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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. I'm dead if I piss the bed about that time I don't like pain neil
  2. It's them glasses that have reflection and the fly was doing his hair Neil
  3. Them there qld blokes sure put questions up at funny times then that all right they answer at funny time:oops: Neil
  4. seneca So 500 ft high 1600 ft from the keys 100 plus knots Considered on final How long to the keys Drifter 500 ft high 1600 ft from keys 75 if your lucky knots Considered on final How long to keys Now on my calculations the senica would have had lunch fueled up and ready to leave If you was in the Seneca and he called final at 1600 ft from keys would you not walk home Neil
  5. Hitc I personally congratulate you for doing not seeming to do I am waiting like you failure to take no further action will be in breach of the deed of agreement neil
  6. Flying xxxx I call three ml final 36 where in the hell am I I'm on bloody FINAL Neil
  7. Hey poteroo them there fences that you talk about do they come with gates cause some blokes over here have horses that don't drink and don't pee and stay on corse cause they go back to the stables probely use bridges too bit wet Neil
  8. Jim your talking about deed of agreement I take Neil
  9. Yes yen my fees came up end last month thought long and hard do I pay or not can I just walk away no I can't as I would just let raaus continue to spin out off control paid up to be able to voice my opinion Neil
  10. thank you HITC gave you the winner this is the way at last the readers and posters can at least see what you have written and that concern for others safety and yours is paramount neil
  11. How about some you persons reading the the costituation and picking out the specific rules that apply to their grievance I myself tried this back in twenty ten and was accused off bringing Raaus into disrepute and threatened with expulsion Yes their are certain persons that are doing this and are striking a brick wall I do ad mire their persistence and hope that that they continue to make make it public through this site as the number of hits that are made on some subjects So speculation as to what can be done and what is legal for you to do is so muddy to some On reporting by me of an incident that occurred I was told in writing that it not revelant to raaus but the regulator in writing said it was raaus responsibility to address the issue By putting a greivence on here or to raaus in writing is the only way that it can be done personally speaking How about avaite navergate comunercate respectergate because we will loose every thing that has been atteived So far yes have your say in what you believe in but have the thinking hat on will it do harm to others or will be in the best interest of a few or the majority Neil
  12. No ask CASA for nothing ok 600kgs limit radio mandatory no entry to controlled air space just do your own matainace no using rpt strip Neil
  13. to my reading of regs once aircraft on STA has made call at 3nm he is on final end off story neil
  14. kasper love yah mate raas stuffed up big time for NOT reporting my incident C A S A that piece off paper with the word deed of has more meaning than some have thought neil
  15. Case of this morning aircraft leaving I personally would not have started the engine personally I think some have no brains at all personally who the hell cares Wind started to dropped at about 1200 hrs beautifull for flight around 1330 hrs Neil
  16. Just heard 200 aircraft hear all ready round 200 expected tomorrow Neil
  17. Put it on table I bloody Well can how incompetent Raas have been from oct 2008 catch up with me at narromie Neil
  18. Packed ready to drive up have booked powered site taking camper trailer and a couple stretchers for anybody interested Neil
  19. yes bruce we all have broken at some time a law but when there is a critical factor in me being booked for speeding I pay for it the critical factor here is that many will have to pay for the ignorance off poor governance failure to comply will burn all of us all at some time neil
  20. yep my house on the line because I flew illegally wake up stupid balled tyres 400 dollars to replace not replaced 650 dollars work it out how in the hell do some persons come up with mindless assumption that we can get away with not following the law must have more money than common sense you want to be party to litigation good luck davidb If anyone has a legitimate complaint, just use the available channels to have addressed and stop the ranting. inform persons give others what they have been inform off lack off information is what will cost we as members the bloody channels are blocked by persons who don't want to see hope you don't come into that category neil
  21. all is going to plan its still all go go go its on neil
  22. Okay people's how about putting how you would work out cost on an xxxxx for easy figure say an 80 thousand dollar aircraft hourly rate and how long that aircraft has to be in service to pay for its self Neil
  23. David when members don't understand protocol any thing is possible Neil
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