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Registration Delays


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I sent my rego papers and photographs as requested three weeks before my rego expired. One day before expirey I had heard nothing, rang them, was informed there was at least another two weeks to wait as they had a person on leave. Guess what, today I get a letter stating my rego is overdue!!!!


How can it be so difficult? Are they that stupid? I filled in all the paperwork really slowly in case they weren't fast readers, what the hell else can I do?


I have every right to get on the phone and do my block, however, that would be like screaming at a sheep because it cannot play noughts and crosses.



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I sent my rego papers and photographs as requested three weeks before my rego expired. One day before expirey I had heard nothing, rang them, was informed there was at least another two weeks to wait as they had a person on leave. Guess what, today I get a letter stating my rego is overdue!!!!How can it be so difficult? Are they that stupid? I filled in all the paperwork really slowly in case they weren't fast readers, what the hell else can I do?

I have every right to get on the phone and do my block, however, that would be like screaming at a sheep because it cannot play noughts and crosses.

Hi I got the same letter. RAA advised it's electronicly generated, I did phone them when I got my overdue letter last Tuesday. I was only wanting to confirm that my renewal arrived. Mine was due 9th August. I sent it in a week late due to my reasons. I'm sure they are doing things a quickly as situations allow. People have been on holiday from what I hear and I support them taking the leave as they require it. I have to wait a bit but that's life. Cheers Mike.



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Anyone faxed there rego in, might be faster / slower than email or post ,i should have done all three but may have cost 3 times as much ,soon find out



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Anyone faxed there rego in, might be faster / slower than email or post ,i should have done all three but may have cost 3 times as much ,soon find out

You might have ended up with three year rego, now that would have saved some paperwork down the track.



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I sent my rego papers and photographs as requested three weeks before my rego expired. One day before expirey I had heard nothing, rang them, was informed there was at least another two weeks to wait as they had a person on leave. Guess what, today I get a letter stating my rego is overdue!!!!How can it be so difficult? Are they that stupid? I filled in all the paperwork really slowly in case they weren't fast readers, what the hell else can I do?

I have every right to get on the phone and do my block, however, that would be like screaming at a sheep because it cannot play noughts and crosses.

Very frustrating for you, Jab7252, and very thoughtful of you to fill in the forms slowly so that even Imbeciles could keep up.

I doubt that the people processing your rego designed the system. They have been putting in very long hours trying to get through the backlog (which they did not cause).


Eventually health issues have caused a couple to take time off work.


We all work better if we feel appreciated, not abused.



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Yes, I agree, but one must vent their spleen. I've been on the other side of the fence many times. I am however a little confused, is not this entire debacle a result of RAAus NOT doing their job properly in the first place or have I been mislead? I rang today and politely asked what's going on. I was told I might get my rego before the weekend. That would be nice.



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Yes, I agree, but one must vent their spleen. I've been on the other side of the fence many times. I am however a little confused, is not this entire debacle a result of RAAus NOT doing their job properly in the first place or have I been mislead? I rang today and politely asked what's going on. I was told I might get my rego before the weekend. That would be nice.

It was probably the imbeciles who did beat ups of caravan parks, beaches and boats, flew into wires, hit trees, ran out of fuel and generally drew attention to themselves, and were then found to have had no markings, substituted components hopeless paperwork, and specifications which were illegal.


They in turn put pressure on one or two employees of RAA, who, instead of grounding the aircraft until they became compliant, tried to be helpful by re-registering the aircraft.


Over many years, many hundreds of aircraft became non-compliant; you only have to read the threads on this site to see some of the attitudes which led to that.


CASA was forced to establish a procedure which, when completed, will ensure every single aircraft is identifiable, and conforms to legal specifications.


If the members had been less apathetic and made sure their board members actually stopped the imbeciles doing what they did, you would not have any delay; look on it as a bit of rough justice.



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Sending your info in triplicate by various means cannot do much but clog the system. It's not helpful to call hard working staffers Imbeciles.


If the system requires some label to be attached then that is the way the "AUTHORITY" wants it. That is how authorities behave. Cowboy pilots have brought some of this on us.


How the RAAus or anybody could be expected to control the whole of Australia beats me. Anyone could find an ultralight make or steal and fly it somewhere out there. Is FORD or GM responsible for a speeding car stolen that hits someone? Is a doting grandparent who gives an 18 year old a car, liable for her drink driving accident?


Decent careful pilots pay for the transgressions of a few. Do Ferris wheels have labels saying not to be left/operated near an aerodromes and have tracking devices placed on them so you know where they are?


