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AirVenture car parking


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Have just been to AirVenture for its first day at Cessnock. Because of the weather I decided to drive rather than fly.


Rather surprised to be hit with a $10 per day parking charge.


Did not know anything about it, did anyone else?


Argued my way out of it but do not like my chances of the same tomorrow.


Be prepared.





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We pay that much each day we park at our local airport every day of the week. Is the money going to a cause or just council coffers. Donated to a good cause like drought aid or lions clubs etc is not a bad thing. Maybe the strawberry farmers to make up for the damage done by a small bunch of losers.



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Ok warning all those flying in but what about those who didn,t or the general public, No mention of parking fees on website or on tickets, No big issue but nice to be told beforehand. Glad i got in early for members discounted tickets.☺



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Ok warning all those flying in but what about those who didn,t or the general public, No mention of parking fees on website or on tickets, No big issue but nice to be told beforehand. Glad i got in early for members discounted tickets.☺

My screenshot was from the website.





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Council kept adding more 'over the top' requirements to the parking arrangement as the show neared the start date. Cost the organisers a huge amount that wasn't budgeted for - as it was not something council were upfront with from the beginning. The organisers had no other way to recoup some of these costs so that is where the parking fee came from. I don't think it was well advertised as they were trying to find some other way to fund it... but in the end there wasn't any other options. If you don't want to pay it they will still let you in to park as they don't want it to ruin the event - you just tell them you are not ok with paying it... they are just trying to recoup some of the costs. The land owners donated the land for carparking and Airventure are not using to it to profit. If there are any funds over and beyond the car parking deficit then that money will be given to charity. Council are also charging landing fee's, so you are not paying any more than you would if you flew in. Agree - it was not well advertised...but that gives a little insight as to why.


I think the event itself has been pretty good and hope it can happen again in Cessnock next year.



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I’m interested in how many planes flew in for the event and what the make up of those present were ? Ie SAAA, GA, RAA, Other. RAA execs will exagerate the numbers so I would like an unbiased opinion from someone who was there to know if the money was well spent.



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We attended all 3 days and the aircraft camping area we drive past was never close to being full, Saturday morning looked like more than previous day's but still plenty of room. I enjoyed the event overall, plenty of display aircraft on show compared to Narromine, I would like to see more involvement from kit suppliers with partial assembled kits on display, most of the vendors in main tent were mainly high-end avionics. But overall I enjoyed the event. Matt Halls display in the MSXR was amazing & gotta love the Warbird. Darling wife bought me a joyride in the Stearman, Awesome



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Yes I agree that the introduction of a parking fee was a surprise to me on arrival Thursday , but only had to pay on Friday and Saturday . It was a last minute demand by the council, claiming that the land was now being used for another purpose beyond its rural listing, it then needed a Development Application in place for its new use. Thus a Cost of $18,000 was demanded.. hence the parking fee was introduced. Lions Club and Mens shed members donated their help running it ..



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Yes I agree that the introduction of a parking fee was a surprise to me on arrival Thursday , but only had to pay on Friday and Saturday . It was a last minute demand by the council, claiming that the land was now being used for another purpose beyond its rural listing, it then needed a Development Application in place for its new use. Thus a Cost of $18,000 was demanded.. hence the parking fee was introduced. Lions Club and Mens shed members donated their help running it ..

I'm surprised they could actually do that so late in the organising of the event.


Isn't that type of rorting prevented by having prior contracts and agreements in place.....



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Unfortunately There's always someone willing to apply Red Tape to things these days .. that's all the information I gleemed from the Members Forums / Meet the Team on Thursday sorry.. I certainly enjoyed the Fly Inn regardless, and completed my BFR on Friday while there



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