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It's what year?


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I woke up this morning to read the news.


Clinton and Bush are running for the American Presidency, Jurassic Park is a bit hit and a new Terminator movie is being made ... 1993 I'm guessing?



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Not that far into the future mate............................


The mad monk says coal is great for humanity, science is for left wing commies, public school places should be means tested(by the states) and the rule of law is a left wing conspiracy.........sounds like 1953.



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Not that far into the future mate............................The mad monk says coal is great for humanity, science is for left wing commies, public school places should be means tested(by the states) and the rule of law is a left wing conspiracy.........sounds like 1953.

Spoken like a true one Eyed Labor supporter. Lol. I doubt that Bull Shitten will ever be PM. Actually I will be surprised if he can keep himself out if prison.



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I wonder if Labor had a knife sale on recently. I mean Dillard stabbing Krudd and vice versa and Shitten well , he is just keeping his head above water with his goings on when he was a union thug. And people wonder why people like me hate unions with a passion.



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The biggest problem they have is the knife was incorrectly used.


If you stab someone make sure they stay dead. And make sure sure those that wield the knife are suitably dealt with.


Instead they are promoted and the corpse is paraded on TV in the "Killing season".


They have a incredible ability to keep shooting themselves in the foot, face etc.



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Not that far into the future mate............................The mad monk says coal is great for humanity, science is for left wing commies, public school places should be means tested(by the states) and the rule of law is a left wing conspiracy.........sounds like 1953.

In 1953 my Mum and Dad moved into a 3 bedroom house, no TV, a wood fire, a fridge and single tub round washing machine with hand cranked ringer. Their car broke down each month, boiled up long hills, bad brakes, spun easily on wet roads, smashed a windscreen every now and then - but it had a radio. AM. They might have considered a holiday to Europe except for the expense and the 6 week boat trip.


Many people sit today in their air conditioned room on their computer on the internet speaking your mind freely in their 5 bedroom (main with ensuite) house, rumpus room, dining room, kitchen with huge stove and walkin cupboards if your not using the BBQ out on the patio next to the pool, listening to their stereo, huge fridge and freezer full of great fresh or packaged food, drink and sweets, fully automatic washing machine, massive TV with 380 channels and a car that does a 100mph uphill and down in total comfort and safety all day long for 10 years without faulting. And for your holiday just jump on a cheap flight and be in Europe tomorrow.


Yeah but those Governments and Corporations that gave you all this, well, they are just all bastards out to do you in aren't they.



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You forgot about having to pump the kero for the fridge very day. And you were lucky to have a radio in the car, we never had one, nor a heater. And dad had to keep the drivers window open on the coldest days so he could do the hand signals. And the city sky's were grey with pollution, chimneys everywhere. Rivers were far more polluted than today. I reckon we have come a long long way and should give thanks for it.



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Let me see. Pump water from the well, cook on a coal fire range or a paraffin stove, lighting via kero lamps, toilet was an large bucket that had to have it's contents buried approx every month. Where was it and in what year............Essex Plotlands, UK, in the 1950's



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Yep . We have more than we really need and think we are doing it tough. At the end if the day most of it is superfluous junk. I think we make about 12 tonnes each per year. Nev



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Of course you are doing it tough, all the pollies will tell you so. they want us to believe we are doing it tough and they will solve all the problems for us. Vote for me, in other words. As far as I can see we have never had it so good. As a retiree i am fully in agreement with the present governments idea of reducing the pension for those who have between 0.8 and 1.3 million dollars, not including the house value.


I wonder when the electorate will wake up to Abbot and am surprised that his lack of knowledge about bribes to peopl smugglers has hardly raised a ripple. Oh how I would like to bribe someone to smuggle him out of the country.



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Of course you are doing it tough, all the pollies will tell you so. they want us to believe we are doing it tough and they will solve all the problems for us. Vote for me, in other words. As far as I can see we have never had it so good. As a retiree i am fully in agreement with the present governments idea of reducing the pension for those who have between 0.8 and 1.3 million dollars, not including the house value.I wonder when the electorate will wake up to Abbot and am surprised that his lack of knowledge about bribes to peopl smugglers has hardly raised a ripple. Oh how I would like to bribe someone to smuggle him out of the country.

I'll do it. In a Jabiru. for free.



