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Coalition's Aviation policy


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There wasn't much definite in there - criticism of security measures at minor airport (ASIC, I assume), and promising a review...


Otherwise, mainly generalities.


Not much wrong with it, but not much that was very definite,





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6 million to invest. How far will that go?. Nothing here folks, move along.. Did I see GA or light aircraft mentioned? Nev

Yes you did, but you had to watch the innuendo as well particularly in terms of what CASA seem to be facing, and for that, the discussions on Pel Air, Hempel, the Senate Hearing etc, which we've seen very little of.

In the light of that, some of the one liners seem to infer things without saying them.


They have to win government first though, and a new Minister may take off in a different direction, whether he be Liberal/NP, or ALP



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It's peanuts. (The amount of money allocated) Nobody considers anything but airlines, and feeder services. The sale of airports goes on unabated . We used to have a minister for Civil Aviation. I shook D,G. Andersons hand when I got my private pilot's licence (with some others).. It's just not important anymore. Nev



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You cant trust any of them anyway. There is usually an agenda that works against you in some way.


Unless there is some political leverage for the individual MP involved, you are unlikely to get anything more than lip service.



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It's peanuts. (The amount of money allocated) Nobody considers anything but airlines, and feeder services. The sale of airports goes on unabated . We used to have a minister for Civil Aviation. I shook D,G. Andersons hand when I got my private pilot's licence (with some others).. It's just not important anymore. Nev

I agree with you; we need the Department of Civil Aviation back with a direct focus on aviation.


It would be interesting to compare the cost of administering aviation, and the numbers of people administering in those pre-computer, pre-electronic communication days when we had one of the safest aviation systems in the world, if not the safest, with today.


With DIT we are paying for administration and diluted focus in all forms of transport, particularly rail, shipping etc. along with the completely different subject of Infrastructure.


If you shook the current equivalent's hand today FH, I'd be surprised if he understood what you were talking about.



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A situation never to be repeated I would say Turbs. I didn't find the handshake that inspiring, but later I read of his achievements. Similar to finding that a bloke I was friends with and communicated on race car preparation for years was "Blackjack" Walker. Beauforts in the Coral Sea etc. They NEVER talked about it. He would come to the aero club and do a few circuits in his Auster, and put it away. No fuss no nuthin. Nev



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A situation never to be repeated I would say Turbs. I didn't find the handshake that inspiring, but later I read of his achievements. Similar to finding that a bloke I was friends with and communicated on race car preparation for years was "Blackjack" Walker. Beauforts in the Coral Sea etc. They NEVER talked about it. He would come to the aero club and do a few circuits in his Auster, and put it away. No fuss no nuthin. Nev

Now THERE was an amazing man who did amazing things and as you say we only saw the tip of the iceberg; I think there was a book, I'll look it up



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"The Coalition supports efforts to facilitate..."


WTF? the weasel words were coming thick and fast, but not saying much of any substance.


One thing I did see in there was something about an En Route Rebate scheme. This would fall under the definition of corporate welfare IMO.



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Without prejudice


A quote from the Policy Document: "This strategic direction will reinforce safety as CASA’s primary responsibility"


and that, my friends is where CASA is hampering the sustaining and development of aviation in the non-RPT sector that we inhabit.


It would be better if the policy direction was to "promote aviation as an essential component of National infrastructure." You know, like the FAA has been doing in the US since the 1930's.


(I would have liked to have seen Labor's policy statement on aviation to compare it)


Old Man Emu



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"The Coalition supports efforts to facilitate..."WTF? the weasel words were coming thick and fast, but not saying much of any substance.

Unless there's a specific highway to be built or something like that, that's the way policies are usually worded. History shows that no matter how sincere a Party was when the promised something before getting into government and seeing the actual books, they are torn to pieces by the Australian public even if they are a few months late or deviate slightly.




The liability implications far outweigh expanding non-RPT flying in Australia financially right now; We (and I'm including GA) brought that on ourselves with our safety standards. Fix that and the equation changes to the point where expanding it might be practical. They aren't looking at it from the same viewpoint we are.



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