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Everything posted by facthunter

  1. IF you enjoy flying, there's no need to go fast. Just fly lower and it seems faster. You can't carry much in any of the small stuff.. . If you are thinking of leaving your plane unhangared. I wouldn't. Being an aerobatic plane would be a Plus for me having had one. It will probably entail a few extra AD's and $$$s. to do what they say. Nev
  2. Get your 4 hours off and be able to fly local then sort it out from there when you feel like it and circumstances permit. 3-4 days in Cowra isn't too hard to put up with. to knock that off. Nev
  3. I've never seen anyone showing their log book to an eager crowd. 57.? There was a bloke at Newcastle STARTED on tiger moths at age 60. In those days 60 was Old Today it's not. if you're fit and well.. If you are a thinking being you may reconsider the NEED to fly at many stages. None of my Kids wanted to and I didn't push it with them. They are non the worse off and have no trouble keeping busy. Nev
  4. IF you stay local more of your errors will be noticed. HA HA. Doing just local is risky. You are limiting your experience to the Familiar getting cues in the circuit you don't have when away.. Sharing fuel cost with someone further along the cross country Path You don't need to actually fly. You still get the exposure to different places . Nev
  5. It was at the aerodrome, west of the town. I only know of the ONE and I think its maybe not active. . A compressed course has its good and Bad aspects. You always need consolidation and follow-up. A few months later you might be disappointed by your performance. Nev
  6. That % is about the same as everything else has gone up, unfortunately.. Nev
  7. Carbon in the ring grooves will kill them. It doesn't hurt to remove the exhaust and check the rings can be carefully pushed down. Don't run too hot and use a good oil. There's plenty of really good 2 stroke oils around these days. Thats a big help. . There's Nothing fancy about a 582. There would have to be other motors as suitable. Good power for weight but a bit thirsty. Nev
  8. Holbrook was very Interesting. A four stroke was fairly rare. Some of the engines were in worse condition that a Lawnmower should be. the 2 cyl Victa was Junk. AUF was a bit like you needed to know the right people in Canberra to stay out of trouble but they ALL flew for the right reason.. You can't pretend to fly a thruster or a drifter. It's fairly obvious if you aren't on top of it. But they ALL are Just another aeroplane. Just fly more often and Pick the conditions .Flying those things all the way to the national meet was a pretty REAL thing to take on.. . There was a middle aged Instructor from eastern Europe who really impressed me. People like HE was will teach you ALL that you need to know. I hope someone knows the Man I mean. Nev
  9. On this forum is the first time I've admitted publicly that I Get PTSD.. We whinge about CASA restrictions but the DCA permitted some pretty Hairy operations in Places like PNG. PK Performance charts Just allowed AUW increase of near 10% . . None of the early planes Had de icing worthy of the NAME. Operate to Cocos "KEELING" Island from Ph with 2 hours "Island Holding rate" fuel reserve. which would take you NOWHERE that you could land.
