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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. I for one do not want to see a return to the days before the Queenbeyan EGM where there was failure at every level from people who were passionate about recreational aviation, but who paid lip service to the regulator and had little in the way of business knowledge or acumen in a fast paced technology dominated world. KG totally agree I have a feeling that It may continue if this mine field is not fixed now neil
  2. Only if you make it a problem that sounds like the bloke down the road with the bald tyres change em later got booked 400 dollars grounded car 600 dollars for new tyres taxi to work 60 dollars had he fixed the car before he got booked less costs interesting neil
  3. compliance with the rules and regulations that are in place for the good governance and accountability that have been in place well said turbo neil
  4. yes kasper as I see it with my recent comment about deed of agreement some were horrified that certain paragraphs were in it I was asked to sign a legal doc as a witness several years ago after the persons that it concerned had read it the line in it that caught my eye was (interest at 7% to be paid on the total amount off xxxxxxx for the duration off the loan ) wish I had lent the money pmccarthy I have written to the president with a request of what I would like to happen requested by the currant president also is a amount off money stated in that letter it will be your money that should I continue force the president to prove that their was no neg on behalf off raaus on the maters raised by me that they will use in front off legal representation the president did make a statement that my issue would be addressed by him that happened 14 5 2016 do you know about this bet you don't just another cover up oh that is bloody good governance that is fact neil
  5. how many members have rely read the raaus Constitution how many have read the raaus Deed of Agreement how many have read the raaus Operations manual these documents contain vital information as to how raaus is to perform duties of care before the name calling how about quoting from these directives as to where you find your facts that some person has broken our rules and regulations neil
  6. I have a feeling that the failure of raaus to disclose a problem with some jab engines did bring casa to bring raaus into line as to yenn I have a feeling that rule has always been there admin as I read the wording of the deed of agreement that would be the case failure to advise casa by raaus regarding my situation is a breach off the currant the deed of arrangement neil
  7. no dwf cant post date deed of agreement 30 5 2016 neil
  8. governance failure by raaus to report incidences to whom the raaus is mandated to report to is an breach of the deed off ageement between raaus and casa does anyone have a previous copy off the deed off agreement ending 3/6/2016 either way some need to resign disregard this statment by me i advise you not to neil
  9. You have to be prepared to accept that well informed people will generally vote for the best outcome, to believe in a democracy spot on nev yes well informed persons is the answer I did my best to inform persons to read as to what was being put around so now by their shear stupidity off not reading suck it up princes the majority raaus members could not give a dam about raaus by their refusal to lodge a vote leave it 800 or 900 or so to go out and get accountability good governance and above all safety instilled in the brain neil
  10. my opinion the problem is to blame some one else pass the buck not my problem who cares raaus were given a charter by casa to administer the ultralight persons the systemic failure to administer good governance led to the complete failure off raaus hence the big stick came out at one time the board claimed that there were over 12000 members now when this was question in regard to financial irregularities the board could not answer and ducked the questions about this lost a lot off paper work went missing of the board members that have been there is only three that showed any interest in being accountable I do accept that I had personal connections with them but get rid off em mentalatity prevailed this crap that is taking place now should make you wounder as stated here on this forum the systemic failure by raaus to listen to members who years ago stated that the regulations needed to be followed not some hearsay by xxx black and white the rules and regulations have allways been there but because some wanted to step out side the bounderies they became a pigs breakfast I site the grounding off aircraft neil
  11. for my opinion is don't vote for any one that has been on the board as that is the only way we can get a fresh start the corruption and cover ups started years ago it was allowed to continue because you as members allowed it continue through your ignorance off good governance and accountability neil
  12. Owning or being the registered operator of a plane is a big jump you are spot on nev bloody right the plane that I did own was on cross hire to a flight school I took it out for that reason duty off care is a legal night mare on what I should have known and what I did know neil
  13. It is important to note here that the new RAAus Constitution was presented to RAAus members for their consideration, by the Board without the Board signing off on the document. No vote was taken by the Board. Whats new governance as an association not being followed and yet here we have ex board member now stating it is fact this what a lot of persons have been stating where in the hell would corporate governance got the members several persons on this forum did advise person to read the drafts very carefully at that meeting I again was told not to make waves in my opinion the cover up and none disclosure by the board makes a farce and corrupt neil