The aim can be zero accidents but that is unrealistic. Most of us are here because of an 'accident' anyhow. Nev



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Why do RAAus still require the Rego Number under the wing???? CASA have dropped that requirement and I thought the rules were aligned?


Removing this requirement could save quite a few dollars to some one registering for the first time and / or after a recover / repaint.



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Why do RAAus still require the Rego Number under the wing???? CASA have dropped that requirement and I thought the rules were aligned?Removing this requirement could save quite a few dollars to some one registering for the first time and / or after a recover / repaint.

Beat the drum, I have a few months before my initial registration, there are a fair few rivets under those big wing numbers and every one is a bitch to put the vinyl over and get it looking half decent. I can't see any good reason to have them, you can't read them at 500' and we wouldn't be lower than that unless we are landing!



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Well last week I received both my cert and rego renewal one day apart and faxed them both back the next day ,today I've received my pilot cert ,I guess tomorrow ill get the rego renewal best part is the rego won't run out for 3 weeks I'm taking the arvo off to wait for the postman



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The reasons there was a registration debacle hitting the headlines back in November 2012 could indeed be found in poor management and governance in the past going back over perhaps a decade or more.


RA-Aus had a wake-up call 5 or 6 years ago when a Sting crashed with, tragically, two fatalities. The aircraft registration was dubious and an action for negligence was taken out naming RA-Aus and CASA as co-defendants. That should have been enough to stir a Board and the Management into real action. Then, in 2012, four audits from CASA were not addressed with the urgency CASA would like to have seen and finally CASA withdrew the right to register our aircraft.


However regrettable, virtually none of the above is relevant to the question of why we are still having issues with registrations 10 months later. And one Board member is actually suggesting it could be another 12 months before we get back to "normal".


Surely the problem is just a matter of logistics? Once you have an understanding of the size of the problem you can calculate what resources are needed to eliminate the backlog within an acceptable time frame - and apply the resources. I can't accept that 10 months is an acceptable time frame and the prospect of the issue running for a year and 10 months is way beyond my capacity to understand. Yes, the appropriate resources will cost money but it is money we have in cash reserves and there would be no reason to extract additional funds from members to redress the issue.


RA-Aus has just two core functions:


  • approve pilots to fly;
  • approve aircraft to be flown.



All under the umbrella of Safety.


How can it be OK to fail in one of these two core functions for over a year, once it has been pointedly brought to your attention?


While I believe that the Management is doing the best it can with the resources granted to it by the Board, I wonder what will it take to get the message to the Board that not enough is being done - soon enough?



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Some of the blame will rest with the aircraft owners. We currently have two aircraft out of registration awaiting information from us. There is nothing more the office can do.




Some of the blame can be attributed to the previous administration, which failed to insist on the information at registration, or when the rules changed, and some can rest with us for not keeping abreast of these changes and complying.




For some people it was a simple "send a photo", but for us it is far more complex - to find an inspector to sign off a Weight & Balance, supply plans and data set for an aircraft built 20+ years ago (and we can't remember where we put them) etc. The rag & tube hasn't flown for several years, so there may yet be a resigned "its all too much" and consign it to the shed roof to hang alongside the Scout & Turbulent half built.







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You might have ended up with three year rego, now that would have saved some paperwork down the track.

Not funny at all Don. Could be a real time saver for all concerned once the bumps get ironed out in the road ahead!



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Have you seen the "Charting Aircraft Registrations" graph on the RA-Aus web site? 064_contract.gif.1ea95a0dc120e40d40f07339d6933f90.gif




It shows that the decline in the number of RAAus aircraft registered has stopped and is now on the increase again. It also shows that the number of "Aircraft Deregistered" has doubled and is still on the increase.






Still a way to go it seems but hopefully on the right track - however it would be nice to see the process speeded up somewhat. work.gif.8d9e6d8ba9cdbd13b3ec052de09a1de4.gif




DWF 080_plane.gif.36548049f8f1bc4c332462aa4f981ffb.gif



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There isn't a category for "In Limbo" where our two aircraft are ... I guess they are now "cancelled" as it is about 3 months since they fell due.




Looks like registrations were growing by about 3% pa prior to November, had they continued it would have added 100 new aircraft by Sept 13 (3425). Adding up the figures for Oct 12 Vs July 13 there's 303 aircraft not mentioned (not taking into account the 3% growth). This might be the In Limbo pile.







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