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The Never Ending Story


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...fine judge of the actions of his (largely) lickspittle crew of dodgy contributers to this thread! Why, even Pixie the adventurous pax has taken to reading-up the posts in this thread to get the mail on who she may be sharing the cabin with claiming,"Fool me once...!" You know how it goes. Methusala has taken an (almost) fatherly interest in her welfare and is planning on reading past copies of the Wagga Wagga High end of year mag. Meanwhile the party is in its dying stages and the fruit is all but...



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Meanwhile the party is in its dying stages and the fruit is all but...

....fly blown. The occasional bottle clinks as a semi conscious NES member involuntarily kicks out at another member in his sleep, and the only noise is a plaintiff Locksey wailing "....will sonone pleeeeeese check my sphygmus"


Pixie was the only one awake................



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....fly blown. The occasional bottle clinks as a semi conscious NES member involuntarily kicks out at another member in his sleep, and the only noise is a plaintiff Locksey wailing "....will sonone pleeeeeese check my sphygmus"

Pixie was the only one awake................

......for her dastardly plan required more....well.....planning


Meth-boozelas beard :gerg: had grown more longer and wirier and was constantly blowing across her face as they tootled around the firmament in their rusted thruster 080_plane.gif.9d710ddbd073c38dc15beb9aed9f7a37.gif.


This scratched and irritated her milk like complexion and caused her sphygmus :Rabia: no end of problems


She had the 10 possum tails, now all she needed was the opportunity to cut off Meth-boozelas beard and replace it with the luxurious possum tails


The big question was when and what to use.........



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......She had the 10 possum tails, now all she needed was the opportunity to cut off Meth-boozelas beard and replace it with the luxurious possum tailsThe big question was when and what to use.........

"I can lend you a scalpel" said DrH, who had received his Doctorate in the New Years Honours List, and now thinks he is a Gyno.


"How about a bottle top or the broken kneck of an old meths bottle or that sharp bit of aluminiminium on the edge of the T-300's main spar" called the oozing Boozer.


"I can provide a heap of keys that I have cut but which didn't work." commented Goldy "I have hundreds of 'em, but they are sharp on the edges and it would help me if they can surely be useful for something. Then I can perhaps also trade as 'Ahknives'"


Tubby throught (so don't underestimate him) and said "How about a ............



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...she was dithering and found herself in such a tither after playing twister in the Thruster and then Delilah in the fantastically imagined warp world of Lord Byrons fragmented imagination that she just STOPPED!!!.... Waaaiiit a minute...and, like a vision, the true thrust of what Methusala stood for struck her like a chrystallised meth vision... Knights in white satin (a Moody Blues moment) she held her head in both hands, raised her eyes to the far distant horizon and momentarily....



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...she was dithering and found herself in such a tither after playing twister in the Thruster and then Delilah in the fantastically imagined warp world of Lord Byrons fragmented imagination that she just STOPPED!!!.... Waaaiiit a minute...and, like a vision, the true thrust of what Methusala stood for struck her like a chrystallised meth vision... Knights in white satin (a Moody Blues moment) she held her head in both hands, raised her eyes to the far distant horizon and momentarily....

........ allowed the sun to shine though her shear white satin dress (never reaching the end, letter I've written, never meaning to send ... for another Moody Blues f-back), turning so that all the boyz could see her good bits, and remembered back to when she still retained her virginity, and could curry-favour as the bell of the ball at the Curry-Doodle B&S.


"Those were the days" she mused "Before that terrible incident in the Volksplane 1 (the version before Methman got his latest one) when Meth was ...............



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........ allowed the sun to shine though her shear white satin dress (never reaching the end, letter I've written, never meaning to send ... for another Moody Blues f-back), turning so that all the boyz could see her good bits, and remembered back to when she still retained her virginity, and could curry-favour as the bell of the ball at the Curry-Doodle B&S.

"Those were the days" she mused "Before that terrible incident in the Volksplane 1 (the version before Methman got his latest one) when Meth was ...............

...... comfortably numb (Pink Floyd) through the judicious use of non-compus mentus instigators.


"Who are you (The Who)" she wailed.......



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...... comfortably numb (Pink Floyd) through the judicious use of non-compus mentus instigators."Who are you (The Who)" she wailed.......