  14. no just wanted to save the mistress having to wait easy pick up :oh yeah:neil
  15. safety what safety keith what I see is safety begins with the operator off the said machine before I retired I had that many pieces of paper that assumed I was competent operator off road trains, mobile cranes, derrick cranes excuvators , explosive handling, forklift, dangerous goods, mining, marriage :oops:that one cost me "Safety" teach education and culture and safety will arrive simply as a by-product. yes Safety as one off my instructors asked had I read the flight manual for the air craft he was about to teach me in me being half a smart arse I said " your the instructor you should know " with that he dropped the flight manual on the table "read it before you go flying with me "was the reply I got when I mention this to raaus reps and suggested that the questions on the flight manual should be part off the cert questions to hard was the reply what I have found is the stupid persons that believe that what horney harry or doufes daryl or mick the monkey says about an air craft is the fact so they don't read what is in the manual or abide by it when reports of clear breaches of safety are reported and raaus puts their head under the pillow and don't want to know about it is to me clearly is don't bother us mentality sucks what a pity that we have no other venue that we as recreational pilots can join I believe that should that happen raaus will be Safety keith I am going to be at narromine in oct with the all the parts that in the opinion off several l2 should have led to me having a little accident lets see what raaus have to say about that and their explanation why it is my problem when its a bloody safety issue neil
  16. The contemp for the members is not a good environment to endure. The organisation is a member based organisation and the members views are not being considered as I see it there is great contempt shown to members. totally agree keith keith why don't you ask raaus for a copy the letter that they requested from me by raaus reps at the 14/5/2016 meeting that they have failed to answer except for "have referred to legal person " at this meeting I did attend I should not have backed off on what I was going to do and say bloody cover up an none disclosure is still in the mind set off raaus What concerns me greatly, How will CASA consider RAAus if the members desert RAAus and fly illegally? please don't go down that path of flying illegally as that would do our cause not bit off bloody good because that is all bloody casa would need to red pen us all RAAus will not look good as members have to operate under a draconian system sorry keith but when you have muddy water its not safe to bloody drink you need to clean it and get rid off the shit out off it so as we all arnt getting sick RAAus is moving to more regulation disciplinary procedures. raaus had regulations that were not followed like persons reporting that a flight manual was in correct that because the plane did not have the xxx installed fore that person to be told your problem from raaus for raaus to claim safety is our main concern flys out the bloody window neil
  17. I stand to be corrected had the raaus had balls to back certain person on this forum roughly 9 years ago the organization would not have been in the shit it is in but raaus bloody mindedness to vilify and block his endeavour to modernize this organization to the IT age its my opinion I'm sticking to it I notice that rod has joined this forum is it off a concern to him now that this forum carries a lot of information that is both good and bad sorry rod but you arnt getting my vote or any old board members reason starts nov 2008 when I informed raaus that an aircraft was not airworthy a bloody cover up by raaus neil
  18. Hey Keith were are the experts :oops:Neil
  19. Bruce are you alluding to a perceived idea that this site is not monetered by all previous board members I have feeling that some maybe telling porkies Kasper an l2 l4 that was appointed RAAus when a complaint against person not delt with just another cover up fact so is who going monitor this situation the coroner to late Neil
  20. Don at ain't jasper allowed an opinion neil
  21. Just booked van site 4th to 10th driving up last year was great neil
  22. As the planing and calculations would be a bloody nightmare Should have rolled the other way This very senerio was discussed forty years ago but then cranes that size or nets that size wernt around Neil
  23. As mate said to me when I was doing a preflight walk around the aircraft looking looking for reason not go flying Neil When he had said this to me a couple of times it finaly dawned on me what he ment Another remark of his was is the head ahead of the plane today Neil On reading what happened and the findings the person in my opinion should not have had his head in that plane Neil
  24. Flying vizsla where in the hell did you find that info why couldn't it be sent as a email this smells like we as members don't need to know Neil
  25. I bloody well have moved on from what you are commenting on why don't you get the facts as to what I have written to raa ask them to supply you with information you are assuming and that assumption may bloody well back fire neil ps fact I am not having a go at you
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