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storchy neil

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Everything posted by storchy neil

  1. So Casper so I'm not only one to be denied my rights as a member to be heard Bet they deny you the voice from the floor just wait for that to happen Neil
  2. Hold me bloody beer who elected the CEO Neil
  3. Smart are some mates he told me to put on me old truck drivers hat didn't you get their no matter the cost or are you to old for that him is a smart arse Neil
  4. Bloody rain that was not going to happen may be it will stop in time so as I can drive waiting with bated breath booked into caravan park Neil
  5. hey onetrack them camels walk with spacing off 8ft so as the coaches go between them that's why you aint seen many dead neil
  6. well written admin thank you for your continued support off this sport and the devotion time effort you have put into this site neil
  7. yes turbs raa when asked were it was don't need it was the reply oh shit yes we did neil
  8. sorry ian I have to write this I have known ian personally since july 2005 before that had met him through my occupation the amount off crap and abuse that ian and his family has copped since he started this site would turn some off you fairies to jelly no water As a board member it was all about what the members thought and wanted not what would be easy go with the old guard wanted (some are still their ) two off the old board that spoke to me personally wanted this site shut down and accused ian off brining the raa into disrepute because he would not comply with them ian through this site has done more for raa safety than any off your so called experts could ever have as their are some on this site that do read and advise wisely off how to get advice personal attacks on ians integrity through this site he like me and you are allowed to put his opinion up this site is not going to be run like raa were say something and you are given the be quite or we will bring charges off brining it in to disrepute To me personally ians passion for your safe flying is beyond reproach allowing you to have your say to a degree were you want go with a forum two names that have cropped up from a couple off years ago when ian was on the board had that been implemented then on what was being talked about may be CASA no CASA would not have had reason to audit raa the insurance crap from years ago how was that found through this site how was currant insurance crap got out through questions being asked on this site A deed of agreement has to be followed to the wording no ifs or butts or maybe The constitution has to be followed to the wording no ifs or butts or maybe integrity and an open mind I feel ian has in allowing all and sundry to use this site at a great cost to him mentally oh and money but when his opinion is question in the way in witch it was leaves me to wonder why ian even bothers neil p/s rant over
  9. Oh crap just when I was going to burn the storch will hold of until then first on the reg if it comes to fruition off a new organisation Better get it to the legal remove all the repaires that RAA approved like the 12mm hole drilled through windscreen so engine frame bolt could be insurted in to the clover leaf hole in engine frame New windscreen that was okay even when the rivet holes had cracks leading away because the rivet holes in the plexi glass were not drilled 2mm oversize Like the new under caraige that was deformed by 22 mm New engine frame that was distorted by 5 mm New legs that made the wheele spacing 66mm wider Repair the crack in leading edge off right hand wing Replace rudder peddles that are twisted Now you tell me RAA are the going thing (edited: abuse to another member) Bring on a allturnitive I'm go their Neil
  10. Ian pretty please can I be second no hold boat I'm third Neil
  11. So safety should not be at the for front off an air show sounds like the idiot that at Temora wanted to cross a taxi way when a tail dragged was useing it When told by me that he had to wait got Argro accused. Me off being power hungry just because I had on a red safety vest What if he had tripped fallen over fainted who would have got him off the taxi way ? Neil
  12. Sorry nev 8 years ago is when the crap started with my aircraft and continues when the our governing body refuse to take responsibility for their totally blatant disregard off our rules and regulation Neil
  13. Where in the hell do we start just say that at this air show we get 1 or 5 young or old that would like to learn just through watching an air display Ag show where my plane was got 4 new students just through being there I go because I can just to find out from the horses mouth what flyers are up to and what is new Neil
  14. sorry keith not good as to that does not state when or how or timing the information has to be given stand to be corrected neil
  15. trackley know john Gordon tell him dingo is still lost neil
  16. sorry just reread what I wrote david wasn't having ago at you mate that insurance crap is a was bloody night mare last time gets me wound up real easy last time I was told it was xxxxxx fault but the real fault lays at the leaders phone calls take up time time cost while the girls who do a bloody great job have more to do than answer 10 calls off five minutes witch is 50 minutes the web site would take 25 minutes to up date rant over neil
  17. Hi guys. I have a 19 reg savannah vg and want to make a inspection flap on a hinge to open and check my oil. hi trackley personally I would not put a little inspection flap in BECAUSE by removing the top cover completely you can see the whole of your motor and them bloody birds and rats have been known to build a home there very quickly plus better inspection of oil leaks plug wires broken exhaust springs yes I know its a pain in the arse to remove the cover but visual inspection is best neil
  18. the last time insurance be came a problem some one blamed certain persons for not passing on information all that money for better communications what a bloody joke oh shit that was my money wasted now I have had enough david scotty is way a head off you why should he have to phone the webb is the way to go instint information neil
  19. I am driving up booked camper site powered from 4th 10th I have a feeling that it is possible to pitch a tent on the motel site at the show check it out neil
  20. hey guys and girls 23 9 2016 is the last day for submissions to the AGM neil
  21. thank you for the funnies the crap that happened in 2007 2008 2009 in regard to insurance is bloody well happening again this is serious BUT we are getting LESS consultation time to hold to account the CEO and PRESIDENT must bloody say good bye go A G M should be good or are you just going to put up or shut up your choice neil
  22. waiting with bated breath as to raaus reason for this to be explained willis towers Watson can still give quotes neil
  23. finding out the facts stand by neil
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