"It's me Darlin' .......... your worst nighmare .........." said Keith Richards who was standing with Keith Moon, both looking their ages and leaning on their zimmer fames (which had been fabricated from a couple of unused rag & tube aircraft that they knocked off, during their last tour, from the holding yard, and the pole, near the Museum at Holbrook).


"Some wok-stars chuck tele's out of winda's, while me and Keiff plan for the future." said the other Keith.


"Now listen Pixie, stop hang'n awound wiff Meth or his bruva Phetamine, because me and Keiff want to do the same fing to you what we did numerous times and in all positions,to Marianne Faithful ................................................................................. we are going to write you a song ....................... called ...............



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"Now listen Pixie, stop hang'n awound wiff Meth or his bruva Phetamine, because me and Keiff want to do the same fing to you what we did numerous times and in all positions,to Marianne Faithful ................................................................................. we are going to write you a song ....................... called ...............

"Hold on, Im coming (Sam and Dave).....er,,, leaving on a jet airplane (Peter, Paul and Mary)


"I am the walrus KooKooKaChoo" chimed in the demented rat wiff the gold toof


And I will take you.......



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...down - cos I'm going to...Natfly '11. The Easter ball was in full flight and the board of RAA held the assembly of ageing pilots spell bound while explaining in scintillating detail of the many concessions that they had wrung from CASA and her partner, The Federal Transport Dept led by that legendary and charismatic old rocker, Anthony Albanese. All was going swimmingly when Pixie staged her dramatic entrance. "I'll be....



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...down - cos I'm going to...Natfly '11. The Easter ball was in full flight and the board of RAA held the assembly of ageing pilots spell bound while explaining in scintillating detail of the many concessions that they had wrung from CASA and her partner, The Federal Transport Dept led by that legendary and charismatic old rocker, Anthony Albanese. All was going swimmingly when Pixie staged her dramatic entrance. "I'll be....

.... damned if it isn't Tickler Tony, and she launched into the jingle about "Which twin shall have the Tony (if you give us the CTA endorsement and the weight increase to 700 kgs)" to the tune of Dirty Old Towne by the Pogues.


"But you aren't a twin?" replied DrH (who was also the inventor of Preparation H, and had bought a T-400 Thrusty [fitted with a 914, so it goes like stink] with the proceeds).


"He won't know that" replied Pixie "I'll just tell him to close those peepers [Jeepers Creepers where did you get those .... by Shirley Temple] while I chuck my possum skin thonge from the floor into the Volksplane 2, and for the 2nd time around I will put on my ..........................



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...Red Dress with which I once enticed the Police into the tender trap that this time I have set for the one they call - "The one toothed Rat". While this was taking place, someone under cover of The Prince ov Darkness("iss yu...innit? I can smell a rat at 10 paces and I'm not talkin abart that pratt sir Mick....") In the background the piano player was working himself into a very English sort of frenzy because some Knights were much more respecfull than them overs. Pixie, all smiles and cum hither looks, stealthily maneuvred herself into....



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...Red Dress with which I once enticed the Police into the tender trap that this time I have set for the one they call - "The one toothed Rat". While this was taking place, someone under cover of The Prince ov Darkness("iss yu...innit? I can smell a rat at 10 paces and I'm not talkin abart that pratt sir Mick....") In the background the piano player was working himself into a very English sort of frenzy because some Knights were much more respecfull than them overs. Pixie, all smiles and cum hither looks, stealthily maneuvred herself into....

...the Magic Bus (the Who), whereupon all manner of feathery fingolds tickload her, much to the delight of the assembled furry creatures who, on seeing her predicilode, said "wherefore art thou Man, wherefore art thou".......



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".... damned if it isn't Tickler Tony, and she launched into the jingle about "Which twin shall have the Tony (if you give us the CTA endorsement and the weight increase to 700 kgs)" to the tune of Dirty Old Towne by the Pogues."



Dammit mr Rattus Rattus, I can't fit these words to that tune. Meth inks me smell arat!



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Dammit mr Rattus Rattus, I can't fit these words to that tune. Meth inks me smell arat!


