re-allocating registration numbers from aircraft that have been removed from the Register. It has been handy to be able to look up the aircraft rego and find out when it lapsed and some information about it (serial No. etc). I hope some way of still finding this out remains, even after the number has been re-allocated. I know a number of people who have bought wrecks or unregistered planes with the intention of returning to the Register. Keeping the number, keeps the history and also avoids the work associated with taking numbers off wings etc. I am not opposed to this re-allocation of numbers, but keep the history please. RAAus will be contacting owners, but in some cases the plane was sold with the rego lapsed with no regard for who bought it. I know one that crashed in a paddock, the owner took the engine and abandoned it. The farmer ended up giving it to someone who is now rebuilding it. Same with deceased estates, where the half built kit goes to whoever made an offer and took it. This is from their Newsletter Review of Cancelled Aircraft Registrations As part of an update to RAAus’ IT infrastructure, we will shortly be commencing a review of our database to ensure that information is accurate and up to date. In particular, we will be conducting a review of cancelled aircraft registrations. We will be shortly reaching out to owners of unregistered aircraft to determine if these aircraft are required to remain on the register. Once this has been determined, these aircraft will be re-registered, de-registered or placed on hold for members who wish to retain their registration number. RAAus offers new aircraft owners the ability to choose a registration number when they register an aircraft. By reviewing cancelled aircraft registrations these numbers may be returned for future use by RAAus members. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to our Technical team.
  16. It's a pity that they didn't split the reforms into separate Motions, because there were less controversial issues, such as better defining email as a means of communication, that are now not dealt with. The AUF had some very long serving men, and some who either didn't contribute or had their own agenda, but were elected unopposed or simply because their name was known. I used to be in favour of finite terms, but now with decades of volunteering, I think it should be left to the members to decide. But also think we need some information on the various Board members' performance and participation on which to base our vote. I've seen good clubs fail because they lost long-term office bearers and the new faces had no background. Then you run out of volunteers - last few elections were sparce - current members unopposed, needing to nominate people onto the Board unelected. And only 9% of members interested enough to vote.
  17. I couldn't watch the AGM as we were otherwise engaged. Does anyone know which resolution got up?
  18. Alwyn and Jenny Rogash's remains found weeks after Finch Hatton plane crash - ABC News WWW.ABC.NET.AU Alwyn and Jenny Rogash are being remembered as "active, enthusiastic aviators" after a plane crash last month.
  19. Thanks for that Robert, unfortunately I can no longer edit the Title. I wonder where the Coast Guard got their info from? Still, thankful that it ended with a bit of embarrassment, loss of $$s but not loss of life.
  20. Now updated with location & plane Cessna Challenger Learjet ditched into the ocean at Barwon Banks, 20 nautical miles east off Mooloolaba Changed title to reflect this new info.
  21. Light plane crashes into water off Queensland's Sunshine Coast - ABC News WWW.ABC.NET.AU Two people are winched from a life raft after a light plane crash off the Sunshine Coast this morning.
  22. Pilot killed and passenger injured in gyrocopter crash north of Melbourne - ABC News WWW.ABC.NET.AU The pilot of a light aircraft dies and his passenger is injured in a crash in Goulburn Weir, north of Melbourne.
  23. Emergency services called to light plane crash at Palgrave on Southern Downs - ABC News WWW.ABC.NET.AU Emergency services are at the scene of a light plane crash south-west of Warwick. Firefighters say a grassfire has started as a result.
  24. Results are in. Only 958 members voted out of approx 10,000. Michael Monck & Andrew Scheiffers have been successful, both previous Board members.
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