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Everything posted by Blueadventures

  1. Is there a gliding club nearby, if so ask who does their maintenance work. They may assist.
  2. Good info. Not being familiar with Jabs I'll await experienced comment. I have read that Jab 3300 Reg output is 14V + - (0.4V) so 13.2 to 14.8V. Haven't seen any alternator output ac voltage info. Hope this sheds light on your issue. Also a ground run-in sheet for your engine needs to show AC volts at 2800rpm so this data and specs should be out there.
  3. Maybe a plate, container / lid or thin cutting board. Anything that is flat from an automotive parts store or big W etc. Even lay up some mat and epoxy in a couple of layers and use hole saw to fabricate the washers.
  4. Easy enough to make with a hole saw. Maybe even a Wad Punch set. Try hole saw first out on 1mm nylon sheet. Cheers.
  5. Yeah mate, No. Just shows my poor IT skills. I tried all I knew even copied and inverted the image and it still displayed upside down. If a moderator can invert I'll be happy.
  6. Had a great fly this morning for WUFI day with Sandy. Perfect spring weather.
  7. Had a great fly this morning for WUFI day with Sandy. Perfect spring weather.
  8. I have a brand new valve, it was with the kit. Don't like the fact could / will develop a leak so never fitted it. It's in my parts box; would not bother fitting one myself. Better in my opinion to use two spanners and new crush washer. Not much time saving really at end of day. I respect other's opinion on the matter though.
  9. You can go to the Maps (above the bottom band, left side look above there are three icons; tap the right one) That will open the Maps list; tap VFR box top right, then individually select what you want eg VTC etc. I just download Hybrid VFR from the earlier screen. Learn to use it as it is great for VFR. don't give up. Cheers.
  10. Maybe disconnect that while you are trouble shooting; if fused just pull that fuse.
  11. Any 5volt usb outlets in use? If so post images of where they are.
  12. Maybe post some images of under the dash and engine compartment, showing the wiring and the items there.
  13. Have you worked through this section of the Jabiru manual 'Radio Frequency (RF) Noise Reduction'?
  14. Have you read their manual about radio interference? They mention about the need to have all wires through firewall as shielded wire.
  15. Long shot here; are your ignition ground wires shieled and the shield grounded at only one end?
  16. I have a iPad mini (5th generation) and it is great. The current model is 6th generation. A friend is buying a second hand 5th generation for $400 and that seems to be the normal price of refurbished items from computer repairers. Hope this helps.
  17. Best to get an apple product. Better information. Some good priced refurbished mini ipad5's available.
  18. A compass is something you can rely on; so need to take the time and do the full required swing, then you know its deviation due to the aircraft.
  19. Also have to consider owner built and access to controlled airspace as SAAA owner built can be flown into controlled airspace so why shouldn't RAA 19 reg be allowed Therefore when medical standard altered some will assess gaining SAAA membership and maintenance quals for their aircraft then be able to fly controlled air space.
  20. No lube, however can condition the o rings, especially if re using any. I know you have a kit.
  21. Nice, Another Tip, do you know about removing the butterfly screws, you will be best to make a tool to allow peening the new screws (a two person job is best. With my tool I can with care do them myself). Check fully also the butterflies are in correct best to mark a reference with a marker pen. They don't fit both ways as have a camphor on there edge (Tripple check or don't peen screws until fully checked.)
  22. Maybe post engine number so build date can be confirmed. I have let a person I know about it and he would need to know if it's a 2006 or later version engine. Engine number will allow knowing for sure.
  23. I would expect that wiring in a capacitor 22,000 size would not damage anything and at worst would be a waste of about $20 and at best may improve the situation??? RF, your reply comment is appreciated, thanks mate.
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