Anyway, we have to consider the festive season Mr Rattus, so i'll stick with "While the Thrusters are a thrusting, like the partridge in a pear tree" and they'll have to come and go with that, till I can dicktate something better.


"That sounds good to me" replied the ever acommodating Pixie with a wry grin. Then we can jump to the left, and jump to the right, in the true party spirit, before finishing the evening with 'That Olde Lanes Mine".



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Anyway, we have to consider the festive season Mr Rattus, so i'll stick with "While the Thrusters are a thrusting, like the partridge in a pear tree" and they'll have to come and go with that, till I can dicktate something better.

"That sounds good to me" replied the ever acommodating Pixie with a wry grin. Then we can jump to the left, and jump to the right, in the true party spirit, before finishing the evening with 'That Olde Lanes Mine".



And there, dear reader, is the root of the problem.




Planey still thinks we are in the festive season (and I bet he hasn't yet put his Chrissy Tree away) ....... however we all know that it is back to work we go (Hi Ho) and we are out of the festive season and into the countdown to Natfly (which is still a crappy name, but a suitable aviation term to keep this post on track).




And the Olde Lane isn't his either, as that is where Ahlocks has been since about post #3000, stuck out at Ladysmith still trying to open that gate for the cocky.




The gold toothed one now also has a better understanding of Methuselah, being a large wine bottle with capacity 6 to 8 times normal .......... and that is obviously what he has been telling Pixie about his prowess in the cot. However what Pixie now realises is that this means that he just sleeps 6 or 8 times longer that others.




El Ratsack is also noting Tomo's silence, and given the floods up that way, the Rat is therefore feigning concern for the lad (and his Mum).




After all, Who'll make the Gravy (Paul Kelly) when DrH attends his graduation to the ................



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It has been noted that the "Rat's" avatar has changed


Although this is seen as a cunning stunt by "The Rat" to improve his public image, it must be pointed out that there is a glaring omission in the new avatar


There is no gold toof............


How can you be flashasaratwiffagoldtoof without one????


Is it an imposter?


Has "The Rat" been hacked?


The thot plickens......



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It has been noted that the "Rat's" avatar has changedAlthough this is seen as a cunning stunt by "The Rat" to improve his public image, it must be pointed out that there is a glaring omission in the new avatar


There is no gold toof............


How can you be flashasaratwiffagoldtoof without one????


Is it an imposter?


Has "The Rat" been hacked?


The thot plickens......

"Fair go, Bryon" responded Le Ratte with indignation, indigestion, indecision (aviation term), indebtedness (another aviation term), indecentcy (a Curry-Doodle term) & indefatigableness "That 2nd last tooth is a "little" golden, however things are tough in the bush (this is not Dandenong, you know) and I could only afford 5 carrot gold made from the electrical connectors that I knocked off from Ahlock's electronics in the SStar .......... so don't tell him ..... and that was recyled Czech gold that originated in ................



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......Danzig where, at the time of the Reformation Martin Luther had the bisho***** (paedophile term) rings cut from sky pilots' (another aviation reference) hands, navels and other disgusting anatomical parts ( including the odd sphygmus) and melted down to form Czech gold thread that was purloined by a mysterious escapee from the Piper's antics in nearby Hamelin Towne and fashioned into the enticing embellishment that Rattus Rattus refers to as a "Toothe". "OMG!"...crieth Brinylon "What the....."



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......Danzig where, at the time of the Reformation Martin Luther had the bisho***** (paedophile term) rings cut from sky pilots' (another aviation reference) hands, navels and other disgusting anatomical parts ( including the odd sphygmus) and melted down to form Czech gold thread that was purloined by a mysterious escapee from the Piper's antics in nearby Hamelin Towne and fashioned into the enticing embellishment that Rattus Rattus refers to as a "Toothe". "OMG!"...crieth Brinylon "What the....."

..... except he didn't "crieth", as evidenced by the "OMG", Brinylon doeth texteth.


"OMG" texteth Brinylon.


"LOL" respondeth Nanna and Pixie in an electronic manage eu deux.


"FU" texteth El Ratsack.


"URAC" was the comeback(th) from Tubby.


"No he's not" answered Ahlocks, who was having trouble unlocking his Nokia.