  10. Brendon It was far more interesting earlier on Any open Hangar was a just walk in thing, You saw how things broke Bullshitters were less numerous but never entirely absent. Nev
  11. Lower stall speed come with less penetration. Makes the plane Harder to control particularly where the wing loadings are very low. Horrible in Gusts. This one has sat. Hope some sense can be made of it. Nev
  12. You are Not even close. You did miss so much. Never stop learning. It's MY avatar and I'm still doing it. LEARNING I don't DO the "It's for ME to know and you to find out" Bit. Never have and I LISTEN to people but as I warned a fair while ago ,the results of MY psychological profile on A Cockpit resources 4 day live in, course stated "I don't suffer FOOLS gladly" and I think that was spot on.. I'm not saying this is applicable to you but I'm pretty sure you would take it as so based on your previous unwillingness after asking numerous questions to accept any of my fullsome replies but instead enter into Such unwarranted responses as the Above is typical of. I can't and don't wish to Hide what I've been lucky enough to have been exposed and benefitted from to I'm not alone in having what amounts to a ridiculous amount of costly training I've been exposed to and feel somewhat obliged to pass on what I can. Others have had similar and in a lot of Cases MORE It's in the millions of dollars over a career when you are flying a 300 ton plane which is only there to train one or two people at a time the bill adds up fast. Simulators with the Tech and other crew required to Operate them cost above 6000$.Hour. Nev
  13. Depends on how you express It. You take far more risks than I would.. You can achieve commendable outcomes when you set out just to fly a "Normal" DAY but something entirely unexpected comes out of the Blue and you survive. Nothing goes up in Lights, No Parties Your skills and training did what they should do. They say flying is 99%boredom 1% terror . Not true . You are TOO occupied to do the Terror Bit.. Years later you are having PTSD and wake up from Sweaty Nightmares, Happy to realise it's only a dream and why is your heart jumping out of your chest.? Nev
  14. Good luck in your endless struggle to be relevant to aviation matters . I've contributed a lot of FACTS to this Forum and I'm more than willing to answer any GENUINE questions on all of it. You dodge questions calling them straw Man arguments etc. In all these YEARS I can't recall ONE from you. Just a lot of assertions that border on Libel which if you had any sense of the risks involved would desist in. I've asked you many times to stop doing it. It's NOT a matter of me lacking humour. THIS IS an OPEN forum. and anyone has access to it.. Please consider that aspect. It's too risky. . Nev
  15. Life is far too short to get everything to suit your exact purposes. Probably easier with models where the Market is very well served.Nev
  16. I TRY to cut Spacey a bit of slack in this instance. If time elapses the connection is lost. It's a balance. Nev
  17. The individual can have a choice but I'd be disappointed to see these things MADE compulsory as some consequence of this Particular aeroplanes chosen way of addressing SPINNING. It was a way around meeting a normal requirement which is now being marketed as a way of flying. in a pretty expensive Plane. Well over one $million US. Nev
  18. In those days there were no Phone camera's . THESE I personally witnessed. today we are bombarded with STUFF all the time Usually pushing one point of view. That's not illegal but it would have more validity with all the pertinent facts known, to be available. Nev.
  19. I've seen a few with the emergency tangled with the Main. Fortunately not fatal in each case but could have been.. Nev
  20. That's really funny, coming from You .Here's a straight question . Were you being sarcastic? Nev
  21. People are collecting and competing in these things these DAYs ,Turbs. You ARE being sarcastic. Get a life. Nev
  22. Variety is the spice of life It is said.' Are you sure you don't have some Obsessive Compulsion thing going? I'm NOT trying to have a GO at you. Just askin? Nev
  23. Rubber glove too. The only time you don't have to run when you see them. BMC were also Pushing to stop your average Joe or a backyarder from doing the servicing or YOU on your Own CAR. replacing a fanbelt wasn't exactly easy either.. The front Grille and all of the ignition system was only inches apart. Never owned one or wanted to either but I did consider purchasing BODY damaged ones and reselling them as they weren't hard to straighten. They were in demand and that's against the other offerings at the time. My cars were Peugeot 203's. Best rough road car you could have. Won the Redex in 53.. Nev
  24. If you are doing it through a Registered TAX agent, It's pretty flexible unless you are referring to Robodebt and as long as you don't keep shifting deadlines that are set from time to time. Try to play "Silly Buggers" with them..Nev
  25. Just enjoy what you are stuck with UNTIL Perhaps money is no object. . Flying faster makes rough air more unpleasant and risky. You are NOT going fast till you reach say 300 Knots but IF you flew Concorde that would be slow. It's relative. The fastest GROUNDSPEED I've achieved is just over 700 Knots. But even that is not very noticeable at say FL330 and have nothing close to you.. It just means you'll have an ETA for "Someplace" a Bit more quickly than normal. A 150 knot plane may get ahead of you till You get used to it. Nev
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