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Everything posted by facthunter

  1. Regardless of the quality of the CLONE it's NOT available for use in a certified aircraft because that would add to the cost. SAME as with some Jabiru Products . IF your plane requires a certified engine you will maybe make it impossible to fly legally. Once the Warrantee period is over what then? Presumably Parts will be available at SOME? Price. Doing this will add cost to the whole operation. The market will want it. Who pays for it? Up goes the Purchase price to cover the Parts service which usually results is an item being built from Parts being at least double that of buying only a unit. You have packaging inhibiting sales and damage losses costs of unsold items cost or dumping unsold parts so clone price rises sharply after Original motor sales drop and maybe both go down the gurgler. It's a SMALL Market they are both in
  2. Covered in the first few words. The more aviation related knowledge the Observer has the More onus to report it is on them. by LAW and the more credibility their testimony will have. Everyone these days carries a camera in their pocket. In the OLD days Plane VH ABC flew low over my house Was hard to prove as most witnesses had poor ability to estimate height.. If there's a piccy of a nearby tree with the Plane below it is another matter. Note I'm only expressing what may happen to you and I've seen the way (We have deeper pockets than YOU) works
  3. To get the whole picture you Do have to consider the prospect of fuel contamination. "AT THE ENQUIRY" your dead or injured passengers family or friends will have no trouble Proving you didn't take due Care IF you Haven't. IF your engine is approved to run on mogas that doesn't mean just ANY Mogas. Nev
  4. EVERY person who observes what they Think May be a dangerous Activity affecting Aviation is required to notify the CASA. That's the LAW. There would be significant penalties applying if any of this was followed up. Don't shoot ME. I'm only the messenger.. Also remember that Ignorance of the LAW is NOT an excuse. Nev
  5. I've flow legally with a door off but why? They usually Pulsate and obviously with two off there's a likelihood of much more variation of performance and handling. Nearly anything will fly with enough power.. You become a Test pilot the same as if you fly outside the prescribed W& B of your Plane. Nev
  6. That was the intention. I did get involved with erecting a largish Hanger under the new rules and it LETs say Time consuming in the extreme in respect of the Permits required. Don't quote me with in the "HISTORIC" term but it's something similar. It relates to the wartime activities. Nev
  7. Not really a laughing matter is it? Nev
  8. That's Not even slightly close to the way to lockwire those bolts. Nev
  9. It's what you would say in those circumstances IF your business was structured like that If it's a true copy everything will follow the existing patterns/ processes same as with the real one. Reverse engineering goes for a row once you start Improving it in a particular place..Other parts similarly produced at less cost are still SUSS More likely they just go closer to the thing they copied and their cost will go closer too They would not want evidence of failed motors OUT there. Kyle why not respond to what Points I made? I don't wish to read every bit of what is likely to be propaganda out there and that's all most of it is.. Nevb
  10. It's different with a drill or such. You have to remove and install an aircraft motor and a drill is not keeping you up in the sky. Warrantee and no haslles replace is not a SUITABLE substitute for Quality and Reliability which is a big part of why Rotax is worth what you Pay for it. Supposedly. This is a type of engine that needs to have precise fits. It's a pressed up crankshaft for starters.. Very critical. The "replacement engine" is just another one made to the same standard and therefore much cheaper to manufacture. Probably quite a VERY LOW cast to the supplier. I'd rate the value of a Clone as low as 60% of the REAL thing. RAve about the Rotax and then buy something that looks like it HOPING it will be just like it, is not that logical .Are you going to apply that logic to everything that goes in your Plane? A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. Penny -wise and Pound foolish. I'm still not a Rota9xx subscribing to the only motor to use It's an expensive and overly complex option but what at the Moment is holding it's sales %. The manufacturer certainly would't like to have a reliability issue rear it's ugly head, with cloned parts being used. That matter will have to be addressed as integral to the whole matter. Rotax will have to make a statement. Nev
  11. Ballarat Airfield has Historic Classification. Should remain forever.. Nev
  12. You are not training in it at the time are you? Ona trip I was on we had about five aircraft and one had the fuel problem as it was a 2 stroke. He hired a small van and took us around all day which we paid him for and he during that Time, filled his wine cask bladders which already had the right amount of TS oil. in each. I know HE also Probably did the clutch in as it was being slipped too much. Nev
  13. You can get adulterated fuel at any servo. You Just wouldn't know till you get a problem . Any Hydrocarbon solvent you can put in will save the servo paying Duty on it. Toluene has been used before. The Only fuel that meets a "Maintenace Release type of quality guarantee is from Properly sealed 44's UNTIL it's opened. sorry THAT SAT. Time passes........ I had to get some imaging on my leg behind the knee and yes it still Hurts like Hell but they found something wrong On another Matter. Skippy, You DO try Longshots. I wouldn't be game to ask on a weekend. Goodluck. Nev
  14. WHEN I mean. It wasn't very funny even without that balls up. Nev
  15. You don't want too many matches around then you are getting fuel.
  16. Australia was Big in early aviation. That's where we come from. Papers were full of Aviators feats.The question IS why have we fallen so far and where to from here?. Nev
  17. Silly TO use it then,.. . Nev
  18. Now it all will be done by Digital fakery so not as Impressive as THIS is.. View it if you can. Nev
  19. It's NOT about the grinding technique or whether you are happy. with your motorbike forls. It's about Hydrogen embrittlement. How does the Brains trust here think THAT Issue should be handled?. This IS important because unless the problem has miraculously vanished chroming bit's of load carrying structure on Aircraft that fly, is a no no Unless they are Post plating heat treated and It's done properly. It's little different in principle to heat treating other alloys. It either meets the spec or it's not legal(or safe) Nev
  20. Not to actually achieve tightening them. Just to Look as if it would. Nev
  21. No . they are supposed to be angled so as to tighten them Nev
  22. Those Big metal domes in the middle of intersections were known as SILENT COPS Repairing the ALLOY sumps of diesel trucks after they got "dinged" made me good money .. Same as Lawnmower alloy bases . A real good money earner. Nev
  23. GWH did you even try to check up anything before you wrote that your man is an expert and that Hydrogen embrittlement is not an issue? If he hasn't taken the trouble to do a bit of research HE"S NOT an expert. Welding wet or stripping plating or even electroless plating can cause embrittlement Hydrogen in storage under pressure causes it in pipes and containing vessels This IS a safety matter regardless of whether some one you know doesn't bother about it. CASA had an extensive article on it. What you have said is irresponsible. I hope you can see that. Now i'm going to get another bloody argument that shouldn't be happening. Nev
  24. I flew a BRAND NEW on it about '64 and the NEW smell inside was something to remember. Also that one is never going to fly better than it does then. Nev
  25. Chroming stuff can cause Hydrogen Embrittlement. Don't do it on load carrying parts unless treated properly post plating (and not long after). Nev
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