"Does anyone want to be examined?" texteth DrH, who always got straight to the point


But Martin Luther floored them all by textething "........................



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....."This is some kind of rip off!" Reflecting the nurse who keeps the cards that read, "have mercy on their souls!" *-*-*-* This world is exploding in brilliant spirals of sparks and huge shooting illuminations that resembleth possum tails tracking south in the general direction of Mascot and Smithy's venerated hunting ground. "You fool!", shreiketh Pixie with that distracted, maniacal leer, "You've just lit the blue touchpaper that belongs to the Puppet Premier, Hillarius Clintonburger". JUST IN TIME...who should appear to untangle this holy, holy mess than The Kid From Curried Hooley, that's right! Meth....011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif



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..... except he didn't "crieth", as evidenced by the "OMG", Brinylon doeth texteth.

"OMG" texteth Brinylon.


"LOL" respondeth Nanna and Pixie in an electronic manage eu deux.


"FU" texteth El Ratsack.


"URAC" was the comeback(th) from Tubby.


"No he's not" answered Ahlocks, who was having trouble unlocking his Nokia.


"Does anyone want to be examined?" texteth DrH, who always got straight to the point


But Martin Luther floored them all by textething "........................


.....:batman:Thou shalt not be racial, even if he is a Rat showing off his wealth with a GOLD tooth":DirtDOG:


but Ratsodoubleywealthy scurried off mumbling how it was really only an investment for his retirement!059_whistling.gif.2dabfb95cf260b127f1075aee60bf487.gif


"Like all those locks I made for all the wealthy Wagga x 2 mobs" said AHso_nearlywealthylocks.."


Once those oldies kick off I'm the only one who can open up the safes, Ha Ha te heeee" he chuckled & chortled as he ran away to hide behind his growing pile of rivets..037_yikes.gif.2082ee4b157a18e5ec01fc250b51372e.gif



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.....:batman:Thou shalt not be racial, even if he is a Rat showing off his wealth with a GOLD tooth":DirtDOG:but Ratsodoubleywealthy scurried off mumbling how it was really only an investment for his retirement!059_whistling.gif.2dabfb95cf260b127f1075aee60bf487.gif


"Like all those locks I made for all the wealthy Wagga x 2 mobs" said AHso_nearlywealthylocks.."


Once those oldies kick off I'm the only one who can open up the safes, Ha Ha te heeee" he chuckled & chortled as he ran away to hide behind his growing pile of rivets..037_yikes.gif.2082ee4b157a18e5ec01fc250b51372e.gif

..... yikes ..... Ahlow has piles ..... now that IS news, however anyone who saw him waddling around Temora last Natfy will reflect with a wry smile and a chuckle.


"Can someone go and buy me some sunblock for them (my stack of rivets that is)" he asked.


"And while you are there, will you buy me 250 packets of Sudafed" asked Meth.


"Hang on there" said Sonny Bargin via his electronic voice box "That's our game, and while me and the boyz are part of the NES on our Highly Dangerous's, we are going to have a cuddle with Nan and Pix the Pax"


"Ssstand and deliver, Sssonny" said Ned Planner (thru his plastic bucket with eye holes cut out) with his sidekicks MadH Morgan, Captain AhNight & his brothers Bryon & Planey Kelly "For we are mad bad busssshhhhranger typessss (said in a gay kind of way ... not that there is anything wrong with that ... and I hasten to add that Tubb is as straight as The Black Spur & wass jusst taking the p*ssssss) you are a cute little Angel, and we are gunna ............................



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...kill the women and rape the m.." ..NedPlanner stopped mid word wtf.gif.1b0c5add9c9f09514014392e4c46d328.gif, distracted by Ahnight fidgeting behind him. :DirtDOG:


"What!? :hide:recoiled ahnight sensing NedPlanner's glare 068_angry.gif.e6e3bad802304927655e1c48b61088cd.gif from under the bucket. "I was reading Ratsack's texteth messages (007_rofl.gif.58d9bf00d5ae63581bfb97e7e2434bca.gif) and PML ......well, it's starting to chafe." :ne_nau:


"Here, try this!" 030_dizzy.gif.e1d4f6909e07e95d7991b9fd0d8a2517.gif consoled Meth as he offered a sample from his latest batch....



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