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ASIC renewal

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Ah ok.......well within her rights to ask for the ASIC then! And to detain/restrain if you don't have one.


Still, I wouldn't be surprised to hear airport staff not in those groups ask to see it. Some of them can be a bit bolshie!



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I cant remember what I paid last time, but it was exactly 2 years ago and I thought it was about $60. I could be confusing that with my former Student Pilot Licence though. This time I used CASA's suggested online method and the cost was about $200.

It's been around the $200 mark for several years. I think RAAus do them a bit cheaper but I just get mine online from the mob down the south coast.





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Guest Andys@coffs
Why do you have to APPLY each time, nothing has changed, hopefully they still have all the details, if I'm a bad guy and I've been naughty am I going to tell them. Maybe they are just checking that I got my name right all those other times. Yes I may have changed address but send a printout and advise of any changes and attach cheque here.

Nope don't see it that way myself...agree with the process thing but please explain why I have to pay so that Joe public gets to feel more safe......If we were to translate to car as an example....would, for example, a nationwide drop of the speed limit so that we all feel safer.... mean that car drivers were asked to pay for the implementation and policing????


Its all about the perception that pilots have cash to burn........



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Last renewal refused by RAA because ID signed by a Cdec and not a JP. Too hard to explain the legal certification process so just went down to the pub and got an elderly JP (no official stamp or identifiction number) all good. It is a case of clerks just following the forms to the letter without knowing exactly what they are doing. Next year I will get JP with an unreadable signature again but it will go through!



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Last renewal refused by RAA because ID signed by a Cdec and not a JP. Too hard to explain the legal certification process so just went down to the pub and got an elderly JP (no official stamp or identifiction number) all good. It is a case of clerks just following the forms to the letter without knowing exactly what they are doing. Next year I will get JP with an unreadable signature again but it will go through!

Interesting Frank . Their own paperwork states either a JP or a Commissioner for taking declarations will do .... Bob



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Interesting Frank . Their own paperwork states either a JP or a Commissioner for taking declarations will do .... Bob

I have no answer to that Bob, but I will get a JP next year to save the problem unless I get confirmation that they will accept a Cdec certification - just to save having it returned. Last time I actually rang up and attempted to explain the difference but decided it was easier just to get a signature with JP after it, not worth the hassle.



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I have no answer to that Bob, but I will get a JP next year to save the problem unless I get confirmation that they will accept a Cdec certification - just to save having it returned. Last time I actually rang up and attempted to explain the difference but decided it was easier just to get a signature with JP after it, not worth the hassle.

I'll be up there next year and will sign it for you !...... Bob



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I just had a vision of a young female airport security guard wrestling me to the ground. Might not renew the ASIC.

In Sydney I noticed they appear to be mostly Moslem (funny I know). Pretty sure they are forbidden from touching males, might go straight to taser.



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Well not new arrivals, 2nd generation (have to speak good English) and not so well paid, it's just security but I agree indeed good to see them having work. The obvious concern is with the situation that happened at Sharm el-Sheikh of course, some allegiances always come first.



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Well not new arrivals, 2nd generation (have to speak good English) and not so well paid, it's just security but I agree indeed good to see them having work. The obvious concern is with the situation that happened at Sharm el-Sheikh of course, some allegiances always come first.

Bit of uninformed biased innuendo is always better than facts, aren't they.


Ahhh GG, will you get over your oh so obvious prejudices please? Your comments are just plain nasty. For an avowed Christian, you seem to have a lot of problems following the basic tenets of your religion.


One of the problems with Sharm el-Sheikh of course, was the use of the ADE-651 bomb detector, which unfortunately, is useless at detecting explosives....


Manufactured by those good ol' boy terrorists in the good ol' US of A. There are no batteries in the unit and it consists of a swivelling aerial mounted to a hinge on a hand-grip. The device contains nothing but the type of anti-theft tag used to prevent stealing in high street stores and critics have likened it to a glorified dowsing rod, and costs $40,000. As the company owner says, "the ADE 651 does exactly what it's designed to. It makes money." https://theintercept.com/2015/11/23/this-fake-bomb-detector-is-blamed-for-hundreds-of-deaths-its-still-in-use/


These guys pray to that God in the bank, the Almighty Dollar.



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Bit of uninformed biased innuendo is always better than facts, aren't they.

Indeed they are horsefeather - the problem at Sharm el-Sheikh had nothing to do with some bomb detector, nothing to do with the USA (or even George Bush / Tony Abbott poo be upon them as you might say) but was instead jihadi sympathetic ground crew or cleaner that planted the bomb.


So rather relevant to this thread about how the ASIC is a dud and an expensive joke.



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I don't know how you can say Sharm el-Sheikh had nothing to do with George Bush. The whole problem was caused by him and Blair and Howard.


If they hadn't invaded Iraq there would have been far less problems in our world now.



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Yep, Egyptian terrorists attacking Russia - has to be George Bush, Blair or Howard. Or global warming.


Think I'm starting to understand this sort of thinking - like a goldfish swimming around a little square aquarium, there are only four possible views. Unless you are belly-up, that would be a fifth.



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It was about 4 months ago. According to ERSA it is Security Controlled.


I was in Toowoomba today and asked the question Toowoomba hasn't been security controlled since about March this year (so I'm told). No ASIC required.





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Security in our little corner of Oz is about to become much simpler for passengers. As of Feb 2016, Virgin regional ceases to operate to both Albany and Esperance with it's geriatric F50s. It's to be replaced by Rex operating 34 pax Saab 340s. As they are under the 20 tonne mark - no pax screening required. Big smiles about that, although our local MP has voiced great concern that 'people are losing their jobs in this clearly state government inspired move!' Last month he was 'concerned that Albany needed larger and faster pure jets on the Perth run 'so it would attract more tourists' And before that - he was planning for international flights to service us! And prior to that, he was talking of only accepting 'a big jet with a red tail'! Talk about a reality check - MP's clearly operate in a parallel universe!


Now the dream is over. Sensibly, this City will have to accept frequency rather than size. Over a 200nm distance a jet is unlikely to cut the economics.


Now, the café will be accessible without having to go through full security. The unfortunate operator might actually have some business at last! Oh, the wisdom of airport planners, and the stupidity of local government planners and engineers!


But, the dreaded red ASIC is still required. All part of the smoke and mirrors policy to keep the masses feeling secure!


happy days,



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