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Everything posted by APenNameAndThatA

  1. Did you manage to calculate winds aloft while in flight? If so, well done.
  2. Im not so sure. There might have been people who were already there that we could not see. At one point the control tower says for rescue crews not to run over people running to the plane. Also, in emergencies, everyone seems to think that they have to do extraction. In fact everyone has different jobs.
  3. My own beliefs about this are as follows. You need to glance in the cockpit while you are turning, otherwise you will not know if your sight-picture flying is correct. The way to know if you are in co-ordinated flight is with looking at the ball or seat of your pants or both. So, you have to use the ball as reference while you are learning to feel through your bottom if the turn is coordinated. So, to me it makes no sense at all to emphasise flying coordinated turns AND criticise both looking the ball and flying by the seat of your pants. Can you explain how you coordinate your turns if not with the ball and not with the buttocks?
  4. I admit it, I am annoyed. The problem is not the brain teasers. The problem is that a) people should be given credit for a good answer and b) not criticised for their answers. A question gets asked, people put their thinking caps on, and PUT IN TIME AND EFFORT TO PLAY THE GAME, and then get trolled. It’s like, if you were a kid playing I spy and the person never admitted when the item got guessed correctly. Way to ruin a fun game.
  5. My dude, you answered EXACTLY correctly. When I read your answer, I thought you had made a mistake and you mentioned “tailplane” when you meant, or should have said “elevator”. You were right and I was wrong. You were also correct when you said to increase the AOA because that would have lowered the nose. The sad thing about these questions in the past, and now, is that they had the potential to be fun. It would have been so good if the response was “Correct, you ask the next one!” It would be like naming the aeroplane. Just a congrats and someone goes next.
  6. Someone already said “ Tail plane is rigged wrong, more + incidence would fix it That is EXACTLY the correct answer. They didn’t say “elevator rigged wrongly” they said “tail plane”. Not giving ant credit to a correct answer is also *very* OME. I’m going to call it. Skippy has given his account details to our mate Mark, aka OME.
  7. Asking a question and then whinging about the answers is *very* OME.
  8. It doesn’t seem possible, but I enjoy thinking about these scenarios.
  9. I’m pretty sure China is richer than the US
  10. Does anyone know the cost to councils of maintaining an ALA, and how many movements they typically have a year? Knowing this would help with working out about costs.
  11. Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) is said to tend to dissolve things. Up to and including you and your aircraft, I expect. +1 for Nev's suggestion of contacting the manufacturer.
  12. Lets examine fear. The vaccine kills 1 in 1 000 000. COVID kills 1 in 100. Some people are more afraid of the virus. Some people are more afraid of the vaccine. It depends on how well they grasp maths, I guess. Lets examine freedom. Vaccines have always been mandatory. The freedom from deadly childhood diseases is more valuable than the freedom to refuse to be vaccinated. The freedom to endanger others is no freedom at all but a power grab. I am irritated that in the US it is the "conservative" people who are against vaccines. Being conservative is supposed to be about doing one's duty, serving the community, fidelity and protecting people. It used to hippy left who were selfish and were just into freedom and individual rights. Now, conservative people deny any duty to the community, do nothing to serve those who can't be vaccinated, and resist having to do things that protect others. If we had the same death rate as the USA, we would have had 63 000 dead. Some people want to be free, even if it kills 62 000 people, some people don't.
  13. The alternative is deaths from COVID. The US has 630 000 dead. If Australia had the same death rate, we would have 60 000 dead. Instead, we have 1000 dead. Everyone knows that lockdowns are unpleasant and that vaccines can kill people and that freedoms are being taken away. The issue is that the lockdowns are less unpleasant than people dying, vaccines are three orders of magnitude safer than COVID and that the most important freedom is the freedom of being dead from COVID. Ross, you need to be able to hold more than one idea in your brain at a time...
  14. I've got $10 that says that the soldiers actually won't murder anyone. Bet?
  15. Vaccinations have long been mandatory. And what do you mean by saying “until the jab has benefits”? The jab stops you getting sick from COVID.
  16. The immunised get a less severe form of the disease. There is info about that.
  17. I’m confused about this. Aren’t you supposed to use maths when you design aircraft?
  18. Risk of death from vaccine: 1 in 1 000 000. Risk of death from flying for an hour: 1 in 100 000. Risk of death from COVID > 1 in 1000. Risk of brain damage from delta variant (long COVID with cognitive symptoms) 1 in 10. I was happy to have AZ.
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