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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. Storchy, does this return line go from the carby , the chamber on top of the float-valve, back to the fuel tank? And two lines, one for each of the carbys? the return line goes from the fuel manifold back to tank the line to the tank has a restriction in it to maintain the required pressure to carby neil
  2. Thank you dan that windscreen peeled up from the bottom other wise the pilot would not have a head Bloody lack of good governance of maitanance Failure of reporting that if I am right the owner should be sent a very nasty letter and not to fly that aircraft Neil
  3. Dan3111 would you please put the number of aircraft up so as it can be vary field if you can't or don't want it on here email me lwat [email protected] Neil
  4. Dan3111 what have I been saying cover ups and bullxxx reigns at the top Neil
  5. A Pauline moment please explain three jab motors on removal of heads there was actual fuel in the bore? Neil
  6. what in the hell pages 8 73-00-00 august 01/2012 clearly stated that all 912 rotax will have a return line to the fuel tank to eliminate pressure from fuel pump plus vapour lock as bert flood RIP old mate pointed out to me since 1997 as far as he could find out I can tell you that since 2003 to2014 is in documentation in my files neil
  7. bruce the blantant disregarde of the manual for the installation of rotax 912 motors is in my opinion a dismal state of the powers at the top pages 8 73-00-00 august 01/2012 clearly stated that all 912 rotax will have a return line to the fuel tank to eliminate pressure from fuel pump plus vapour lock this has been pointed out to all and sundry neil
  8. jabiru phil in my opinion that is the start of your engine about to stretch the through bolts I personally would only start on one mag but I don't know nothing neil
  9. so should I have reported the failure of TWO yes TWO needle and seat failures when they happened WHEN I reported to both CASA and RAAus the repair of air craft 24 4524 and told my problem I do have written conformation of my statement when some idiots cannot think out side there little box as it has not happened what would this idiot know when his idea is to far right of field it is not possible the cause of needle and seat failure is that there was no return line to the tank as in the rotax installation manual according to the so called experts at CASA and RAAus and the importer of rotax motors this manual does not have to be followed this to me is saying that rotax is wasting money on printing manual neil
  10. yes it does nev how can a piston seize after it leaves engine ? neil
  11. my take on this crap and corruption is we were stitched up with the wording of that crap constitution change some did not take the time to examine the wording and what it would mean I was of the opinion that the constitution needs to be better written and should have been BEFORE the vote and I voted no your vote of yes on the wording of what you voted for has brought us to a hand full off, I am write, trust me I know best, you don't understand what I am saying , YES leaders are write I don't understand why in the hell are they pandering to CASA, through out that deed of agreement and go back to running a basic flying organization There are so called certified planes that is factory built that in my opinion should no be flown over towns or built up areas as they do not comply with the installation manual for the power plant when did we get permission not to comply with installation manuals for fitting of any thing to a factory built aircraft but all off those persons building have to jump and comply do it write bloody hell (just go fishing guys) cause you might build a plane that you feel is safe woops just an up date yep I'm a backing Pauline sorry sue reason educated idiot I aint neil
  12. one would assume that would be what the maker of the aircraft power plant is limited to and your ability too neil
  13. Yeh them paper maps keep you on the ball I personally love to plan on the paper as it shows me a place I might go These new gadgets put in a start point and finish point no brain work required what brain A stint in the army 65 67 taught me about maps and radio never forgot Neil
  14. I have recorded as check flight in xxxxxx for number of minutes so as I know when and where Neil
  15. I have both AvPlan and a avmap and leaning to the avplan for Navigating neil
  16. Like the spare that was repaired and no paper work at all and nobody did it get real Sorry but that shit has to stop now neil
  17. any further info regarding walget plane accident one deceased RIP neil
  18. Wonder if some that just want to fly and cant be bothered with politics of our organisation are going to take NOTICE turbs not likely When if ra falls over Elaa will pick up the remenents that are there for the taking think about that Neil
  19. Frank I feel that admin will have no objection as this story has to have an ending the amount off crapp and corruption that surrounds the whole saga is un believeable Neil
  20. That's the bloody problem how many have read the the flight manual of the aircraft that they are learning in In my opinion it should be the first lesson end of story Several at narromine and temora who were learning had not read the flight manual in fact this should be made compulsory don't start me on that one In fact when I had my plane on crosshire there were three copies off the flight manual for the plane one in the plane and two in the office for others to read Neil
  21. In my opinion mots advert is spot on RAA senior instructor position available He don't want driving instructor Now senior instructor means to me that he or she will be compent on all off recreational aircraft Oh Mortz have you won lotto and bought a jet or a twin and registering RAA Neil
  22. The down side Me daughter in law reconds the was a bad move getting me eyes fixed cause I won't have the excuse to cuddle the young chicks she is right See em coming a mile away by the time they get near I'm plumb tuckered and forgotten about the cuddle Neil
  23. As pointed out finally by president at the last two meetings I have attended mistakes have occurred in the pasted this goes directly to the top where persons who should have known failed in duty off care to follow the deed of agreement between CASA and RAA I note that since another organization has been rumoured to start up all this sort messaging has started In my opinion many members have continued to fail the organisation in failure to see the big picture off the writing off of RAA it will only take another please explain (yes Pauline quote) to screw us all A person at Oshkosh narromine asked me about the deed I was quoting on some posts as I had a hard copy with me and asked him to read it he was amazed at what it stated of what the organisation had to follow Now this deed was NOT written by CASA it was written by CEO and President as they signed it off As another has said scrutiny will be at the fore frount off CASA Neil
  24. My thoughts are that fan ain't high enough the lack of good governance is going to hurt Neil
  25. Had both eyes done 3 weeks apart no pain 2years ago Perfect vision now should not have been driving I could not believe how bloody blind I was but I still wear glasses so I don't get welding flashes or grinding fragment in my eyes and don't strain em Neil
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