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Everything posted by facthunter

  1. How closely did you look into the construction. What's a new C172 worth?
  2. I didn't go the RC way. The costs were approaching that of a real tigermoth from Fawcet at Camden if I recall correctly. They had them with a NEW engine or with hours to run at about 1/2 the figure Nev
  3. I think we have less and less people who are interested in detail. We used to have people here who designed and built Planes and would talk to us. Now "where the fugarethey" Hands up those who built model planes. Where have we come from and are going to? Trouble is we are in the air and share it and it that's not well done everything else is of no consequence. You will most likely have a big scare and decide to do something else. Probably weather elated because there's a lot of that to spread around.. Then it gets BACK to why am I spending all this dough when it's NOT really THAT much fun.. IF none of this is relevant to your circumstances FINE and Bully for You. (remember that one.? If you do you're probably. too old to be flying. . Climbing mountains skiing robbing banks selling your body etc And there you have it. Nev
  4. brendan I have been documenting it....HERE I don't think it will fly. nev
  5. Your finger or you head.? GEEZ space this is depressing . aero motors have to be able to take full power, first time. Friction takes away power and makes heat. You are actually getting a lot out of your Plane . Nev
  6. I've observed instances of uneven compressions with the 912s after using Leaded fuel and in every case it came back Ok after about 2 tanks. of Mogas. Don't bother with Leak down tests It can be felt when burping the oil back IF you are used to the normal/right feel. If you are as fussy as, you take the heads off and reseat the valves but NOT pulling engines apart UNLESS you must is best.. This is not new information. Nothing has changed in the last 20+ years. IF it further deteriorates after returning to mogas. get onto it. Rotax 4 stroke Heads are NOT a problematic item generally. Judgements have to be made in these things on a balance of informed possibilities. On other occasions I've said don't ignore a new vibration feel of engine beat etc find out what it is and I've said engines don't fix themselves. WE are changing a causal factor by eliminating it and having a good chance of success. Nev
  7. The LOWER spark plugs will often show the effects of TEL build up first . with 4 stroke FLAT type motors. If in a hurry the mechanic checks them FIRST. There's also ground running procedures where you can clear the fouled plugs by leaning the mixture at a relatively low power setting say1800 rpm for a Lycoming. Do it into wind if possible More likely with planes that do a lot of taxiing' with a rich mixture. Yes I reckon Lead would Pug up 2 stroke rings. The oils are matched/ formulated to running piston temps though and that's going to vary. Build up on the Crown can be dust, carbon Lead and almost any sort of thing including oil additives and metal wear particles. Some friction modifiers short out spark plugs More likely where the motor is one that uses a lot of oil.. Nev
  8. Yeah, it's a bit hard on people coming the other way. Nev
  9. Rotaxs's don't like 100 LL They run the heads too cool for the lead to flow but I reckon ONE part tank full won't damage it. Incidentally, Lead doesn't help GUIDES unless it was a real old thing that runs really hot made last in the 20's. Nev
  10. Probably time expired. Like we are. Your motor could run on LPG. or even town Gas. I don't really know what NATURALGAS is but that must be the best IF it's NATURAL. Nev
  11. Tight for the first Five Hours? Maybe Dog works in mysterious ways after all? Nev
  12. Eastern Victoria has certainly had a time of it. Nev
  13. It's ALWAYS your choice. ASHES to ashes and dust to dust and all that. You might last for longer than you think . There's a bit of an art in keeping old motors going. Not a lot of expense. Nev
  14. I wouldn't give you a "Guarantee" on the weather ANYWHERE.. If you ask the locals (You have some here) and watch BOM for a while you should be able to get a good indication of developing systems and plan accordingly. "Ordinary" but flyable with a good instructor is fine. He well earn his "Meagre" money and you will get an EXPERIENCE. I recall one time at Lethbridge,I was UP with a pretty good student and it was his OWN aircraft. He said "I don't seem to be getting the Hang of it so well TODAY. I said WELL LOOK... WE are the ONLY ones flying. All the OTHERS are in the clubhouse. so obviously the conditions are NOT ideal. so don't expect too much. Nev
  15. These are the day by day things that should be got right but Lets go to OSHKOSH .It's more fun. Once fuel is in a drum other than a "proper' sealed 205 litre the quality control Based on a Maintenance release concept is non existent I know of many examples of using wine cask bladders by Individuals. to carry premix (or Other) in AUF days. I was never aware of unsafe outcomes with these improvised methods but it can have a bad look for those who have more formal arrangements PROVIDED for them as a matter of Course. For them "I don't HAVE a problem!. "YOU get your house in order' Nev
  16. Not related directly to the other issues but most likely a n example of the continued neglect of the Conditions some "line' Aircraft are allowed to get into. Keep it in the air and crammed with Pax and the share dividend will climb... There was plenty of evidence pointing where Boeing was going more than 10 years ago. IF people had bothered to keep an eye open for it. Plenty of Airlines are ready to resume Boeing purchases. Just throw a bit of a discount on the price and the Carriers will see a potential extra profit possible. Airlines are a hard game at any time so the cost cutting temptation is always present. I had an airline management person tell me WE have budgeted for one hull loss a year. Bit revealing isn't it? It nearly made me throw up but some how I was not surprised. Nev
  17. Nice in the air but teaching landings in the Kitfox was a bit stressful if the student wasn't up to it. The Gazelle must be the easiest plane to fly that there is. but has a tricycleU/C Just don't overspeed the 85 Kots figure when pulling any"G" They used to have "Instructors Conferences" at Narromine where these things were brought up for discussion. Very useful I reckon.. At least One had the wings come off.. That occurrence was thoroughly researched and they could then continue to fly safely (As long as people KNOW about it.). SPIRALS are prohibited in RAAus Probably because of these fatalities. Nev
  18. TIG is like that Geoff, with thin sheet. Thermal TEMP gradient very high and with any carbon whatever in the steel it will give a brittle weld prone to cracking right along the seam. . It was going to revolutionise car body repair.particularlyrused sections. space Eutectic was OK when used where it was suitable. Good for remote site repairs on frost damaged cylinder blocks. You did a short run, quickly followed with Peening of the weld to stress relieve it as you went and prevent a crack propagating.. Made it possible to weld thick iron castings often in situ.. nev
  19. until

    Glad to see the enthusiasm hasn't all gone. The Place has potential . When I went there in SAG (my7ECA) I had enough fuel to just make Adelaide from Lethbridge. There was some (do) on then involving aeros and I didn't successfully get a response from anyone on the radio when I was arriving.. There was a Russian warplane of similar size to a Spitfire there. Nev
  20. You'd be Better to inhibit it Properly and not run it at all. Nev
  21. a As a hobby it HAS to be about what YOU like a plane to be and COST. It's hard to have a really cheap satisfying flying experience. SOME of them can make a profit for the operator but there's usually easier ways of making money without the PAIN. Nev
  22. There's no one size fit's all. At one stage my choice would have been a PBY like Jacques Cousteau. had.. Later on it would probably have been something like a Carbon Cub(WITHOUT BIG wheels). RV's are deservedly Popular but I'd have extra sound insulation in mine. Doubt I'd EVER want the Bother of some thing like A Cessna Golden Eagle. Not enough fun for effort and a bottomless pit for Money.. Single Pilot IFR in such planes is a high workload Nev
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