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Everything posted by robinsm

  1. What will the cost of the paid director be compared to the costs of the elected guys at the moment?
  2. Yep, deal with it. Dont care if you find it offensive. No envy involved, just a disapointment that we are loosing our grass roots ideals for the sake of wanting to get bigger, faster and prettier aircraft with all the GA privileges. Ultralights started as low cost, recreational aircraft that gave the average person a chance to fly, and a chance to build their own aircraft and take the responsibility for anything that happened. Now we see the Wannabes wanting controlled airspace privileges, more weight, getting more regulation etc. Sorry PM, I think maybe the time has come for another organisation,. or branch of the existing one catering for those that wish to stick to the original ideals and not the highly commercialised ones we have at present.
  3. I can see the resurgence of original ultralights by those who are unable to afford the plastic wanna be fantastics pseudo GA aircraft. This may not happen immediately but the pendulum is swinging. Over regulation is turning people away from this sport and it is rapidly becoming a rich mans sport again. The original movement started because the average man wanted to fly and did not have the wherewithall to buy the more expensive aircraft at the time. I think the base movement will take off when it gets its own organisation, or branch of the current organisation that will recognise the original aims of the movement.
  4. I repeat, talk to the ops manager, they write the book and then get it in writing, saves the heartburn.
  5. Talk about passing the buck, they are the ones making the rules, they should know the answers...
  6. I think the type training is just for low power...? Any instructor should be able to test and sign you off.
  7. I think you will find that the topics mentioned are in the other forum in the off topic area. Most of the other posts are fine. How about mentioning the forums that you have a problem with and dont generalise about them all. I for one, have found most of the topics in the other forums of varying intereest and if I dont want to read about politics/religion/ islamic invasion etc then I dont read that forum. Easy.
  8. NZ is committed to raising the IQ of Australians. We have invaded this country by stealth and found that the effort to raise said intelligence is a much greater challenge than previously thought so we will be staying for the foreseeable future. The question of global warming can be easily solved by shutting down both houses of parliament (Canberra and Wellington). The vast volume of hot air from both areas would cease and the region would cool down considerably. If all NZ people returned to NZ, the country would remain afloat, after all Godzone would float on the tears of Australians sorry to see us go...lol
  9. The flight over built up areas is also with written approval from Raa Aus for 19 reg aircraft, the flights above 5k and below 10k no transponder required in Raa Aus aircraft.
  10. If there is a 24 reg Xair (factory built) then it can be used for training. I dont think there is one in the sydney region used for training but I believe there may be a bantam at the Oaks?
  11. nobody said they were female, no one said they were good looking and no one said they were clean so the chances are dirty male ugly virgins. Good luck..something to look forward to .. lol
  12. No matter what you thought of his ideas, actions, etc, the man has passed on. He is not here to defend his actions, accept praise for his history or answer his critics. Love him or loath him, he did contribute to this forum and the movement in general. This is not about your problems or actions people, this is about Ross Millard. The memorial can be debated on another forum topic. Rest in Peace Ross. My condolences to his family.
  13. only is you have a GA licence. Raa Aus cert does not require an ASIC unless you fly into sec controlled airports.
  14. The fact you have to have a licence or certificate is not the issue. The issue is paying for a security clearance to fly into some, not all, airports in this country. Yes, no one disagrees that you have to pay for a licence or certificate. Robbo, your comments are insulting.
  15. I dont have a problem with the aircraft, in fact I know little about them and it was not my intent to criticise the actual aircraft. I was commenting on the fact that there seem to be a few of these using parachutes instead of flying them safely, by passing airfields when problems indicate it may have been prudent to land and check things, others flying over unsafe areas etc.. The parachute in these cases seems to be being used as an excuse not to use safe planning and decision making.
  16. maybe the answer is not the parachute, its not to buy a Cirrus, they seem to be dropping out of the sky at an alarming rate.
  17. I dont renew mine any more, landed at all sorts of RPT airports, been through all sorts of security gates, in 5 years never been asked for, or actually shown it, to anyone. Cant see the point any more. Waste of money.
  18. They have changed the website so that may be the problem. Strange that the Xair, with floats fitted is rated higher than a standard equiped aircraft. Re the 618 equiped Xair, they do travel a little faster but the motor problems with the reed valves and support from the factory make these a little sus. The Xair Falcon, with a 618 does have a speed advantage but this aircraft definitely does not need flaps and the one I flew from Vic to NSW was not the best handling machine. That may have been the setup. The standard seems to be the pick of them.
  19. Someone has to pay for the upkeep of the airfield. Council does it from rates so non flyers are supporting your hobby. I was paying my local council $500 per year for a few years and then negotiated a rate with the private owner that took it over. I would love to have had the local rate payers paying for my sport asw some have. I wish my rates were only 150 per year. You want the airfield looked after, you pay for it.
  20. Just look up the pilot op handbook for your aircraft, spells it all out right there..
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