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Its cheaper to bribe the boat captains ten grand than to let them risk the sea voyage that could easily end in multiple drownings plus feeding them in camps cost a hell of a lot more. Pretty easy to understand why they use a policy of bribing.



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Its cheaper to bribe the boat captains ten grand than to let them risk the sea voyage that could easily end in multiple drownings plus feeding them in camps cost a hell of a lot more. Pretty easy to understand why they use a policy of bribing.

Yes but the bribing was done after they had already made it towards Australia, we then stopped them in international waters (piracy) then bribed them to turn around and go back to Indonesia.


How is that safe or legal- its neither.



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If it WAS piracy, we (them in power) should make the illegals walk the plank & swim the rest of the way. Just to make certain they really want to get here, and not just on a cruise.





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Yes but the bribing was done after they had already made it towards Australia, we then stopped them in international waters (piracy) then bribed them to turn around and go back to Indonesia.How is that safe or legal- its neither.

Really, piracy?

Piracy (Maritime Law) Definition:


Violence or depredation on the high seas or in the air, for private ends, using aircraft or vessels.


Depredation - the act or an instance of plundering; robbery; pillage





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They paid people smugglers to take humans in a certain direction. So they're supporting the very people they've described as "evil". Not to mention creating demand for more smugglers to keep bringing boatloads out to be paid off. Anyone got the number for the International Criminal Court?



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I don't know what else you could call it-


You are legally cruising in international waters with a group of passengers. You are not engaged in any act that is covered under UN mandates such as drug or arms transport nor sanction busting.


You are physically stopped by a heavily armed vessel with great force threatened upon your ship and its crew/passengers. Failure to comply with their demands will result in actual violence and potential lethal force. You are boarded by heavily armed men who take you capture and placed you in restraints. You are transferred to their ship and locked up. The vessel you were legally travelling in is taken away from you. All goods on board your vessel and the vessel itself are effectively stolen from you.


You, your crew and passengers are now loaded aboard a small vessel and sent away.


The fact the crew have been given a small amount of money is irrespective- you are been forced by gunpoint and gunship to do as they command irrespective of whether you accept some recompense, your fate is exactly the same. Failure to do as the command will again result in armed force.


Piracy consists of any of the following acts:


  • "Any illegal acts of violence or detention, or any act of depredation, committed for private ends by the crew or the passengers of a private ship or a private aircraft, and directed on the high seas, against another ship or aircraft, or against persons or property on board such ship or aircraft (or) against a ship, aircraft, persons or property in a place outside the jurisdiction of any state;
  • "Any act of voluntary participation in the operation of a ship or of an aircraft with knowledge of facts making it a pirateship or aircraft;
  • "Any act of inciting or of intentionally facilitating an act described (above)"






The definition as mentioned above is more complex than private ends. If the actions are illegal, it does not have to be a private vessel or for private means. As long as the crew are aware their actions are not legal- they have acted as a "Pirate Crew".


This also does not mention the multiple other offences such as depredation of liberty. kidnap etc. The crew of a military vessel or other unit can not use the defense of following orders if the actions taken are illegal under common law or the laws of war. The laws of war only exist in a declared war. If you know or should know your actions are illegal you are not covered by immunity and any actions you take are your private actions and thus punishable. Any person knowingly inciting others or facilitating them to commit such acts are also guilty of acts of Piracy. That would include the politician who orders it and any under their command who accept and carry out such acts.


So yes PIRACY.


If the test of private means or action is not held up, then it is a crime against humanity or war crime.


The fact some may not think they deserve the rule of law, means absolutely nothing. IF another country did it to you- you would be outraged.



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Or, you illegally leave a country without any passports or permits, probably not your own country, you are in your unseaworthy vessel heading for a country that doesn't want you. Some one comes along, puts you in a serviceable boat and sends you safely back to where you came from. Many lives possibly saved.



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Nothing Illegal about seeking asylum. We signed onto the International Convention for refugees. Through the United Nations- which was actually started by a Australian, Doc Evatt.


And one of the small boats they were forced onto, was not seaworthy. It broke down before reaching Indonesia's shore.


I was under the impression that they are getting paid off before they leave indonesian waters with the full backing of Indonesia.

No that was under the previous government, this government would prefer to use military force. And at the same time really anger our biggest neighbour.



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