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Everything posted by cooperplace

  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one to have made that mistake
  2. yes, that's my concern also. There's a tendency there to blame the westerner.
  3. Hi Dutch, thanks; so maybe the Australian co-pilot will get hung out to dry on this? When in fact it's multifactorial? The more I read about flying big jets, the more respect it gives me for their pilots: lots to learn, lots to do, lots of responsibility.
  4. it's a really good idea to be aware of all the other aircraft in the circuit. of course if someone made say a straight in approach with no calls, in a fast plane, then this could happen. And by the way the last time I saw 2 planes nearly collide in the circuit (one was on base, I don't know where the other had come from, he was all over the place) the latter plane was flown by a 77-year old pilot. He died 2 days later pulling a steep turn base onto final.
  5. there are lots of 747s with >100,000 hours; you've got to hand it to Boeing, their stuff is built really well. Imagine a car doing 100,000 hours!
  6. as a Jab pilot, I know zip about the big planes, but I can't imagine any pilot forgetting to advance the throttle on go-around, so is it a good assumption that he thought an automatic system was going to do this but didn't? There's speculation earlier in this thread and elsewhere that the wheels touching the ground might have made the systems "think" the plane was on the ground so that stopped the throttles advancing. How does this sound to you, Dutch?
  7. my last flight was mundane. I hadn't flown for over a month and I did a few circuits. Luckily I hadn't forgotten how to land the jab.
  8. on 737, 747 and 767, do these numbers for flap mean anything? degrees? or just numbers on a scale? and if so, do they correspond to degrees?
  9. stormed the "pilot's cockpit". Is there more than one cockpit? One that isn't the pilot's?
  10. how many fuel pumps are there on Navajo? Single engine planes have 2; would a twin have 4? The preliminary report suggests that it has 4. All 4 failing at once?
  11. depends on where you live. We lived in Chicago a long time ago. Despite our Corolla having what looked like a truck battery (standard there), you were lucky to get 3 winters out of a battery. When it's 20 below it's a real strain, starting an engine. And you don't want to break down in a bad part of town, so putting in a new battery just before that 3rd winter was cheap insurance.
  12. that's what I thought; but the OP seemed to suggest that his 2-stroke drowns out the radio in his jab.
  13. I saw Magic Mike at Adelaide International. Actually he came to a Ducati Owners Club dinner, he and I joked about the relative performance of my VW beetle and his Ducati at Bathurst. At AIR he rode the 750 amazingly. He did wonderful, beautifully controlled high speed slides all the way around the speed bowl. I've never seen anyone, before or since, ride as well as Mike. He was sooo smooth. And that 750 was amazing. He was doing faster lap times than anyone else, regardless of what bike they were on. He was lapping faster than than any of the 900 dukes. And he was a great guy in person. Much missed. We're well off topic here. My fault.
  14. I saw Cros doing wheelies around Adelaide International.... smiling all over his face; great to watch.
  15. do dukes and guzzis both fire the same in relation to the full 720 degrees that the crank goes thru in any one 4-stroke revolution? I heard a guzzi with Contis and it yes it sounded nothing like a duke; actually, it sounded..... like a guzzi. Had a girlfriend with a guzzi and we used to go touring together, we even swapped bikes (!); I liked the guzzi but found the sideways thing when revved disconcerting. I remember my bladder had a ca. 200km range but hers was about 80-90. Enough reminiscing.
  16. the sad thing is that this is nearly 40 years ago: the late 70s. In some ways I don't feel any older but my knees, hip, joints, eyes, etc all tell me that I am. As do my kids.
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