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Everything posted by facthunter

  1. There are plenty of approved ways to leave a circuit. Climbing is not that safe in some aircraft from a visibility consideration. It's a good question though and it's topical. Let's GO. Do you want to re enter ? Can't be your first priority can it? Nev
  2. Remotely possible but very unlikely. Ther's an enormous disparity in the costs so effectively Is another market. Nev
  3. Fit in with the existing traffic unless you DO have a bloody good reason not to. Anytime you're in a circuit with other traffic you should have a plan of how you would get out of where you are going safely if it's required or you lose power. Nev
  4. Any PIC is required to operate his plane in the safest manner available in the circumstances. THAT rule over rides all others. Landing contrary to all other traffic would have to be justified if a mishap occurred. Good luck with that. In a controlled situation you can and must opt out of a clearance given If you consider it a safety issue. Be prepared to have to Justify it. At the time the response would be something like Tower RWY 22 not acceptable due excess downwind, length insufficient, etc REQUIRE alternative instructions. Nev
  5. Far more icing in the Goulburn- Canberra area. . Sydney gets HAIL but you wouldn't be flying at all in conditions conducive to Hail in a light aircraft unless you are Mad. . Nev
  6. Not everyone can aspire to such acquisitions. Safe & Affordable remember. Nice thing though but lets hope there is an alternative. Nev
  7. IF you have the time take a look at the excellent 3 pointer he does wasting no runway at all. Let me know what you think. Plse. Nev
  8. On the Nullarbor. at many places there is NO town. JUST a Roadhouse. Of Course the trip is doable and pretty safe but it's a BIG Country. Nev
  9. I'm WITH you on a lot of that. People think they must go into a drive for a technology focussed future. Get X box and when you crash just press reset. The sensation of flying is more evident in more basic planes. You can be very competent in a Piper Cub , seat of the Pants flying Basic and simple cheap and safe Less to go Wrong.. Nev
  10. Areas around Canberra are not weather friendly to light aircraft. You'll have to be even more careful getting through to the Coast..Nev
  11. For what it is it looks to be made quite well. The structure around the pilot (cage) appears to be particularly good. Nev
  12. Not sure about the idiot landing but landing is only a small part of the flying thing (but most noticed and commented on) well controlled and FAQ. beats squeekers mixed with a possible WHO was flying THAT? when you need a good one. Nev
  13. Fast reactions alone do not a good pilot make. How you MANAGE the operation and your skillset is far more important. Your attitude too. We'll be OK. It's a big sky and I checked it earlier. Nev
  14. I am fully aware of that but was mainly trying to address Brendons question/. I agree with your sentiments but we are a mall minority now. The New GA mentality of Empire building and a certain CASA CEO set US back irreparably in my view. Lost of people have run out of Time Patience and hope.Nev
  15. It's not for wearing surfaces, It's for oil pipes. push rod tubes nuts studs and bolts rocker covers' steel oil pump bodies drainplugs. etc nev
  16. Good chrome was always rare. The Japanese and Italian bikes have pretty "ordinary" stuff. British was once amongst the best. It's got to be looked after with covers and good polish. Nev
  17. What I personally think is not of much consequence in this matter. You choose to get a Plane airborne, you by so doing are covered by certain laws in regard to AVIATION which are to the most part ICAO compliant in this and most countries. If not it will be an exempted activity In some countries you CAN legally fly a plane without a licence. But you didn't bring up the Matter of a licence being held but I've assumed that's what's you had in mind. There HAS to be some system in case events happen. There's a minimum height you should fly in certain Places and different ones over towns. RURAL areas have houses and shed and animals Powerline etc but planes are legally permitted to fly over fly over these areas providing the rules are observed IF any apply it's your job as the PIC to find out what they are and abide by them. I can't see how this reporting thing is wrong in principle..Any responsible person would report something suspicious or dangerous as a matter of course. I would think it would be difficult to make a case for the reverse, but I know of situations where by reporting matter it would identify persons who may then be subject to acts of retribution. I suspect that has happened in RAAus/AUF circles in the past at fairly active places where a cowboy doesn't' need or to obey, the rules and the system would GET the dobber .Nev
  18. NEVER answer a direct question do you? That and quoting out of context continually PLUS outrageous Labelling makes FAIR Dinkum Dialogue impossible with you. You keep doing it and I'll keep pointing it out. I have the right to defend myself and I will. Nev
  19. Au contraire. Banning this stuff helps making the world we pass on to our descendants BETTER that it would otherwise be. That's close to being a "FACT FREE RANT" ol Boy. CADMIUM is very toxic. The approved Aviation Replacement for that is "ZINC-NICKEL. Hydrogen embrittlement can be treated appropriately but you need to actually DO something to achieve that. Nev
  20. Fairly grim view of it's situation and prospects. Not like your normal outlook. .Funny that I did say "DON'T quote me with the Historic term". It LOOKS like ME saying something guarantees you will bag it . Have you put money into an airport to help preserve it.Turbs? I've also supported Pt Cook and I never have had money to spare. TALK is cheap. Nev
  21. Why waste money Chrome is porous. Nev
  22. Why am I wasting My time? Can we Have the Occasional serious treatment of an important matter, just to prove it IS possible? Jack my mind is with you. As I said the Law is what it is and extremely unlikely to change. The management want's to Empire build (Like all of them) and flying in CTA is a high priority for quite a few it seems. Not mine I've done enough of it. Getting a PATH around CTA safely and simply is what gives a better quality flying experience. I'm certain you could get more in a drifter than a B 707other than some irrelevant bragging rights. Nev
  23. That's not surprising. The Previous SHELL recommended oil was done IN CONJUNCTION with Rotax. STATED as the ONLY one.. I'm surmising the OIL was difficult to meet the required performance in the more powerful engines coming Out. You can't do anything without spending money though. The earlier motors should be best with the oils that were suitable for them same as new oils don't suite older motors in old cars. It's not better just because it's priced higher. It would be quite difficult to get an oilf or the Mini Cooper as an example were engine and gearbox oils are common that's ideal for it because the additives that were used then are not compatible with the Catalytic converters required on road vehicles today. Nev
  24. Hardly ideal and small turn over rate. Just what you are told to avoid on the roadside if you are getting it there. Nev
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